Almighty Student

Vol 9 Chapter 11439: Corpse blow


Now the fire demon is finally angry.

Seeing Huo Demon like this, Ming Huo Huo finally showed a smile: "I'm not dead, can't you show your true strength?"

"No, I don't want you to die, you haven't seen me avenge your husband!!" Huo Demon said hurriedly.

"I promised you that I will marry you. Although I can't do it alive, I can do it after death!!" The open flame pushed away the Huo Demon's body, and then rushed towards the summer.

She is looking for death.

She just wanted to use her death to ignite the fire demon's anger.

Let the fire demon completely release the power hidden in his body.

Destroy the fairy! !

Summer is not polite. This open flame wants to die by himself. If such a person does not die, he will never have peace.


His finger tapped through the body of the open flame.

"Avenge me!!!" the open flame shouted loudly.


Her body turned into a plume of air and dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

what! what!


The fire demon began to roar frantically.

At this moment, his anger was completely uncontrollable. In his body, a strong fire element light began to burst out, and his body also began to shatter, as if torn to pieces abruptly: "Summer, I want to finish. Your own commitment to Huohuo, with this blow, you must die!!"

"Back, everyone back, this is a corpse!!!" Demon Zun hurriedly called.

"What's the situation? A lot of power!!!" Ye Gui asked puzzledly.

"Is this a taboo technique in the legend of the Demon Race?" asked Yi Ren Zun.

"Yes, this is the first genius of the demon clan that year. The ability developed by the corpse demon, the corpse, can instantly decompose a person's body into the purest and most terrifying power to attack, although it only has one blow, but this A single blow can definitely destroy the sky and the earth, even if Haotian is hit by this blow, he will lose half his life!!!" The devil did not expect that the fire demon actually practiced this trick.

He finally understood why the fire demon dared to come here to seek revenge in Xia.

It turns out that he would do this trick.

"Summer is dead this time." Demon Lord said with emotion.

"Is it really that strong?" Ye Gui asked.

"The fire demon is very strong. He should have stored endless power for this trick. For so many years, he has been practicing for this trick, so the power of his trick will be our all-out effort. The attack power from the blow is more than ten times, even twenty times, thirty times, this is already the power of a piece of heaven and earth, what do you think of the power!!!" Demon Venerable explained.

"I heard that the most terrifying thing in this trick is that the target that is hit will be cursed by the corpse demon. Even if the body is only slightly injured, it will be infected by the power of the corpse, and the body will begin to shatter. , So apart from the power of the spirit, this trick is almost insoluble!!" The Venerable Foreigner had obviously heard of the corpse trick.

"Yes, there is no way to crack the power of this trick except the power of the spirit, so even if Haotian is hit, he will be seriously injured, and it will even take hundreds of thousands of years to recuperate!!" Said.

"In this way, we should have nothing to do with us!!" Ye Gui also waited for the show.


This blow has been brewed successfully.

This batch of the power of heaven and earth is about to hit summer.

"Damn it, it's obviously my prey!!!" Ancient Fire Phoenix said very dissatisfied, but he didn't dare to step forward.

The power of such a blow is too terrifying.

He also worried that he would be affected.

"I felt before that he didn't seem to be simple, but now it seems that my feeling is right. He did come with a killer move. Such a blow can't even be carried by Moon Clone!" Summer With emotion.

Before, he felt that the fire demon's attack was not easy, so he was thinking that he could consume the fire demon first. In this case, the state of the fire demon would not be in the best state, and he could find flaws in his attack. .

But what I think is too simple.

This is not an attack that can be resolved by consumption.


He is still standing there.

Without the slightest fear.


He has Promise.

Absolute defense.

"Summer, it's time to say goodbye, today is your death date, no matter what means you have, you can't withstand this blow!!" Demon Venerable said very confidently.

This is the attack of the demons.

He is the king of the demons, the devil.

I am also proud of such a blow.

"Do you think this will kill me?" Summer asked.

"Summer, you don’t have to pretend, I know your mind. You want to lie to us to make up the knife, and then use special means to let us help you take this blow together. We are not stupid. Leave it to yourself!" Ye Gui is clever, thinking that he has seen through summer's mind.

"Really?" Xia Xia smiled slightly, without the slightest tension.

"I hope your ability can match your bravado." Yirenzun said with disdain.

Although summer is very talented and strong, they have seen many such people over the years, but only those who can really live to the end can have the last laugh.

It's just a pity.

Summer is destroyed by this one, and it will be gone.

The secret of that summer will disappear completely.

"Die!!!" The fire demon's blow had already fallen.

Endless power descends vastly.

Smashed into the summer.


In this way, the power of a piece of heaven and earth smashed in front of Xia.

This is the power that has carried the fire demon for millions of years, and can only be released once in his life.

[Promise, defense! ! 】


Just when everyone thought that Xia Tian was dead this time, they saw that Xia Tai just raised his hand to completely block the blow.

"What?" Everyone on the scene was stupid.

Such a terrifying blow.

It was actually blocked like this.

"Fortunately, my Promise has not been used yet. If I have already fought with other masters, then this blow is really unimaginable." Xia Tian was also deeply shocked by such a blow.


He still blocked it.

The power dissipated.

The fire demon's body appeared again.


The fire demon now seems to be an old man at dusk, and may die at any time.

"How could this be?" Huo Demon kept shaking his head.

"Your strength has gained my respect, I won't kill you, let's go!!" Xia Tian also saw that the vitality of the fire demon had reached its limit, even if he didn't kill him, he wouldn't be able to live long.

"Can't kill you, I have any face to live, I'm sorry Huo Huo!!" Huo Demon completely collapsed at this moment.

He was determined to die.


In the end, he still failed.

Xia Xia ignored him, but looked at the other people: "Next, it's your turn for the four wastes."

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