After what seemed to be aneternity I stopped howling. I was confused as to what was happening to me. At the same time I was angry. My anger was not directed at anybody. I didn't know with whom or with what I was angry . I looked around to see everybody staring at me without moving an inch.

I turned and saw Caleb. He was standing only in his shorts. He must have shredded rest of his clothes. He was probably in the middle of shifting when my episode occurred and he stopped. He had a knowing smile on his face. That was my last straw. I went insane. I jumped at him which caught him by surprise. Before he could defend himself, I opened my mouth and put my teeth on his neck. He had no chance of surviving. He was whimpering and trying to free himself.

My anger had notyet subsided. I took off. I ran without any destination in mind. I just wanted to get out of here. Running helped. I could sense someone following me but I didn't stop to see who it was. I tried to outrun the other person. After sometime I reached the clearing with the pond where Adrian's cabin is located. I stopped to think about everything that had happened.

I could feel another person behind me. I knew who it was. I could smell him. His scent was familiar. This is what Alexa probably meant when she told she smelled Paul. I wanted to be left alone. So, I tried to take off again but in vain. Adrian held my tail in his teeth which kept me from moving. He had a pretty strong hold, just strong enough to stop me from moving but not hurting. I was wriggling, trying to free but he did not lose his hold. We were going around in circles. We would have presented a funny image to someone watching us.

I gave up. I started whimpering. He let go of my tail and came to face me. He licked my face in a way of consoling me. He continued doing that till I became quiet. Then, he went behind a nearby tree. Within seconds he was back, except that he was in his human form now. He was wearing only shorts. He nudged me towards his cabin.

I silently followed him. He sat down on the porch. I didn't know what to do. I was looking around in hesitation. He patted the spot next to him. I went and sat there. I breathed in and took in his scent. It was calming me. I put my head on his lap. His body tensed in surprise. He relaxed after a few seconds and began stroking my fur. It was soothing. I remembered that not so long ago we had sat exactly in the same spot, only that now our roles were reversed. I was the wolf.

The first light of the morning started to pour in. We were still sitting in the same position. Adrian suddenly tensed. I looked up at him to see what happened. He had a faraway look. It was just for a couple of seconds. Then he looked down at me with a small, tentative smile.

"I did not know that you are a werewolf." Yes, me too. I did not know that I was a werewolf. I thought werewolves were just in movies and in books. To get to know that they are real is one thing, but to realize that you are one is an altogether different thing.

"You smelled like a human. You appeared to be so human. There is no way I would have missed if you were a werewolf." Forget him, I didn't realize that I am a werewolf.

"Do you want to change?" He asked. Yes, I wanted to but I had no clue as to how I was supposed to shift back. I stood up and faced him. With him sitting and me standing, we were at eye level. There was no use trying to talk. It would sound gibberish coming from a wolf's mouth. Hope he understood my problem.

"You know shift back to your human self?" He clarified. I understood him the first time. The question is how do I shift? I just continued looking at him. I moved my head up and down trying to ask him how to shift back. He creased his brows in confusion. He did not understand and I did not want to stay a wolf forever. What sounded like a bark came out of my mouth. He had a faraway look again for a moment. He looked at me again.

He must have understood my problem because he replied saying, "Think about your human form and concentrate. You can shift back. It's not that difficult." I tried to follow his instructions with no luck. I closed my eyes and tried again. I barked with irritation. He chuckled.

"You are so cute." He palmed my face with his hands and touched his forehead to mine. I closed my eyes. We were so close. It would have been such an intimate position if I was in my human form. I would have kissed him if I was in my human form. Suddenly, I felt myself shifting. I fell on my back because of the unexpected change in my body and opened my eyes.

"Oh f!#k." I shouted on realizing that I was in my birthday suit. I looked up expecting his green eyes looking at me but it was closed. There was a sheepish smile hovering on his lips.

"Find some clothes inside." He was pointing towards the door. I got up and quickly went in. I entered the first room I found. Surely, there were clothes. But, the problem was it was men's clothes. Adrian was much bigger than me. I found a shirt and wore it. It came up to my knees. This should do for now.

"Are you done? " He shouted from the living room. I walked out thinking about how I changed from wolf to human. I was thinking about being in my human form and kissing him when I shifted. I blushed a little. He was standing at the entrance and looking at me. I remembered standing in a similar position the other day and Adrian walking out from inside the room. He must have come out from the same room that day. Our roles were reversed now. Thinking back to that day, when I caught him with those two girls, something was not clear. Now that I had a first hand experience in shifting something was nagging me about that day. Did I assume wrongly?

"The other day, those girls who were there in your house, are they werewolves?" I asked him.

"Yes, they are werewolves." He gave a sad smile. He must also be thinking back to that day when I reacted in such a manner.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" I implored him.

"I thought you were a human. We had just shifted back. They were getting dressed. It was nothing more. I was not even in the same room if you remember correctly. I didn't know how to explain without revealing about werewolves."

"I'm so sorry." I apologized sincerely. There were still many unanswered questions. But, I knew now for sure that Adrian was not wrong.

"Don't be. It's okay. We wouldn't have been in that situation if I had explained to you earlier. Moreover you looked cute with all that jealousy." He tried to lighten the whole situation.

"Hey I was not jealous. I was angry." I defended myself.

"That was anger born out of jealousy. Don't worry I'm all yours." He added. I'm all yours. It felt good hearing that. Suddenly I was self-conscious about my appearance. I went back to the room to look into the mirror.

I gasped. I was a mess. My hair was all over the place. My face looked pale and my eyes were swollen from all the crying. Worst of all was that there was blood on my teeth. I remembered the way I bit on Caleb. I quickly washed my face and gargled to remove the blood from my mouth. I was standing in front of the mirror and I could see Adrian behind me in the reflection.

"I killed him." I choked on a sob. I never thought I had a killer instinct in me.

"No, you didn't. As much as I wanted him dead, he is still alive." He hugged me from behind. He slowly turned me around. I sobbed into his chest.

"How do you know?" I ask.

"I know. I was updated", he told. We walked to the living room.

"All this is so confusing. It doesn't make sense at all. I would have known if I was werewolf. It's my body after all. At least my parents would have noticed something different." I was crying. My whole life was not what I thought it to be. I was someone else. I sat down on the couch.

"Oh God! My parents? They must be really worried that I'm missing." I looked up at him.

"We found your phone. We didn't want them to worry when we ourselves were not sure what had happened. So, we texted from your phone that you would be staying back at office due to some emergency at work."

"Oh! So they think I'm still at work. Hmm okay." I answer back. I can't face them like this. Maybe it was better to keep them out of this till I figured out what was happening.

"I don't think my parents are werewolves." I tell him.

"No, they are not. My beta just confirmed." He answered.

"I'm adopted." I continue.

"Yes, I know." He answers without thinking. I raised one brow in question. He looked around like he was trying to find a place to hide.

"I should be the one who should die out of embarrassment. All those times when I thought you were just my pet - this is so humiliating." I put my face in my hands to avoid looking at him. I had revealed absolutely everything about myself to him, to my pet wolf actually. But, nevertheless Adrian knew everything about me.

He sat down next to me. He took my hand and held in his. He started talking only after I looked at him.

"I didn't plan it to happen that way. You found me when I was in my wolf form. I would have eventually explained everything to you. But the things which happened recently was not something which I anticipated." He told with a serious face.

"Also, it's good that it happened this way." He chuckled remembering something.

"What? What's so funny now?" I ask him. Do I even want to know?

"Nothing major. Just that one time you wanted to talk to me about me. I found it hilarious." He was laughing now.

"Oh God! Kill me now." I was so embarrassed.

"Hey! Don't talk about death. You gave me a scare today. Don't do that ever again. I can't lose you." He had stopped laughing and was all serious. I became aware of my hand in his hold. We were looking at each other. We moved towards each other. He inclined his head and bent towards me. I knew what was happening and closed my eyes. The kiss which I was expecting never came. I opened my eyes to see what happened. He had a faraway look.

"Shit!" He swore loudly and got up.

"What happened?"

"Caleb escaped." He told in a measured tone. Adrian was angry, very very angry.

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