Almighty Student

Vol 9 Chapter 11524: Brothers reunion

Three more?

Hearing that everyone here was stunned, the first two gifts presented in summer were so terrible and heaven-defying, and now there are three other gifts in summer, then they don't know how to describe their feelings anymore.

"The third is the way to break through the Hundred Stars. When you reach the ninety-nine stars, you can use this method to break through." Xia Xia said.


Everyone took a breath.

Summer actually has a way to break through Baixing.

To know.

Even almost all the top masters are stuck there.

If this method were to spread, it would be unimaginable.

Those top sages outside must be willing to be cows and horses for the summer.

Take a look now.

They finally understood why Xia Xia didn't care about the worm horn at all. Their worm horn was really nothing compared to the things Xia took out.

"You deserve it!!" The White Dragon King said with emotion.

"Hurry up, I can't wait!!" Qu Xi said hurriedly.

"The fourth and fifth things depend on luck. I have a lot of treasures and a group of big people in Sanluo Wanxiang. What kind of treasures can I find in it, and whether they can be favored by those big people? It’s up to you.” The last two gifts to be given to them in summer are these two.

Treasures among all the surrounding mountains.

And the inheritance of the twelve spirits.

In addition to Yang, there are eleven people in the twelve spirits. These eleven people, which one is not the top existence, if they can leave the inheritance to the thirteen people.

The thirteen of them have become soaring in their entire lives.

"Let you be placed in the last two positions, this is the biggest treasure!!" Qu Xi said with emotion.

"Yes, but it's also the most difficult. It's up to you to get it." Summer nodded.

He is also very clear.

None of the eleven people had a bad temper, let alone him, even when Yang was chatting with those, he was very polite.

I dare not ask for anything at all.

"Actually, who is not afraid of death, and who does not want to survive, but they know very well that they have no chance to live anyway, and they have no chance to live anyway, how can they lay down their dignity, if One day, you put the chance to live in front of them, and let them see with their own eyes that they can be reborn, then you try again, will they agree to any request!!" Xian Xuanwu explained.

That's right.

Even the spirit.

It is impossible not to be afraid of death.

Although they are arrogant.

But if there is hope of living, they will certainly agree.

"Unfortunately, this kind of opportunity will never happen!!" Summer shook his head.

"Who said no, you just haven't discovered the potential of your Realm King Jue. I have been living in the Realm King Jue. So no one knows what the Realm King Jue is better than me. I can do this. Said, whether it is the Yin Tian Jing or the Yang Tian Jing, although it is against the sky, I can see their limits, that is, the power of the sky tree and the ancestor tree, but the king of the world has not seen the limit until now. If one day in the future, you can practice the realm king to the limit, then who can say that you can't do it?" Xian Xuanwu asked.

"You value me too much. Whether I can live for three years is unknown!!" Summer still remembers the words of the prophet.


The thirteenth class have also come back now, and the surprises that summer brought them this time are simply too many.

With so many resources and treasures, their strength must be improved again.

And it's soaring in strength.

Since they came to the ancient battlefield, they have been working hard to improve their strength. It can be said that as long as there is any little way, they will catch it.

They want to see summer next time.

You can fight side by side with Summer.

"You take the Realm King Pill first, and then I will send you to absorb the innate power, and the rest will take your time." Xia Tian also understands that in many cases, haste is not enough. Although the Realm King Pill is definitely a good thing, it is always used. The Realm King Dan will also make them not sufficiently aware of the realm. When fighting, they can't use their strength to the maximum limit.


Everyone also took advantage of this opportunity to start taking Realm King Pill.

Summer is to help them protect the law.

The seven days passed quickly.

These seven days.

They take the Great Realm King Pill and the Immortal Realm King Pill.

After refining the innate power, everyone's strength has been rapidly improved.

"Let's go, let's go out and relax first, take a breath and then go to Sanluo Vientiane to find a chance." Summer also wants to let them relax completely before trying their luck.

If the spirit is kept tense, on the contrary, you will not be able to express yourself well.

This may make mistakes.

Once you make a mistake, you may miss the inheritance of the Eleven Spirits inside.

This is not what he wants to see.


"By the way, I haven't asked yet, what realm are you now!!" Jin Yu asked the Great Emperor.

"Don’t you know him? Realm may be very important to others, but for him, it’s not important at all. When he is not in the realm of the nobleman, he can beat those nobles everywhere. That's it!!!" Qu Xi reminded.

"That's it!!" Great Emperor Jin Yu nodded.

"Is there anyone who feels more deeply than me?" Ying asked.

That's right.

He is the one who really faced the summer.

"There are so many people here," Xia Xia said.

"Well, although they are all venerables here, most of the venerables are inherited venerables. Although these inherited venerables are in the realm of venerables, it is much more difficult for them to improve their strength than normal people. They are also very difficult. It's easy to recognize. You see, the one with a lotus mark on the forehead is the Venerable Inheritance." Thirteen explained.

They have been here for a while, and they know it well.

"Have these Inherited Venerables ever been to Shenzhou?" Xia Xia asked.

"Some have been there, but Shenzhou has too many constraints for them, and their strength cannot be improved. After a long time, their strength will weaken, so they will return here in the end, as if it is their home!" Ying explained.

"Then how did their offspring come?" Summer asked again.

"It's simple. The Celestial Clan has the business of doing this kind of business. They help the Inheritance here to leave here, go outside to find a woman they like for double cultivation, and come back after they have a few children, and wait until they feel that their life span is approaching. At the limit, find the one with the best talent and pass it on!!!" Di Ling explained.

"Yo-yo-yo, this is the group of seven that gave us insect horns, what a coincidence, do you want to join our demons alliance?"

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