The three of them looked at Lin Xuan, who was standing in front of them. They were speechless for a while, but they were really shocked. With one punch, they scare away a mysterious sea king, which was really powerful.

And now, this powerful "newcomer" is actually a member of their team. How can I put it, I am a little happy and a little overwhelmed.

"You, hello, I'm the captain of Squad 18, Li Yunqiang, I'm glad you joined."

Li Yunqiang couldn't hold back his serious expression, forced out a few smiles, and welcomed Lin Xuan to join him.

"...So, how happy are you?"


Lin Xuan snorted, and he couldn't straighten Li Yunqiang directly. How happy? How do I know how happy I am?

"Quack quack!"

"I laughed so hard, hahaha!"

The other two teammates on the side heard Lin Xuan's rhetorical question, and looked at Li Yunqiang's stunned expression, and suddenly laughed out a goose cry, and the relationship between the four of them was greatly improved for a while, and there was no stranger to meet each other. That awkward atmosphere.

"Our name is Fu Ziyu, I know a little magic, and I have learned first aid on the battlefield. It's half a healing aid!"

"Ran Changan, a soldier, good at using guns!"

"Li Yunqiang, guardian."

"Lin Xuan, a strong attacker, a variant of the guardian, the defense is not weak, and the attack is not bad!"

The three major positions are only a rough score, and someone like Lin Xuan, who can resist and fight, is a strong attacker in a five-person team if he is positioned.

And this temporary five-person team is still short of one scout.

"By the way, our task today is to hunt several kilograms of prey, and I brought gifts to the team."

Lin Xuan asked casually, and then pointed to the sea beast that was dragged over and put aside.

"Hey, a blue-headed fish looks like a thousand catties. If you remove the inedible parts of fish scales, fish bones, and internal organs, the net meat should be about five hundred catties. One third of today's task has been completed. Yes, yes, it's a great gift!"

Li Yunqiang's eyes lit up and made a rough estimate. An old face smiled and blossomed. Before, due to the lack of manpower, they had not been able to complete the day's hunting for several days. The part of the residents they were responsible for relied on the stock they had saved before. barely survive.

Although they didn't say anything, the three of them were really uncomfortable. Now that they have come to help, I'm afraid they can get more meat to store.

Without further ado, Li Yunqiang placed the sea beast on the conveyor belt first, and sent it to the dungeon first, and then there would be a special person in charge of cutting and delivering it.

"Come on, let's go hunting!"

With a high-spirited greeting, Li Yunqiang came to the nearby simple locker room, put on diving suits, and each took a sharp stone spear... By the way, why is the weapon a stone spear, it feels like returning to the ancient stone age!

"Cough, Xuan, we are short of everything, metals and so on are all rare items, that is, there are many stones. When the dungeon was built, countless red stones were dug out, and this stone is quite strong, just polish it and get it. Edges and corners, the damage is not low, just use it."

Lin Xuan: ...

"Brother, why don't you bring food and weapons from Taixia? We should have a lot of food in Taixia, right?"

Li Yunqiang gave Lin Xuan a strange look, but Ran Changan explained to Lin Xuan: "It's not that you can't bring it, but that you can't bring it. If the dungeon native humans can eat high-quality rice, green vegetables, and countless others every day. Reiki meat food, yes, indeed, they will have a very good living environment."

"Moreover, we can also harvest a lot of dungeon strategy, but this is not desirable, because it will make them lose their motivation to fight, since we outsiders can come up with so much food, then they only need to every day Just lie down and eat, there is no sense of crisis."

"Only now, when food is in short supply, the crisis of sea beasts, and the terrifying crisis that is imminent, alert them at all times. If we are self-improving, conscientious, and the spirit of hard work affects them, they will study hard and make progress every day!"

"Of course, the above are all my personal opinions. I don't know if it is specific or not."

Lin Xuan nodded, this is very reasonable, at least he agrees, once a person is free of pressure, he will become a salted fish, eat and sleep, sleep and eat, what is the difference between a human being and a pig!

"Let's go, don't think about it so much, these things are left to those administrative staff to plan, we just need to complete the tasks given to us."

Fu Ziyu patted Afraid Lin Xuan on the shoulder, then jumped into the sea of ​​continuous waves.

Lin Xuan raised his eyes and jumped down.

The sea, he always thought that he had a deep-sea phobia, but now that he is in the sea, some actually feel a sense of relief, and the Yinglong blood in his body seems to be cheering.

When I opened my eyes, the sea was azure blue, but when I looked into the distance, it gradually became dark. There were many sea beasts swimming around, and a swordfish seemed to have spotted Lin Xuan and moved towards him quickly. Swimming over, the spikes on his upper lip pierced fiercely.

Lin Xuan moved his body, but found that although his feet could not touch the ground, his body was next to the sea water everywhere, and he could use strength everywhere to move in the sea water.

The Dragon Returns to the Sea!

With one dodging, one pinching, one smashing, the sword-stinging fish with a heavy head has already been caught.

The three people not far away seemed to be stunned by Lin Xuan's light-hearted movements and techniques. He originally thought that he would feel uncomfortable when going to sea for the first time, but unexpectedly, the adaptability was quite strong.

But soon, they were frightened again, because Lin Xuan was too comfortable in the sea, as if he himself lived in the sea, and the sea beasts wandering around could not escape his elusive fist. One hit and one hit.

Carrying seven or eight sea beasts weighing several hundred kilograms, four people surfaced.

"Xuanzi, cow!"

"It's really amazing, Brother Xuan, we admire you!"

"Xuan'er, yes, today's portion is enough, you did a great job."

The three of them all gave thumbs up and praised. This was also because Lin Xuan's performance was too exaggerated. His swimming speed was faster than those of the sea beasts living in the sea, and the force of his punches did not seem to be hindered too much by the water. Influence, the sea beast that used to take most of the effort to capture, is now like a fruit picked at random, and it is one when you reach out.

It's so cool!

"Go down and do another wave?"

Ran Changan squeezed the sharp stone spear in his hand, his face full of excitement. They were quite remorseful for their little gains in the past few days. Now that Lin Xuan is a killer, they can't hurry up and do more. You know, Lin Xuan is not a member of the team who has been stationed for a long time, but is only temporarily dispatched.

Li Yunqiang didn't speak, but looked at Lin Xuan with expectant eyes, and Fu Ziyu was also full of anticipation.

"Of course, today we're going to return with a full load!"

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