Almighty Student

Vol 9 Chapter 11491: Missing

It's time to settle the account.

Xia Xia will never talk nonsense with these guys this time, his goal is very clear, he just wants to clean up these people.

Kunming Dongzhu is of course the first one.

He came to trouble himself at the beginning, and there will be so many things later.

But the recent war.

The number of Realm King Pills in Summer has increased a lot, these are all good things.

And there are a lot of trophies, almost all of these things were thrown into Sanluo Vientiane by him.

In addition to the inheritance and treasures left by the other eleven spirits, as well as the treasures given to him by the fairy beast king, the treasures in the Tongtian Sea and so on.

The good things in Sanluo Vientiane are really countless.

It depends on who is destined.

"The Kunming cave master would never have imagined that you will turn over one day, and the speed of turning over will be so fast." Wuyin said with emotion.

The Kunming cave master is in Shenzhou.

He can definitely be regarded as one of the top masters. If he hadn't been out of greed, he wouldn't be where he is today.

This can be regarded as self-inflicted.

Xia Xia killed his sister, his brother-in-law, and the fire demon. It can be said that the two of them are really not shared enemies.

Came to Kunming Cave again.

Summer is also full of emotions.

When he came here for the first time that year, he was still cautious, not daring to approach, for fear of offending the Kunming Dongzhu, but in the end, he fought with Kunming, and he was still endlessly dying.

"The situation is wrong!!" Hong Feng said.

"What's the matter?" Summer asked.

"Normally, he will either flee, or set up the best defense or attack nearby. When you come over, he must know that you will come, but now there is nothing here, and there seems to be traces of fighting! !" Hong Feng said.


Summer also found that something was wrong, and rushed in for the first time.


The situation inside is even more serious.

"Originally, there should be a huge poison array here, and it looks like a very dangerous one, but in the end it should be destroyed because of something, so it became like this." Hongfeng reminded. .

Was destroyed.

In other words.

Someone came here first in the summer and shot the Kunming cave master.

But has the Kunming cave master offended other masters?

What kind of master can break this place into this?

"Look for it, are there any clues?" Xia Xia suggested.

"Shen Luo Wanxiang senses that there is a treasure in the front left!!" Hong Feng said.

Summer also walked directly over, and soon he found a treasure trove.

"This treasure house should be the treasures accumulated by the Kunming cave master over the years. He has been famous for so many years. It is not unusual to have these treasures, but what makes me feel puzzled is that the location of this treasure house is not hidden. No, unless he doesn't care about the treasure trove here at all!!" Summer also found the problem.

In other words.

The other party is directed at the Kunming cave master.

"Look, there is a life jade medal in front, this should belong to the Kunming cave master, that is to say, he is not dead yet!!" Hong Feng said.

"I was caught and not dead!!" Xia Xia frowned, what was going on.

"Will it be related to the disappearance of the master mentioned by Senior Demon Lingzun?" Hong Feng asked.

"By the way, Xi Batian hasn't replied yet?" Xia Xia suddenly remembered Xi Batian. If all those people had an accident, then would Xi Batian also have an accident.

"No, there isn't any news!!" Hong Feng said.

"It seems that something serious has really happened in Shenzhou, otherwise the demon Lingzun will not let Haotian investigate!!" Xia Xia looked around here again, without any clues, and finally took the treasure house of the Kunming cave master. It was evacuated.

After leaving.

He went to the land of Esanxian.

It is very similar to the site of the Kunming Cave Master, it has also been destroyed, and Du'e Sanxian is no longer there, but this time, Du'e Sanxian has a lot of storage equipment placed in the hall, which is neat and tidy. It was left there, but it was still not lost.

"These treasures should have been prepared by Duer Sanxian for you. He knew that you would definitely come, so he planned to use this method to apologize, but it should have been suddenly attacked soon after he was prepared." Hongfeng analyzed. .

Another one was attacked.

"It seems that something really happened. These are the top masters in China, but they were all taken away, not killed. This is a big problem, since they have the ability to take away. These masters, then why don't they kill?" Xia Tian is also very puzzled now.

"Let's go look at the Black King Sanxian again, if he is also arrested, I am afraid that something really happened in China!!" Hong Feng reminded.


Summer uses the power of the source to teleport again.

When I came to the site of the Black King Sanxian, I saw only a mess. There should have been a big battle here, which was more serious than the battle between the first two people. His turf should have been completely shattered.

"It should have happened." Summer is almost certain now.

It was the same group who attacked these masters.

He originally wanted to deal with these people by himself, but now, they have all been taken away.

"It's fortunate for others to say that it would be very troublesome if the Kunming Cave Master didn't kill it!!" Hong Feng said with emotion.

After all, Kunming Dongzhu is a master, and he uses poison. He can't be Xia's opponent, but in the future, it will be very troublesome for him to use Xia's friends or people around him.

"Who are the people who do it, but since they want to be masters of the entire Shenzhou, they should also do it to me, I will wait and see if they have any intention of doing it to me!!!" Summer I also want to sit back and wait.

Of course.

He is not waiting at one point.

He has other goals.

"East Batian, South Batian, North Batian!!"

They have all helped the Celestial Clan deal with themselves. Now that the Celestial Clan has been defeated, they will also visit them that summer.

"Then ask them to relive the past, they shouldn't have been arrested, it's not long after they were separated!!" Hong Feng reminded.


The legendary Four Batians, the pillars of China in the past, Xi Batian was my friend, other people, then there is no need to get used to it, although the grudge between Dong Batian and me has been resolved, but we said, meet again , Don’t keep your hands, then go find him first.


The light flashed.

Summer disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, he had already arrived at Dong Batian's residence.

Dongbatian is outside.

Behind him is a fairy palace, which looks very magnificent: "You are slow to come!!"

"I have other people who need to clean up first, so they are a bit late!!!"

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