"Let's go, take the three of you to see the black market in Xidu."

The manager brother briefly introduced a few of his better friends to Lin Xuan and the others, and then led them to the mysterious black market.

"As for me, I'm going to sit in the office for a while and take you to the black market, so I won't accompany you around. I'll call a few old classmates of God One and have a drink together at night."

Because he didn't know that Lin Xuan and others were on an upgrade mission, he really thought that the three of them were just coming in to see the scene, so he didn't mention the combat part, and even he thought that if there was a combat mission in the future, he could take his juniors to learn sisters.

"That senior, it's like this, we came in for promotion...the time is a little tight."

Seeing that the seniors were helping them sincerely, and that it might take a lot of time for the dinner afterward, Lin Xuan simply clarified the matter.

Manager Senior: ? ? ?

"Are you in your third year of high school this year?"

The senior turned his head a little complicated. He also touched the threshold of the Xuan rank in the third year of high school, and then kept trying to be promoted. He finally completed the promotion before graduation. He was a graduate of Diyi Middle School.

"No, we are still a freshman in high school."

Lin Xuan returned with a smile.

Manager Senior: ? ? ?

"You are the students of Di Tianjiao class?!"

"That's right, didn't the senior watch this year's battle between the dragon and the tiger and the battle of the wind and cloud?"

"I've been in the world copy for the last few months... So you are still a member of the high school team?"

The manager and senior covered his face. As students who graduated from Diyi, they could still watch the live broadcast and replay of the school team selection through the Diyi watch, but he has not returned to Blue Star recently, and he is not clear about the selection of the Diyi school team.

"Deputy First Team, Lin Xuan, these two are my teammates!"

Vice Commander? !

Emperor First Legend Qin Fen, he knows and has met face to face. The school team generally calls him the team, and the vice team is probably the captain of the senior year!

The arrogance of Qin Fen!

Still his alumni!

Immediately, he took out his mobile phone and contacted another manager, "Hey, Lao Chen, I won't be going back in the afternoon, you help me get off work, yes, yes, my alumni is here, I have to entertain me, okay? Okay, that's it!"

Putting down the phone, the enthusiasm on his face increased by three points, "Come on, senior brother will take you around this black market and buy some things for the mission."

The location of the black market is extremely hidden. In order to prevent ordinary people from entering indiscriminately, it is set up at the end of a certain subway. For ordinary people (that is, those with non-Taixia ability), they can only enter the black market at a certain time, and it is convenient to come out. Yes, as for Lin Xuan and the others, they can go through the mission hall of the Minghuang Building. There are special means of transportation, and they can pass in real time without waiting.

In a capsule car, the seniors walked into it with their group, "It's coming soon, wait a moment!"

Soon, Lin Xuan's complexion changed. This speed was too fast. If it wasn't for his strong hearing, coupled with his understanding of the extreme meaning of the wind, he could feel the speed of their current movement in an instant!

It's only less than half a minute, which means that the lights have come on. "Arrived, get ready to get off. Oh, by the way, bring your mask and cloak, which can save a lot of trouble!"

Masks, cloaks, the three of them did not prepare, but there were several spare sets in the capsule compartment. I picked up a set and put it on. The senior slammed open the compartment door and said loudly, "Welcome to Minghuang. Ghost City!"

The Xidu Black Market, also known as the Minghuang Ghost Market, is the most peculiar of the four black markets. It was not established in Bluestar but was built within the world copy. Its age cannot be said to be short, it existed quite a long time ago. It used to be somewhere in the Western Capital. Later, the dungeon of the evil ghost world appeared, and the undead Minghuang gained a great advantage in the dungeon. He also valued the advantages of the world dungeon connecting with all parts of the Blue Star world, so the black market was moved to the world dungeon. Inside!

Sure enough, the black market in Xidu, which had been declining due to the geographical environment, inconvenience of transportation, etc., was reborn all of a sudden. Not only did the transaction volume increase, but there were also more Western resources that were rare in other areas of Taixia. Inland cities have become bridgeheads for opening to the outside world, which is somewhat inconsistent.

But, it doesn't matter!

The important thing is that the Blue Star people have discovered an alternative application of the world copy, which can be used as a bridge for communication and trade between countries. It’s just a pity that when you enter the copy, it will still be there after you go out. You can’t take the world copy as a bridge. Used as a space "wormhole".

Although the Minghuang Ghost City is suppressed by the undead Minghuang, it is still a relatively chaotic situation. People from dozens of countries are mixed in it. The language is better to use the copy language, but some customs, habits, etc., are different. .

For example, asking the price, some vendors are not allowed to ask the price casually, because in their country, asking the price means that you have to buy this product, and then the bargaining ends. If the buyer is here When you regret it, that street vendor will kill you!

It's not that the buyer is playing with their feelings, or that the seller is forced to buy and sell. The main thing is that the two sides have different ideas. Therefore, Lin Xuan and the security guards will also wear ghost city patrol uniforms and act as law enforcement officers in the ghost market to stop and mediate some conflicts. !

Looking not far away, several people gathered to fight and were quickly arrested by law enforcement officers. Lin Xuan couldn't help but sigh, "It's really messy here. By the way, are those people going to jail or not?"

"How can you be imprisoned? Everyone has a limited number of days each time they come to the world instance~www.readwn.com~ The higher the contribution, the longer they can stay. If they are imprisoned, it will be a waste of their time. Development time, so, in the world copy, there is only one punishment, fine!"

The fine is the money in the dungeon space. This will not make the capable users feel pain, but it will make them feel reluctant. To a certain extent, the world dungeon is equivalent to the second world. In the virtual world, money is not particularly important. , but before the level is cleared, any resource is crucial.

"Let's go, let's buy a barrier first. This thing is a gadget from Western Europe, but it is very practical. It can effectively isolate the dungeon proto-humans, which makes our battles unnecessary."

The enchantment is not a one-time item. As long as it is not damaged, it can be used for a long time. In addition to the enchantment, a large amount of holy water has been purchased, that is, the seller is a vampire with bare fangs. This is somewhat inconsistent, but also Very reasonable.

The appearance of the Ghost City of the Underworld has made the Dark Holy Court of Western Europe finally able to breathe under the blow of the Holy Temple of Light. In the past, after killing knights, bishops, and saints, the harvested holy water can only be poured out. Now it is different. Pull to Minghuang Ghost Market, you can sell it at a high price, and then use this money to buy extraordinary resources of the dark system, strengthen yourself, and continue to hunt down the people of the Temple of Light!

In any case, the appearance of the Underworld Phoenix Ghost City has indeed affected Blue Star's strength distribution pattern!

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