Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 167: Cause and effect (brothers, support the new 1 year!  …


Lin Xuan opened his eyes, and what he saw was Di Yi's manor in the Western Capital, um, the hall, not the room.

His spirit was severely damaged, but now he has fully recovered. It is not that the auxiliary powerhouse of the Xuanjie level was invited to rescue him, but his own fourth skill played a role, and the alien souls stored in the alien soul space have been consumed a lot!

"Wake up, it's really embarrassing, deputy team!"

Lin Xuan stood up and saw Qin Fen, Yang Cheng, Su Tian and the two sisters sitting across from him. The leader of the team, Rao Yuanxing, was smoking a cigarette and looked at Lin Xuan and shook his head in distress, "Not one or two. Peace of mind for labor and capital!"

While talking, he walked out. Now that Lin Xuan is awake, he naturally has to negotiate with the Western Capital City Guard Camp and report to the old principal who is far away in the capital. , and this is also the deputy team of Emperor Yi!

"You really are, you don't even wash me."

Although he was exhausted by the smell of the rotten grass juice, he probably knew that the smell on his body was really unpleasant when he saw that the people on the other side were a little bit farther away from him intentionally or unintentionally.

"Well, I thought you liked the taste!"

Qin Fen shook his head and pointed to the large bathroom outside, "But if you don't like it, don't bring the smell to your room, go wash it first."

Glancing at a few people on the opposite side, Lin Xuan stepped towards the public bath, his clothes were already clumped together, and his head was covered with scum of grass juice. To the high-pressure water gun, those green attachments on the skin are easily detached.

The hair is also washed over and over again, deodorized, maintained, scented, moisturized... There are many kinds, and finally there is no smell left.

There was no one in the big bath now. Lin Xuan directly soaked in the hot water pool, put a towel on his head, and leaned comfortably to the side, enjoying the gentle impact of the water.

You Long returned to the sea, unexpectedly, at this moment, Lin Xuan had a little more understanding of this state, but there was still a long way to go before he could fully grasp this state.

After soaking for about half an hour, drying his body, the extreme fire flashed by, a lot of water vapor appeared, and Lin Xuan was already dry, looking at himself in the mirror, his beard was full of stubble and his hair was too long, so , How long have you been in that ghost place!

The extreme meaning of the wind appeared, and a breeze brushed against Lin Xuan's chin, and all the beards fell off. As for the hair... Forget it, find a barber shop to deal with it.

Put on the new clothes in your personal space, very good, a handsome guy reappears in the world!

In the afternoon, the warm sun shone on the earth. Lin Xuan, who had not seen the sun for a long time, squinted his eyes subconsciously, and then gradually became familiar with it. His own magic pattern was also filled with joy, and his power surged.


The Diyi watch fully absorbs solar energy and charges quickly.

Live again!

Walking into the hall of the manor, a faint but still a bit pungent odor remained. Several people were still there. Well, they mainly wanted to hear about Lin Xuan's adventures, which made Lin Xuan so miserable... Just thinking about it makes me curious!

"You... you are a bunch of **** friends!"

Raise your hand to release a gust of breeze, which empties the residual smell. The original sofa cushion has also been replaced with a new one... The action is really fast, but why don't you change the sofa as well?

"It's very expensive... Well, it's on the way, and it hasn't arrived yet. Let's talk about it. What happy things happened this time out, let's be happy too."

Qin Fen leaned on the sofa and couldn't hold back the smile on his face, young man, you are too reckless, you have to be a little more polite!

"It's nothing, I just visited several major 'places of interest' in the Western Capital, and by the way had a friendly exchange with the big ghost of Xuanjie... I just didn't expect their tempers to be so irascible!"

"Scenic spots and historical sites? Ghost Gate Pass, Sansheng Stone, Wangchuan River, Naihe Bridge?"

Yang Cheng looked surprised. After going to these places, how could you come back alive?

"What are you thinking about... Well, I really wanted to go shopping at first, but I didn't expect that I overestimated myself, and I went to 'Yaochi Strange Realm', 'Nandimen', 'Guanghan Palace' Going around, well, they're pretty hospitable."

Recalling that a large group of mysterious Yin spirits were chasing him, Lin Xuan couldn't help but smile. It was an interesting experience.


Yang Cheng was silent. It was not that he had not been to Xidu before to practice. Because of his fire attribute, he was quite restrained towards ghosts. Some medium-sized places of gathering Yin naturally couldn't stop him, but he had to deal with those large ones. The places of gathering Yin (Yaochi Strange Realm, Nandimen, Guanghan Palace, etc.) are still at a loss!

This is still his experience after entering the Profound Rank!

The deputy commander in front of him was a ruthless man who had entered the large Yin Gathering Land by Huang Jie. Although he came back looking very embarrassed, he was able to come back alive!

All I can say is "beep", he took it!

"...Three groups of strange black fires surged, and damn, there were three big ghosts of profound order. At that time, I made a decisive decision, and a sliding shovel was fed... No, it ran away, and later, the black fire returned again. Appeared, and the appearance of Youte Niang's three-headed mysterious ghost... The six of them joined forces to perform the ultimate lore, I was not afraid, the firepower was full, and I blocked, the six of them succumbed to my power, sandwiched between The tail fled in a panic, I am too strong!"

Lin Xuan briefly talked about his experience this Of course, some of the depiction techniques are indispensable, such as exaggeration... Of course, there are only 100 million points, really only 100 million points.

"Fart, if you're so strong, why are you being carried back in a coma?"

The teacher who walked in from outside the door mercilessly exposed Lin Xuan's exaggeration, "However, the strange black fire, the sudden appearance of the mysterious ghost... boy, you have a problem, think about it when they appear. What did you do before?"

"What have you done?"

Lin Xuan was lost in thought, and then he took out a whole Nether Fruit Tree.

"You, you just pulled the whole thing out? I've got you covered!"

Rao Yuanxing was a little speechless, "You forgot what the teacher told you, this whole area covered with ghosts and ghosts is the back garden of that adult!"

"Hey~, teacher, can't you, that one is staring at me?"

Lin Xuan was numb. In order to be in a hurry, he pulled up the whole tree. I didn't expect it to be in trouble!

"Teacher, save me, my little arms and legs can't stand the toss!"

After breaking the defense, Lin Xuan cried and shouted, "I'll return this thing, okay?"

"There's no need for that. You pulled up the whole tree, and the six mysterious ghosts chased and killed you. This is both a punishment for you and an experience for you. Since you have escaped by yourself, then this tree, It's what you deserve, so take it with confidence."

"Finally, I'll say it again, you can take risks, you can also harvest, but don't do such a radical thing again, you're doing it, she's watching!"

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