Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 206: Battle of the Dragons and Tigers: Guangzhou

"Illusory Suppressing Prison Strength" must be learned. The power of this thing is not the body training, but the special strength technique. According to the description in the "Ksitigarbha Primordial Wish Sutra", if you continue to practice it, It is completely achievable to suppress the eighteen layers of hell!

The idea is very good, and the skills are also very good, but unfortunately it was born in the wrong era, and the limit that can be used today is only twelve times!

No, not only this limit, in addition to the multiple limit, there is also the upper limit of strength, but they have never touched the upper limit of strength, so they know nothing, and Wanfa Tianren explained in detail that there is an upper limit to strength, but He didn't know how much, because he couldn't measure it, but when he touched the threshold, he could clearly sense it.


It can only be said that the big guy Niubeer is not only transparent, but also has a strong physique, and he can easily touch the upper threshold.

Then I contacted the "Origin of Qi Body" of the old gods of Wudang, eh, Nima, one or two, they are all physical monsters, humanoid tyrannosaurus, looks weak and weak, a little bit unbearable, but when you take off your clothes, all Nima tendons The flesh is violent, and the monsters at the peak of the earth are torn apart.

It seems that those two have no weaknesses at all, whether it is their physique, their primordial spirit, or their means of attacking, perhaps only in this way can they achieve the terrifying titles of "No. 1 in the world" and "No. 2 in the world"!

He was about to try to practice "Idol Elephant Suppressing Prison", but at this time, Lin Xuan felt the abrupt stop of the space fighter, as if it had reached its destination.

Guangzhou is here!

Soon, a burst of pleasant music came from the practice room. This music is not harsh, but it can really wake people up from the state of meditation. After that, there was a voice broadcast, "Guangzhen is here, come out!"

In the air and space fighter hall, everyone was gathering, and soon Lin Xuan, Qin Fen and others stepped out.

"Guangzhen is the battlefield of my Taixia. It is no different here than other regions. You must always prepare for battle. Now, wear armor and be sharp!"


Teacher Rao gave an order, and everyone put on their battle armor and held their own weapons. Their faces were stern and their eyes were sharp.

"In Guangzhen, although there is a myriad of heaven and man in charge, but that lord is only defending the dangers of the outer sea, as for the invasion of sea monsters in Guangzhou, and the small sea monster tide organized by sea monsters in the sea, he will not take action! "

"Small waves of sea beasts will naturally be dealt with by the Guangzhou Guards, but those scattered sea beasts who fish in troubled waters and enter Guangzhou must be killed immediately when you encounter them!"

"Open your Diyi watch, the Guangzhou Battlefield app has been automatically downloaded, and every able person who enters Guangzhou will automatically receive a task: protect the people of Guangzhou!"

"If the people of Guangzhou suffer casualties due to sea monsters, those who are capable of Guangzhou will deduct a point of merit. If the people of Guangzhou are not injured or killed by sea monsters that day, those who are capable of Guangzhou will gain a point of merit!"

"The final of the battle of the dragon and tiger has now begun. The content is as follows: Within seven consecutive days, the people of Guangzhou have not suffered any casualties due to sea monsters, and the ranking will be based on the number of sea monsters killed in the city. Calculated, if it fails twice, the battle between the dragon and the tiger will be declared a failure, and there will be no dragon and tiger of the Great Summer this year!"

"Now that the game has started, what are you waiting for?"

Everyone: ? ? ?

Nest grass, nest grass, nest grass!

Qin Fen took the lead and rushed out the door. While running wildly, he opened the Diyi watch to contact Tianjiao from other high schools, "Wocao, you are paralyzed, have you arrived, have you arrived?"

Soon, Tianjiao from other high schools also arrived. Hearing the content of the finals of the Dragon and Tiger Battle announced by his teacher, he was also confused, and then started the runaway mode in the city.

Not only Tianjiao on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings of each school, but other entourages also joined the battle to protect the rankings. As for whether they will be won by those who are not on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings, it is not. There is no such possibility, but if even those who are not on the list can compete, what qualifications are there to compete for Taixia Dragon Tiger!

"The whole of Guangzhou is too big. If we patrol aimlessly, there will be omissions, and people will bump into each other from time to time, which will only cause a waste of manpower. We divide Guangzhou into 18 areas, and each school guards one Areas, and then each area is subdivided by its own school... Wocao, this is too big!"

The rise of Guangzhen 30 years ago, when Wanfa Tianren and Bihai Palace descended from the sky, repelled the three coastal disasters, and opened the era of Taixia Great Navigation!

After that, more and more capable people gathered in Guangzhou to go fishing, fight the wind and waves, and do business with other countries. Here, business opportunities are everywhere, and the opportunities to become stronger come one after another, even if you want to become an ability You don't need to leave the city, just muster up your courage, pick up your sword, and rush to the sea monster that suddenly appeared in front of you!

Guangzhen is very big, even getting bigger and bigger. There are many capable people, but there are more ordinary people. Some are family members of capable people, some are businessmen who come to do business, and more are ordinary people who want to become capable. people.

And this time, the biggest obstacle in the battle between the dragon and the tiger is this group of hot-blooded middle-2 teenagers, middle-2 youths, middle-2 middle-aged, middle-2 seniors...


Yang Cheng let out a soulful cry. In front of him was a team of five middle-2 teenagers, middle-2 youths, and middle-2 middle-aged people. They were holding wooden sticks, kitchen knives, steel bars, elastic bows, and an outrageous security door. Face off against a yellow-skinned crab.

He was about to go forward to deal with the blue-skin crab, but the middle-aged teenager stopped him with a serious face, "Don't move, that's our prey!"

Then the duel started. The five middle 2 warriors, with their skillful techniques, did not let the green crab cause any damage, but they were wearing "novice outfits" and could not break the green crab's defense at all~www.readwn. com~ That green skin is really a bit shabby.

In the end, the middle 2 warrior with a wooden stick rushed forward bravely. Uh, in Yang Cheng's eyes, he was like a dying idiot. He was about to save this man, but he never thought that there would be a to cooperate.

The elastic bow was aimed at the protruding crab eye, and it was sure to hit with a single blow. Then the outrageous security door slammed forward and caught the two big pliers. Although it quickly broke away from the limit, that moment of time was enough!

A wooden stick was stabbed at the mouth of the green-skin crab, but the crab tightly closed his mouth. This stab was unsuccessful, but instead made the middle-level warrior back a few steps.

At this time, the green skin crab opened his mouth proudly and seemed to be smiling.

The observer holding the elastic bow suddenly shouted happily, "The opportunity is here, Brother Tang, kill!"

The middle 2 warrior holding a wooden stick also saw this scene, with a smile on his lips, and the trend of retreating continued, but when he turned around, he suddenly exerted force, returned the carbine, and poked directly into the mouth of the green skin crab. Inside!

It's dead!

"Okay, who said you can't kill a sea monster without a gun head, today, I, the Overlord of the Tang family, re-enter the gun..."

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