Alpha Princess's Possessive Mate

Chapter 94 - The Receptionist

I left Sam's side while checking the tasks. After some walking, I stopped while forcefully wiggling my fingers and pulling my mobile out. My mind wasn't able to concentrate on what to do when I knew I had to call Fang and ask about Diana. Clicking a few buttons, the screen flashed his contact, and I bit the inside of my cheek before pressing the call button. Even when the ring was going to his end, I felt the urge to just cut the call and delete his contact. 

The ring stopped, and a deep husky voice came from the other end, as if he had just woken up from his sleep and was irritated for disturbing his precious sleep. "Hello?"

There was a questioning tone, and this did not sound like Fang. I mean, Fang had a heavy voice, but this was hoarse and much more attractive. I checked who I had called again. It was indeed Fang's number. The way his hello came in question meant he picked the call half in sleep, without checking the name. "Umm, Fang?" I asked, just to be sure. 

Fang chuckled hearing my voice, and his morning voice reverberated throughout my body. "What a lovely day it is to start with your phone call, little one. Although I would much rather prefer to wake up with you in my arms"

My eyes rolled in a giant circle. For him, the day might have started with something good, but for me, it was like talking to a curse. "I am sure you have someone else to wake up to on your bed right now. Where is Diana?" My tone was stern and irritated, and it made him let out a breathy laugh. 

"Oh my jealous little one, what am I going to do with you," Fang said in a suggestive manner and it did nothing but tick me. "Your little friend Diana is safely locked in the prison. If you want to take her away-"


I cut the call before things got to the price part of the deal, which would be dealt with tomorrow. I had better things to do, and he anyway said Diana is safe in their prison, so I did not have to worry. Placing my mobile back in my pocket, I headed to the elders' quarters. 

It was a tall building that had a disk-like structure at the top that came out of the rest of the circular building. There was a garden that surrounded the structure in a square and a path was carved from the entry gate to the main building entrance. One of the guards came forward to me, "what job do you have here?"

I pulled out the card that Sam had handed me, "just some documentation work the Alpha had ordered for"

The guard scrutinised the card before handing it back and signalled to open the gates. I walked in, taking in the garden's beauty that everyone saw only from the outside. There were various scents of flowers and herbs that wafted in the environment. My eyes closed as I inhaled deeply the fresh morning air, which had me sneeze later because of the pollen in the air. A smile spread across my face when my phone pinged. It was a message from Fang- 

'Can't wait for you to come to Waterwoods little one, I will have my special cuffs ready just for you.

Love Fang'

My jaw ticked at the message. I am sure Channing had already informed Fang that I and Diana might come to finish our tasks at Waterwoods and yet he is being this preposterous. Fang had already held Diana captive, and he was openly telling me I would face the same fate. My feet stomped, keeping my phone back in its place.

There was a revolving door, and as soon as I stepped in, a lady guard took me behind a curtained box and checked me from top to bottom. Even in places, it was awkward to have someone suddenly touch. 

When I stepped out, I had to pass through a metal detector and my face was still flushed and body stiff with how the lady had inspected me. 

I collected my thoughts and walked to the reception and passed her the card that said 'acting Beta-Selene'. The receptionist was a woman with sharp eyes and winged glasses that sat on the edge of her nose. She looked at the card and then at me from above her gold-rimmed glasses. "How may I help you?" she asked in a bored voice, going back to the white box of the computer that was in front of her.

I had read about the technology that existed outside in the world, but this was the first to actually see a computer in person. My father did not like the technology to be brought into this kingdom. I suppose the higher authorities were allowed.

"Hello, I wanted the papers regarding the agricultural land dispute," I said to receive a glare from the lady as if I had asked for her internal organs. 

She sighed, going back to her typing, "That is classified if there is nothing else you can leave?"

My lips moved in shock trying to say something, but her words were like a slap on my face. I checked the task list again, and it was clearly written to make a report on the agricultural land dispute from the start of the time and get it stamped with the official seal before submitting it to the elders. It won't work this way. I had to find a better way. 

I cleared my throat, "what information related to the dispute can be revealed? There is a report urgently requested by the elders."

The woman clicked her tongue and pulled open a drawer to rummage through the messy drawer and pull out one page, and thumped it on the table. I looked at it with a ridiculous expression. Was this all? I checked the paper, which only had the names of two farmers and the complaint. The farmer named George Harris had accused farmer Jim Walter of expanding the land by fraud. But there was nothing else, just that they registered the dispute two weeks back. 

I should have known things won't be this easy. The lady continued doing her job as if she had given me everything that I needed. This only meant I had to do this research on my own. 

It only made me look through the other tasks that would be completed from this place and mentioned them to the lady. No matter how gentle I was, she gave little to no information. There were some forms to be filled and signed by a few village businesses and that was the only thing she gave freely. I looked at her bored face and it felt like she was tired of acting for this competition. I wonder how Diana must have managed here. 

I turned around, and that is when I saw the cafeteria entrance in the corner. My eyes narrowed and my lips curled in thought. I looked at the lady and then back at the cafeteria and walked towards it. 

It was a self-serve kitchen and there was only one person there who was sleeping on the chair. Making my way to the coffee machine, I made a nice strong coffee, adding some cream that was here. Dandeline used to make this 'Dandeline special' for me, and it brought a smile to my face. The coffee this way hit the taste buds differently. I waved my hand between the cup and my nose to take in the rich scent of coffee. Not as perfect as Dandeline, but this was sure to work. 

I walked with the cup outside and to the receptionist. She gave me an irritated glare, "Have your drinks in the cafeteria-"

"Here," I extended the cup ahead to make her stop talking mid-sentence. "I thought you needed it, Ms Shagen. Thank you for the help" Luckily she had a nameplate of her name near the reception and it was hidden in all the mess that was spread on her table, but I had noticed it when I brought the coffee. I genuinely thought she needed this as Dandeline's Special worked wonders for me, always. 

Shangen narrowed her eyes at me, the first different expression she had shown from the time I had stepped into the elders' quarters. "If you are thinking this cup of coffee will give you the documents, that is not happening. And it is Mrs Shangen, not Miss"

"Missus! You look pretty young to be married," I said to have Shagen turn her body towards me. She was giving attention to me and it was enough. I waved my hand casually, "I understand how hard it must be to come this early to work and then face some experimental Beta like me. This coffee, I made it for you. I am sure you will love it. I will be going then, thank you for this" I waved the documents she had provided to me.

Shagen pushed her glasses up and looked at the cup and then at me. But before she could draw any other conclusion, I was out of there leaving her sceptical. That little gesture would benefit me later, only if Shagen had fallen for it. If not, I still had to finish the tasks on my own. Right now, I had to go meet all the members and delegate duties properly. 


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