Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 146: Imperial Spirit Master Wu Benqing

The single-player powerhouse behind Qin Fen was angry, but didn't say anything. The little brother tried it if he wanted to, and with the "Dragon Fist" he just showed, it was really not easy.

Zhu Yuan and Zhao Hao looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes. Lin Xuan was aiming at the seniors in the second year of high school, but then, they were also a little bit eager to move, and the chance to PK with the masters of Xuanjie and Xuanjie was rare. .

As for the Lin family sisters, their expressions were different. Lin Zhenxing's worried mood was beyond words, and he hesitated several times. As for Lin Zhenyue, she frowned, and then she thought of something, and her brows stretched out to see the level of the national high school league. Not bad.

"Let's go then!"

Originally, it was a situation of going back to their respective homes and looking for their mothers to disband, but Qin Fen turned around and went to another "School Team Exclusive Tianxing Island" than the Arena.

"The school teams of the first and second grades of the emperor have their own battle arenas. Yours should be Tianchen Island. The relevant permissions can be handled by the logistics department of the first emperor."

After a casual explanation, he looked at Lin Xuan, "So, who do you want to challenge?"

Lin Xuan started from Qin Fen and looked back all the way. Unlike their first year of high school, the second year of high school had a complete team of ten people, and now they are lined up according to their rankings.

The top five are regular players, and the bottom five are substitutes. The regulars will have more chances to play, and the substitutes will only be sent to play unless it is necessary for some reason.

If Lin Xuan wants to get enough chances to play, then the top five is a must.

There is also a specific division of labor among the top five. Just like the captain Qin Fen, he usually only deals with schools that are also Taixia Ninth University, while the second and third are for key high schools. The fourth and fifth come to clean up. After all, although Qin Fen is very strong, it is impossible for him to do everything himself!

Or, pick a soft persimmon first? !

Lin Xuan turned his eyes and looked at Wu Benqing, the fifth grader in high school. This is the lowest position that Lin Xuan set for himself. If he is a 6th and 7th substitute who knows when to play, then he might as well be himself now. The high school captain!

"Oh, is it me?"

Wu Benqing's face is expressionless, and now he is performing what is called "smiling but not smiling", his body exudes bursts of cold air, and a pair of godless squinting eyes have relatively thick dark circles under the eyes, which is very similar to a string More losers.

Lin Xuan nodded, this slightly thinner loser was indeed inferior in appearance compared to the others, who were tall and sturdy, with sharp swords on their backs and hair color infected by elements. ...Well, just to see how bullying he is!

Qin Fen raised his brows, but didn't say anything. The delinquent boy with red-dyed hair beside him leaned over and said, "Isn't Brother Wu's ranking adjusted yet?"

"What's the use of adjusting it? From fifth to fourth, it's not the echelon to solve the trash. When he can step on the third, let's adjust it!"

Qin Fen looked indifferent.

As for Su Tian, ​​she took out a piece of wax plum blossom cake from her personal space and ate it. Her brows were slightly wrinkled. It was not the flame she was familiar with. She still lacked temperature control. She still needed to work hard to open a famous imperial capital. pastry shop!

The two walked onto the arena and stood facing each other. Wu Benqing first said, "The fifth dragon and tiger in the second-year high school team, Wu Benqing, the path of the spiritual master among the beast masters! Please advise."

"High school team captain, Lin Xuan, soldier! Please advise."

Although he didn't know what a spiritual master was, Lin Xuan didn't dare to take it lightly. The beast masters strode across the yellow rank together, but started from the Xuan rank and established a quantitative advantage of the same rank at the earth rank. The fifth dragon and tiger is bound to have two mysterious imperial spirits.

One against two, hey, a little exciting!

The battle begins!

"Summon, force the ghost general!"

Lin Xuan: ...

Master of the Royal Spirit, it is this spirit that you control!

Take a look at the Soul Soul, Soul Killing skills that have not been activated in your talent, brew it, count your luck!

Countless cold particles gathered around, one head was more than two meters high, and the whole body was shrouded in ferocious armor, holding a big sword that was similar to the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, majestic and imposing!

As soon as the Ghost General came out, the Daguan knife in his hand swung violently, and an extremely terrifying cold sword light rushed straight towards Lin Xuan, vowing to split Lin Xuan in half.

The twelve dragon elephants changed, the dragon elephants of qi and blood condensed, and the smoke of qi and blood rose up. Although Lin Xuan's body had not undergone transformation, it still contained the qi and blood of the terrifying pure yang. Yang qi and blood overcome evil spirits!

It's a pity, if you are facing the ghosts of the Huangjie, you will be burned to ashes by Lin Xuan's blood in an instant. Keli Ghost will not be those little scoundrels, but the ghosts in the Xuanjie, the quasi-overlord. Template of the scary ghost!

Lin Xuan's fist was dyed a layer of black, the armed color was domineering, and the blood was condensed in the fist. With a punch, the terrifying cold sword light was instantly shattered, and then, Lin Xuan's eyes changed, and the foot As soon as the pace is moved, the multiple directions are changed, and the eight-step chasing cicada is fully exerted.

Catch the thief first catch the king!

With this attack, Lin Xuan bypassed the force and attacked the spiritual master Wu Benqing behind him, and went directly into the beheading operation!

But Wu Benqing has experienced a lot of battles. Well, he should have been used to this kind of beating for a long time. Anyway, anyone who is capable will bypass the force and attack the ghost general to fight him first. Now that you have stepped into the Xuanjie, hehe, it's time to let you know the horror of the Xuanjie beastmaster!

"Summon, the cursed ghost in red!"

Sure enough, there is a second mysterious ghost, and it is "cursed ghost"? Is it a class caster? Two main offensive ghosts? Impossible, is it a rare auxiliary spell-casting ghost!

His thoughts turned a hundred times, but during the battle, Lin Xuan was not allowed to stop and think more. Instead, he continued to increase his strength, and his speed was three points faster, and he punched Wu Benqing.

But Wu Benqing's methods were not finished, "The cursed ghost in red, possessed!"

After the beastmaster entered the profound rank, the biggest transformation was the acquisition of the "possession" skill, which finally gave him a little self-protection ability.

In an instant, the ghost in red and Wu Benqing merged into one, Wu Benqing was still Wu Benqing, but his face was even paler, and his clothes were also replaced with a red ancient costume wedding robe.

Facing Lin Xuan's armed shocking fists close at he just smiled lightly and took a casual step, the whole person disappeared in the distance and appeared in another place.

Lin Xuan's face was ugly, and it really was a ghost like a spell caster. This should be the famous "Ghost Flash", also called "Quantum Teleportation" by modern science.

Not only that, Wu Benqing smiled weakly and spit out two words: "Weak!"

Lin Xuan suddenly felt that his body was heavy, as if his whole body's strength had been shackled.

"slow down!"

His footsteps sank, as if shackles were on his feet.


In my heart, sad things came to my mind, some small things slowly emerged, and the sadness gradually enlarged.

Li Pi Ghost General took a steady pace, slowly approached with the Daguan knife, and looked at the man who was struggling and had no fighting spirit in front of him, and grinned. With the girl in red, the battle is much easier.

In an instant, a knife light slashed down!

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