Almighty Student

Vol 9 Chapter 11518: Extinction

Xia Tian and Tian Qi are not ignorant people either.

Since Tian Qi is not welcome here.

Then they just leave.

"Farewell!!" Xia Xia and Tian Qi arched their hands before leaving.


At the foot of the mountain.

Tian Qi finally breathed a sigh of relief. When he was on the Kunlun Fairy Mountain, his spirit had always been tense. It can be said that if it hadn't been summer, Queen Mother Xi would most likely kill him directly.

"Scared?" Summer asked.

"How can I not be afraid, I have worked hard for so many years, I have worked hard for so long, just to break through to the spirit, if I can't break through to the spirit, I will not be reconciled to death!!" The meaning of Tianqi's life is to strive to break through to the spirit, this For him, it is a long process.

But it is also the precipitation of years.

For so many years.

He accumulated so much.

If he can't break through, then he really can't accept it.

"Your obsession is really heavy!!" Summer said with emotion.

"Between this world, who is not obsessed? Just like the three-headed giant dragon tribe, the giant tribe at their feet, if they are not driven by obsession, how do they persevere?" Tian Qi Asked.


"That's what I said!!" Xia Xia smiled.

"By the way, you are going to the ancient battlefield soon. After you go there, you must have a chance to get close to the ancestral tree. It will be good to take this at that time!!" Tian Qi smiled.

"It's repaying me?" Summer asked.

"This little benefit can't repay you, what really wants to make you bigger is a word!!!" Tian Qi said.

"What are you talking about?" Summer asked.

"Before you go to the Celestial Clan, I will go to you and tell you what that sentence is." Tian Qi said.

"It's mysterious!!" Summer walked forward.

"It's not my god's mystery, but that sentence. Only when the time comes, the effect will be greatest. I have told you now, I am afraid you will forget it!!" Tian Qi walked forward.

"Gone!!" Xia Xia's body moved.

Disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, he had already arrived at the main city of the eighth side.

Just when he was planning to use the teleportation array to teleport, he suddenly discovered that tens of thousands of people rushed out and surrounded him.

"It's you!!" A leader came out.

"What do you mean?" Summer asked puzzledly.

"You hurt San Ye's son, and you asked me what I meant. San Ye said, who can catch you alive and reward the fairy crystal with 100 million!!" the leader said excitedly.

When the people around heard the number 100 million.

All eyes are shining.

"How did Shenzhou become like this? Even in the main city, there are people who can kill people!!!" Xia's brows frowned.

Ha ha ha ha!

"Finally let me wait for you, I know, you must come back, finally let me wait for you, I want to see who dares to touch my son!!" San Ye said very proudly.

"It was your son who found the fault first!!" Summer replied.

"So what? Now, on the eighth party, who doesn’t know your third master and my fame? Just do whatever I want. I will kill whoever I kill first, because I have immortal crystals, so many immortal crystals. Just take out Enough immortal crystals come, even the quasi-sage and the half-step sage have to work for me!!" San Ye said very proudly.

On the eighth party.

Quasi-Venerable and Half-Step Venerable are already representatives of top strength.

"It seems that the eighth party has changed into something wrong!!" Hong Feng said with emotion.

"Although I have been mentally prepared, I suspect that not only the eighth party, but the other parties have also become this way, and even more terrifying. In the final analysis, all of this is because of me. If I don't If I do something, I still feel sorry for it!!" Xia shook his head.

"What are you going to do?" Hongfeng asked.

"Kill!!" Xia Xia looked at the three masters in front of him: "Listen, everyone, from today onwards, there will be an immortal extinction list in all the main cities of China. If you are oppressed, you will not be destined. If you have been persecuted for no reason, then you can come to the extinction list and write the name of the other party. As long as the matter is true, I will definitely help you get revenge!!!"

His voice is loud.

As if wanting to spread throughout the main city.


Everyone looked at Xia Xia in confusion.

"If anyone wants to destroy the Immortal List, wants to prevent others from leaving a name on the Immortal List, and kill; if someone writes strayly, I will kill after I investigate it!!" Xia Xian shouted again.


"The voice is so loud, who do you think you are?" San Ye said very upset.

"My name is Xia Xia!!" Xia Xia looked at the third master in front of him.

"What?" San Ye was taken aback.

A sense of fear came from the bottom of my heart, and there was cold sweat on the back of the whole person.

But before he could react, his body was already frozen: "He was the first person I killed!!"


All the people around looked stupid.

They have all heard the name of summer.

But when I saw it with my own eyes today, I still felt very scary. After blowing a breath, the opponent turned into an ice sculpture. When he looked at the opponent, the opponent was shattered.

All the tens of thousands of people around knelt down!

"Spare me, my lord!!"

"I won't kill you, but I want to give you a task to spread what I just said to every corner of the eighth side of Shenzhou. I have recorded the breath of each of you. If I find out in the future, Shenzhou No. If there are people in all directions who don't know the news, then none of you can live!!" Xia Xia waved his right hand, and ice crystals appeared.

Pierce their skin.

Entering into their bodies: "Whoever doesn't work hard will die first!!"

"Yes, my lord!!" The tens of thousands of people hurriedly turned and left.

They next.

It is to spread the news of summer to the eighth party of China.

at the same time!

Xia Xia also refined the extinction list on the spot.

This immortal extinction board is refined with special materials, even a master of the venerable level, it cannot be easily destroyed, and he has also arranged formations around the immortal extinction board. If anyone wants to make a move, the formation is A warning, and the Extinguished Immortal List can absorb the power of the surrounding heaven and earth on its own, and gradually evolve and grow.

At the same time, rules appeared next to the Extinguishing Immortal List.

The last word of every rule is: kill! !

After all this is done.

Xia Xia rushed to the seventh party, the sixth party, the fifth party, the fourth party, the third party, the second party and the first party, and the other parties. He also used a large number of fairy crystals to hire a lot of people to bring this news. Spread out.

He just wants to use his name.

Shock everyone in China.

He wants to tell these people that China can be chaotic, but this is not a place where innocent people can be killed casually. There is always a dream of those who do evil.

That is summer.

He didn't know.

This extinction list.

It has become a legend and a myth in China.

"Everything is done, it's time to go to the ancient battlefield!!" Xia Xia looked into the distance.

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