Almighty Student

Vol 9 Chapter 11534: Buy elixirs

The thirteenth class just went out with the summer.

They were frightened just now.

Such a scene.

They are also the first experience.

For the first time they saw the Lord of the Temple of the Venerable Being so humble, and for the first time they saw the priest of the Celestial Clan apologize.

Now they really understand.

Summer is no longer the summer before.

Both Qu Xi and Ying watched with enthusiasm. The two of them are people who have obtained the inheritance of the spirit, but the inheritance that they both have has just begun, and there are many tests waiting for them in the future.

"That's awesome!!" The White Dragon King looked at Xia admirably.

"Outside, you should never be polite to the enemy, let alone be soft. Once you are soft once, there will be a second, third, and fourth time. But if you treat ordinary people, don’t make trouble. Trouble, after all, no matter how strong you are, you can't be an enemy of the whole world." Summer's way of doing things is very simple.

If I see you as an enemy, then you and I will never die.

But if it's just an ordinary relationship and you don't come to provoke me, I won't pay attention to you, even if you do some excessive things, as long as I find out after weighing it, it is unnecessary.

Then I won't pay attention to you either.

"By the way, I just heard the Lord of the Three Halls say about your current identity, are you famous now?" Qu Xi asked.

She is a woman and pays great attention to details.

So remember the words of the Lord of the Three Temples.

"Okay, it's a little famous!!" Xia Tian responded.

"Small famous?" Qu Xi didn't think that a small famous person could let the Lord of the Three Temples specifically say it, and he still used it as a condition to tell the Celestial Clan people.

"How many worm crystals on your body add up?" Xia Xia asked.

"In addition, there are more than 3,000 obtained in the past few days!!" Thirteen said.

"Let’s change all to the pill. We don’t need other things, but the pill is still very important to our team, and something big will happen soon. Then everyone will come out and buy the pill. The price of worm crystals will also soar." Summer also understands that once the war breaks out, everyone will no longer care about the value of the insect crystal.

No matter how precious the insect crystals are, they cannot be more precious than their lives.

Therefore, they will definitely buy elixirs in large numbers.

At that time, the price will naturally come up.

"If you want to buy a pill, you still have to go to the scattered people alliance. Although all major powers also sell pill, the price they sell to themselves is different from the price they sell to outsiders. So gradually, everyone almost There is no habit of going to other forces to buy pill, but the price of the pill in the Sanren Alliance is the same for anyone. Later, alchemists from other forces also went to the Sanren Alliance to sell the pill, depending on the situation. In the end, the Loose Alliance became a trading place!!!" Di Ling explained.

"Next we will go to the land of Jun Lan. Although there are a lot of people there, once our team passes by, we will definitely be seen by the spies, and Jun Lan will definitely know that we are here." Thirteen shook his head. .

The information here is also fast.

"We're just going to buy pills!!" Xia Xia walked inside.

This is a Sanbao fairy palace.

it's here.

The main hall of the Temple of the Venerable is the Five Treasures Immortal Palace.

The branch hall is the Four Treasures Immortal Palace.

The territory of the major forces is the Sanbao Immortal Palace.

Moreover, the layout here is very good. After entering in the summer, there are many people looking at their team. Although the ancient battlefield is large, in fact, the number of people here is not very large.

Everyone knows where many famous masters go.

Thirteen, their team is also somewhat famous.

"You see, the bigger the store here, the higher the price, but the quality of the pill will generally be higher!!!" Thirteen reminded.

"This is not necessarily true. Although the quality of the elixir can be distinguished by eyes, the more advanced the elixir, the more difficult it is to distinguish. Therefore, it can only be said that the high-quality elixir in large stores has a higher probability, but I am different. , I can distinguish the quality of the pill, so even if we go to a small shop, I can distinguish the high-quality pill!!" Summer's eyes can see through everything.

"Then let's pick up the missing ones!!" Shisan's face was happy.

"We are maximizing profits!!" Summer saw a small pill shop next to him.

This house is really deserted.

Although the price of elixirs is very low, it is clear that everyone is more focused on big stores.

"What do I need?" A man with a beard came out from inside.

"Restoration type pill, detoxification type pill!!" Xia Xia thought that these two types of pill were the most consumed pill during battle.

"These are all recovery medicines in the middle. The higher the price, the more expensive it is. The most expensive bottle is a worm crystal. The upper left corner is the detoxification medicine. The rules are the same!!!" the man said nonchalantly.

"It's no wonder that your business is so bad. You can only see a ghost if you have an attitude like this!!" Qu Xi said very dissatisfied.

The man ignored her.

Xia's eyes are on the shelves.

These medicines are really cheap. There are ten of the most expensive medicines in a bottle.

Just a worm crystal.

"Why are the quality of the pills here so uneven!!" Hong Feng said strangely.

"This should be an unstable alchemist. He can often refine some very powerful pills, but sometimes he will refine some semi-failed products, but he should have obtained a lot of very good pills. The method of refining the medicine!!" I saw in the summer that many of the medicines here have very good effects.

It is impossible for ordinary people to obtain the pill spectrum of this kind of medicine.

"I want all the top layer, and the detoxification pills are also there!!" Summer is rich.


The man's eyes lit up: "A distinguished guest is here!!"

"Snobbish!!" Qu Xi said very upset.

"A total of 80 insect crystals!!" The man didn't care about Quxi's words at all.


"You have good pills here, who did you learn from?" Xia Xia asked.

"My master is inside. He has more good medicine pills. If you need it, I will show you it!!" the man said.


There are three thousand insect crystals on the body in summer, which is also rich and powerful.

He also wanted to see what kind of alchemist was able to be so awesome.

In Shenzhou.

Those real alchemists are all monopolized by the Celestial Clan.

that's it.

The man took summer to a shop in the Sanren Union.

This shop is bigger than the one just now.

But there are still no customers, a few scattered, and no one has bought it yet.

"Why is your master as sloppy as you!!" Qu Xi complained when he saw the person sitting inside.


Summer frowned.

Hong Feng was also the first to remind: "Wang Lu!!!"

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