Almighty Student

Vol 9 Chapter 11504: Science and technology

Yang Yue said so.

The more curious the summer.

What kind of scene is more than ten trillion feet?

And why there are thirteen worlds here.

So to say.

Thirteen pieces of heaven and earth are connected together, it should be called Shenzhou.

"Is your space alive?" Summer asked the most curious question.

"I live in Changzhou. There is a spirit in our world, the spirit of the demon race, and there should be none left. However, the cultivators in our world are very strong. Force is second, so the biggest feature of our people in the world is to block the space when fighting. Of course, you can also see that the fairy explosion we use is the characteristic ability of each of our Changzhou people, almost After reaching the realm of Zun, they will cultivate!!!" Hongyan Demon Emperor explained.


"It seems that the overall strengths of several areas are the same." Xia Xia nodded slightly.

"No, Xuanzhou is very strong. The demons, fairy beasts, and human spirits have the spirits of the people. The area of ​​the world is only a little smaller than that of the Shenzhou. Moreover, the most important thing in Xuanzhou is refining tools, so they In terms of technology and refining, they are the most developed. The powerful weapons and some special technological equipment of other states are all purchased from them." Hongyan Demon Emperor explained.

"Oh, do you have it with you?" Summer asked.

Hongyan Devil Emperor flipped his right hand, and a pistol-like weapon appeared in his hand: "This is the crafting technology of Xuzhou. It can be used once a day, and after that, it needs energy storage. It is activated in an instant, with the power of one blow. It’s stronger than the normal 20- or 30-star Venerable’s full star breaking attack."


"Unexpectedly, there is actually a world of science and technology to cultivate immortals!!" A smile appeared on Xia's face.

Although the Red Rock Devil Emperor's weapon is not low-level, it shouldn't be the strongest batch in Huangzhou. He also wants to see how powerful the strongest batch is.


He also thought of the five successful products researched by the Celestial Clan, which is the direction of science and technology products.

It's just that because there is no communication with the outside world, it may be a little behind, so there are only: aperture, light arrow, light thorn, light array and light cannon! !

Working behind closed doors.

Will definitely fall behind.

"Huangzhou has been very remarkable in recent years. It is said that they have countless masters and countless resources, but the number may not be too many, but there are millions of masters above the senior level, tens of millions. Of course, these are legends. They may also count the finished products of technology refining devices. After all, as long as many technology refining devices are used by ordinary people, ordinary people can also obtain superior strength in a short time." Hongyan Devil Emperor explained.


Summer was very impressed with this Xuzhou.

But he also thought of Emperor Jin Yu.

Isn't he the fairy beast of Penglai?

"What is Penglai?" Xia Xia asked.

"Penglai was originally a place called a fairyland on earth. There have been many legends there. It is said that there were secrets about immortality at the beginning. Later, it seemed that a group of people went to Shenzhou. They were the first group of humans in Penglai. But in recent years, Penglai's development is still very good!!" Hongyan Demon Emperor said.

"Have you been there?" Summer asked.

"I have been there. The humans in Penglai are very strange. They intermarried with the fairy beasts and the monsters, so the children born are of all kinds. It is said that only the most special sons of destiny can practice the Baqi technique. It is Penglai's supreme technique." Hongyan Devil Emperor explained patiently.

Found in summer.

I have connected these contexts a little bit by myself.

In other words.

He is getting closer and closer to the truth of the fairy world.

Before the battle of the Celestial Clan, it is possible for him to investigate everything about the Celestial Clan, including everything about his father.

Only then will he understand the meaning of fighting.

"My lord, I found that you are really not an ordinary Chinese person. Normally, China has been isolated from the outside world for so many years. There must be very few things that you can know, but you seem to know a lot of things, including some things that I can tell you. When it is secret, you take it for granted. Obviously, you know this information before!" Hongyan Devil Emperor is still good at observing others.

So he can see a lot of secrets from the micro expressions in summer.

"Fortunately." Xia Xia smiled slightly: "Usually I am interested in these things, so I will come here to see if I can know some things I am interested in. I am lucky to meet you this time. All right."

"No, it's my luck to meet you, your lord, otherwise I will still be a frog at the bottom of the well!" Hongyan Devil Emperor thought he was an eye-opener this time.

Only really fight against summer.

Only then will you understand that although Shenzhou has always been looked down upon by everyone, in fact, the potential of Shenzhou is incomparable to the other parts of the world.


"It seems that a lot of people have really come here!!" Xia Xia used Hongfeng's reconnaissance skills and found that there were more than twenty masters above Venerable.


No matter where he is in the world, the Venerable is the strongest group of people.

In Shenzhou.

Usually only one party can see a few venerables.

There are more than twenty.

This shows that something must happen here recently.

Places like Bu Zhoushan.

Because there are no treasures, there are not too many people who usually come over, especially the masters of this venerable level.

"There should be some people who have heard the news, so they want to come and see the ancient projection!!" Hongyan Devil Emperor explained.

"It seems that the prophet really can't be found if you want to find it!!" Summer has already explored many places, but in the end there is no news.

Although Hongfeng's investigation has continued.

But this prophet didn't have any characteristics, and it was still difficult for Xia Tian to find him in this way.


"My friend asked us to gather over there. There should be some discovery. I don't know if you have time together!!" Hongyan Devil Emperor looked at Xia.

His eyes were full of expectation.

"Yes!!" Summer came in for the first time because there was nothing wrong with it anyway.

You can better understand the situation here by hanging around with others for a while.

"My lord, please!!!" Hongyan Devil Emperor led the way.

Heiqi has transformed into his body, and he is called Black Wind Demon.

He is a loyal subordinate of Hongyan Devil Emperor.

Now he is very obedient in front of Xia, and dare not make another time.

"Boss, you have to be careful. The Demon Lord has been targeting you recently. I suspect that when he tells us this news, he wants to bring you in!!!" Black Wind Demon reminded.

"No, I am his subordinate after all, if something happens to me, he will also be a big loss!!"

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