Almighty Student

Vol 9 Chapter 11463: All things live

Summer's stunned: "Why is this?"

"This is his choice!!" Xian Xuanwu said with emotion.

"If I don't practice Yang Tian Jing, he won't die!!" Xia Xia clenched his fists.

"No, he knows that he won't live long, and as the saying goes, one tree falls and all things are born. He did this to give the twelve spirits a chance to survive, and didn't you find that in that piece of your world? , Is there a small sapling? Maybe one billion years, ten billion years later, a new sky tree will appear!!!" Xian Xuanwu reminded.

He also understands the entanglement in summer's heart.

After spending so long with Xia Xia, what Xia most dislikes is that others have suffered because of him.

"The master made the greatest sacrifice for the twelve of us, but it is still unknown whether we can cultivate into a demon." Yang never thought that one day he could continue to practice.

There is still a chance to survive.

"There is hope if you live!!!" Summer glanced at the small saplings inside the Vientiane.

The current Sanluo Vientiane has become a higher level than before.

The previous Sun Luo Wanxiang: the power of immortality: 1 million points, the aura: 10 million points, the power of the law: 10,000 points, the innate power: 10,000 points, the power of spirit: 1 point.

The current Sun Luo Wanxiang: the power of immortality: 5 million points, aura: 50 million points, the power of law: 50,000 points, the power of innate: 50,000 points, the power of spirit: 10 points.

It can be said.

The overall change of Senluo Vientiane is more than five times more than before.

And the most valuable thing is spiritual power.

There are ten o'clock.

In other words.

From now on, in Senluo Vientiane, you can also cultivate the spirit.

It's just that the spiritual power is still too little.

"I have already notified the other eleven spirits. As for how they choose, it's up to them." Yang Ke will not disappoint his master's kindness.

Since his master has done it.

Then he must cherish the opportunity his master gave him.

"Although this is an opportunity, it is also not a good thing!!" Summer looked at Yang.

"Why?" Yang asked puzzlingly.

"Because there are still more than two years left, I will kill the Celestial Clan, and if I die by that time, the Sun Luo Wanxiang will no longer exist, then you will also not exist. No matter how hard you work, it will be wasted. ." Xia Xia must kill the Celestial Clan. No one can stop this matter.

and so.

Even if the twelve of them paid a great price to cultivate, once Summer died, everything would be over.

Without the support of the Sun Luo Wanxiang and the protection of the power of the sky tree, they would also die.

"Then survive!!" Yang said.

"It's not that easy. Anyone who knows the strength of the Celestial Clan will say to me, I will definitely lose!!" Summer is not the kind of person who doesn't know himself, he also knows that his path is not so good. Go.

I know what I will face next.

If you are a little careless.

May face death.

"As long as the strength is strong enough, then nothing will definitely lose." Yang said.


Xia Xia nodded. For such a long time, he has been working hard to cultivate. From a person who just stepped into the Divine State, even less than 10,000 points of law, rushed to the present step by step.

Now even facing Haotian, he still has the power to fight.

It can be seen from this point.

How hard he has worked.

"Actually, as long as you don't die and give you enough time, your future achievements must surpass mine. Unfortunately, the time you want is too short!!" Yang said with emotion.

"Yeah, I don't have enough time!!" Summer said.

"Is the Ice Throne still there?" Yang asked.

"Yes, I was sealed in the Heavenly Cold Sword." Xia Xia waved his right hand and the Tianhan Sword appeared in his hand.


Yang held his right hand on the Heavenly Cold Sword: "You have a clone of the sun!!"

"Yes!!" Summer summoned the avatar of Sun.

"In the Frozen Throne, there is the power of the future, but this power is very large, so it has always been in a sealed state. Next, I will teach you how to unlock the seal. Then, your Heavenly Cold Sword will Earth-shaking changes will occur, and at the same time the strength of your day clone will greatly increase, but it is impossible to completely digest the power of the Ice Throne, so you can only wait for the clone to grow, and then slowly digest this power." Yang explained.

Summer understands.

This is equivalent to empowerment.

Using the strength and weapons of a lifetime to instill one's own clone and Heavenly Cold Sword, although you can't get less than 100% of the power, you can slowly digest it and you can get at least 60%, or even more.


Yang told Summer about the method of unblocking.

After the summer unlocks the power of the Ice Throne.

The entire Tianhan Sword shook Hanmang.

Tianhanjian also officially started to advance.

The promotion this time is a kind of fusion, the fusion of the power of the Ice Throne and the Heavenly Frost Sword.


The avatar of the day holding the Heavenly Cold Sword also began to advance.

This process is fast.

At last.

It didn't stop until the realm of Sun Clone broke through to Venerable Baixing.

A cold light flashed above the Heavenly Cold Sword.

"The Heavenly Frost Sword is already the level of the ancient gods. This is the limit of the Heavenly Frost Sword. Although the Frost Throne's fusion level should be higher, unless you have a way to re-harden the Sky Frost Sword, otherwise the Heavenly Frost Sword's level It won't be promoted anymore. As for the Sun clone, it is temporarily at its limit. Unless one day, your body can comprehend the power of the spirit, otherwise the power will continue to be sealed!" Yang explained.

"I really don't know how to thank you." Xia Xia said.

"Shenzhou’s weapon levels: low-level immortal weapons, medium-level immortal weapons, high-level immortal weapons, famous weapons, pseudo-ancient magic weapons, ancient magic weapons, and ancestral weapons; there are currently three ancestral weapons known to Shenzhou: the first one is in In the hands of Queen Mother West; the second piece is the Void Throne; the third piece is the Ruthless Sword." Silent reminded.

"Your strength has improved, and I have a greater chance of surviving, so there is no need to say thank you, let's go, I still have my own gift to give you!!" Yang took the lead and walked inside.

His gift must be more precious.

The three laws of the sun, moon and stars.

The Law of the Moon already has a certain ability.

He also helped unblock the power of the law of the sun.

What about the law of stars that belongs to Yang himself?

This is his gift to summer, his greatest gift.

"What gift?" Summer asked hurriedly.

"When you get there, you will know!!" Yang looked into the distance, as if thinking of something: "I used to think that'one spirit, three sages, five stars, absolute eyes' are ten people. I didn't understand until you appeared. "

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