The weekend had arrived. Adrian said he would text me the details. I still had no clue about his plans. We met a couple of times after our first date. We had lunch at the cafe, where Sam, Nina and all of us went, during my lunch break. It was called Tony's and last time I had been here the name had not registered in my brain. Once more we saw each other at the lunch house. I walked in with Nina and he was sitting there. He was talking to the person next to him. I ignored him and sat in a different table with Nina. I thought he hadn't noticed my presence. But once I went back to the office he called me. He wanted to know why I choose not to sit with him. I had not told anybody at work that I was dating him. I thought people would get judgmental if they knew I was dating the boss' brother. I explained and he was like okay. Nothing else, he told okay and ended the call.

Was he angry? Did he feel I was overthinking? We hadn't spoken after that though we regularly texted each other. We also used to forward references to articles and jokes which we thought the other one liked. So I guess we are "okay".

I got up in the morning and went for a run. Adrian was waiting in his usual spot. And as usual he licked me as greeting. I missed him. I hugged him and both of us ran for a while. Adrian took us through a different path today. We reached a clearing and there was a beautiful pond. There was a hunter's cabin overlooking the pond on the other side, raised on a platform. Trees lined behind the cabin and the whole scene was so peaceful and beautiful.

"It is awesome. Why didn't you bring me here before?" He came to me, licked my face and went to drink water at the pond.

"Really?! We came here because you were thirsty. I thought you wanted to show me this place." I laughed and continued, "Who do you think that cabin belongs to? Come let's check it out. On second thought it is better if you stay here. If there is somebody in the cabin you could freak them out.

Adrian was not having any of it. He was following me. The main door was closed.I knocked but there was no answer. I did not want to encroach on someone else's property. So I did not enter. I sat on the porch and Adrian sat next to me. He put his head on my lap and I was stroking his fur.

"You know I am dating Adrian right?" I asked him. He lifted his head and was looking at me. I was not even sure if he understood or not. But I wanted somebody to talk to about my boyfriend.

I told him what happened at the lunch house the other day and my doubts about offending Adrian. I told him about all the dates we had so far.

"The first time we went to Tony's together there was a waiter who kept glancing at Adrian. We were not together then, but I still felt jealous. I was possessive of him. I wanted to yell at her saying 'stop looking at what's mine'. Is it normal to feel so strongly about him? I have all these doubts which makes me wonder if I am really that paranoid."

"After our first date when he dropped me back home, I was sure he was going to kiss me. God knows what made him stop from doing so."

My phone rang then. It was Ronan. That's it. I'm quitting this job if he asks me to come and work on the weekend.

"Are you with Adrian?" He asked. What? No hello, how are you, nothing.

"Yes", I answered with a hint a annoyance for making me stop my rant on my boyfriend.

"Can you give him the phone?"


"Why not?"

"Umm maybe because he can't talk."

"Why? What is he doing?" He asked suspiciously.

"He is looking at me."

"Why can't he talk then?" He was clearly frustrated by now.

"Because he is a wolf?!"

"Oh! Hey if you meet Adrian, my brother, inform him that I was trying to reach him." He was tensed about something.

"Ronan wait" , something popped in my head. He had hung up.

Why did Ronan assume that Adrian was with me? Had Adrian informed Ronan about us? Who else knew?

"All my worries that people will see us together was for nothing. I think Ronan knows about me and Adrian." I sadly told the wolf. But, he was busy staring off at a distance. He licked my face and ran off into the woods.

What was that? Maybe,now that he had quenched his thirst he was hungry and went out looking for food.

I sighed and texted Adrian.

Me: What plans for today? What time should I be ready?

AdiRay: Sorry. Mind if I take a rain check? Something important has come up.

Me: K.Np.

Adiray: "K.Np." clearly indicates that there is a problem. But I'm really sorry. Will try and meet you later. I'll explain it you when the time is right. Bye for now. Gotta go.

Me: Okay.

I went back home deciding what to do. I had the whole day to myself. I entered the living room to see my parents watching TV with worried expressions. The news anchor was narrating a news about a murder.

"A young girl in her twenties has been found murdered in her house at small town Snow Falls. She is in her early twenties working at a firm called Black Inc." The news reporter was a young man who had his professional face on and showed no sympathy while talking about the way the young girl's throat was cut open. Photo of the girl was displayed. Our hair color was same. How odd that I noticed this similarity? Maybe it was the way of my brain telling me not to look at the gruesome image of her throat.

"Tragedy seems to have stuck this family. It is no less than 3 weeks that the parents of this young woman were killed in an accident, though there are rumors that it was not an accident.Let's not get into that. Coming back, there is no family left to even grieve this young girl's death. The murder has shaken the town of Snow Falls. There is no trace of the murderer and no motive found." The reporter finished this story and started a new one.

Snow Falls is my present town. After moving here, I always felt that there were no criminals here. The crime rate was null here according to dad. What was more disturbing was the fact that, that the girl who was murdered worked in our office. I had never spoken to her but we had crossed paths on a few occasions and once in lunch house. I didn't even know her name.

"That is so sad. She is about my age." I sighed sadly.

Mom and dad looked troubled. Upon hearing me speak they gave a smile which didn't quiet reach their eyes.

"Alex. Please be careful at all times. You have our numbers on emergency contact list right? Don't stay out late at night. Call me at any time. I can come and pick you up from work."

"Yes dad. Don't worry. The route which I take is pretty safe." I assured him.

"With the mean looking beast next to me no one would dare lay a hand on me." I added almost inaudibly.

"What? What did you say?", asked my mom. She was looking at me suspiciously.

"Nothing nothing. Dad how about a game of chess? Winner gets to choose the next vacation location." I challenged my dad. My mother didn't pursue further, though she still gave a few distrustful glances.

I spent the whole day at home with my parents. Dad and I played chess while mom cooked my favorite meal for lunch. I knew I was losing so I made the board fall and disrupted all the pieces. Dad was complaining that I was a sore loser. We had lunch and then all 3 of us played a few games of monopoly deal. Monopoly deal is a card game derived from the Monopoly board game. The card game is much better. Then we played Catan which is another board game. It was nice spending time with my parents. We constantly teased and poked fun at each other.

I kept looking at my phone in between our games. My phone was in full volume and I had set a different notification led light for messages from a special someone. No word from him. I didn't hear from him for the rest of the day.

I didn't hear from him for the rest of the weekend. Monday morning I didn't see Adrian either on my way to office. He would be standing there ready to greet me. His green eyes would sparkle with love on seeing me. Remembering his green eyes reminded me of man Adrian. I texted him.

Me: Hi. Good morning. How was your weekend?

AdiRay: Could have been better.

Me: Can we meet during lunch or in the evening after I finish work?

AdiRay: Will try

As I entered office I saw people murmuring. Everybody seemed to be talking about the girl who got murdered. Apparently she moved to this town after her parent's death and got a job here. She was pretty much new to this town like me. Nina was also in the group of people. Ronan was standing at a corner talking to Eric. He absently saw me come in but was too involved in his conversation to acknowledge me. As the boss he must be undergoing a lot, answering questions from the cops and press.

"She was a sweet girl. She mostly kept to herself. Alyxandrina was still trying to move on after her parents' death." An elderly woman was saying.

"What?" I loudly exclaimed after I thought I heard my name. I realized it was not my name but it was late, the word had already escaped my mouth. Everybody turned to look at me. Even Ronan and Eric were looking at me.

"Uh. Nothing I thought I heard my name. Sorry for interrupting." I uneasily apologized. Ronan was sharply looking at me, but at the same time he had a faraway look. Like he was conducting a parallel conversation. I had seen that look before. The look was similar to Adrian's.

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