Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 218: Dragon Eggs and Devil Fruits

[Card]: Dark Abyss Blue Dragon Egg

【Type】: Pet · Egg

[Bloodline]: Abyss Dragon, Ottomu Dragon

[Equal Rank]: Quasi-God High Rank/Egg (Not Entry Rank)

[Skill]: Fetal Movement

[Introduction]: The intertwining of death in the abyss and the life of Ottomu, it is reincarnated in endless despair, and now it has finally ushered in an unknown future, whether it is good or bad!

It is actually a pet egg, and its race level is as high as "quasi-god high-level". This is a terrifying race that is expected to enter the advanced level of the earth. Even if there are not enough resources, as long as it is given time to sleep, it can still easily enter the earth. order.

Is this Nima the terrifying reward for Huangjie's inverse slashing of the earth? It's really love.

Put it aside for now, I have to look at this thing again. Power is definitely very powerful, but I don't know if it is suitable for him. With Lin Xuan's current strength, it is difficult to find opponents at the same level, and the same is true after promotion, because two The big talent template is really scary.

As for his own pet, Lin Xuan has actually thought about it, but he wants that kind of auxiliary pet more. He already has a shield to defend against terror, an invincible knife, and a staff that supports all-powerful.

It is very difficult for Lin Xuan himself to release all kinds of restrictive skills. Apart from using brute force, this has always been his choice. Before fighting Wu Benqing of the school team, it was because he could not release the immobilization technique and the ghost seal in time. Just lost.

There is a rank difference between Xuanjie and Huangjie. Even if his body is very strong, he is still suppressed by the ranks, and it took him a while to break free.

If, at that time, Lin Xuan had a baby, the all-around support type, even if it had the same rank suppression, it could not be solved directly. However, there was an auxiliary spell outside and his own brute force inside to unlock the lock. Using two-pronged approach, it was time to break free of the seal. Must be greatly shortened.

The Dark Abyss Azure Dragon is indeed very strong. Looking at the introduction of "the intertwining of death in the abyss and the life of Yimu, it reincarnates in endless despair", Lin Xuan dares to be sure that this pet will definitely have the two supreme rules of death and life. Attributes, and the rebirth of the Millennium Dragon, this bug-level skill has a high probability of being passed down.

Just don't be too strong!

It's really inappropriate!

Lin Xuan frowned and put the pet egg into his personal space. Maybe he could ask the old principal if there was any way to change his pet.

Another thing surprised Lin Xuan!

[Card]: Fish and Fish Fruit · Eudemons · Green Dragon Form

[Type]: Devil Fruit (special bloodline)

【Equal order】:/

[Introduction]: The secret treasure in the sea, the source of disaster in the lost era!

Lin Xuan: ? ? ?

This thousand-year-old dragon has a green dragon fruit?

Devil fruit is actually a special bloodline?

When did it become a "source of disaster for a lost age"?

After thinking calmly and analyzing it for a while, Lin Xuan nodded.

There is a high probability that the Millennium Dragon has never eaten the Qinglong fruit, and it can explode this fruit. First, it has a weak Qinglong bloodline itself. Second, this time, Lin Xuanyue has two strong kills, so the dungeon space This is how the fruit is generously distributed.

Well, another reason is probably that the explosion of this fruit will not affect the current copy of the endless sea king world.

As for "the devil fruit is actually a special bloodline", this is also very understandable. In the era of One Piece, eating the rubber fruit was called "rubber man", and eating the glittering fruit was called "shining man", so it was regarded as a special bloodline. It can be said in the past.

Hmm, I don't know if I can still eat it... I should be able to. If it is said that it cannot be eaten, there will be a "not edible" reminder.

The last "source of disaster in the lost era" is even simpler. If it wasn't for the fact that the Devil Fruit lost the disadvantage of "fear of sea water", so that the sea kings could also eat the devil fruit, there would be no such thing as "endless sea king destroying the world" at all. thing.

Now the original copy of the endless sea king world copy, the civilization of mankind has been destroyed, and the culprit is the devil fruit. If you want to re-establish a new civilization and a new order, the power of the devil fruit is also an indispensable part!

This is really a devil fruit for success, and a devil fruit for defeat!

Looking at the Devil Fruit card in front of him, Lin Xuan fell into deep thought, should he eat it!

Don't eat angels: The strength is already messy enough, plus a special bloodline, how to use it, and the development of the fruit is also a very time-consuming problem.

Greedy Devil: Eat, why don't you eat, the strength is messy or not, he doesn't care what he does, as long as the strength is up, it is enough, and messiness also has the advantage of messiness, that is, the enemy needs more ways to deal with it.

Don't eat angels: Well, what you think is simple. The more you learn, the more potential you spend. Don't be greedy for temporary pleasure and directly ruin your life.

Greedy Devil: I'm afraid of chickens. When the yellow rank rises to the Xuan rank, there is a chance to jump in the bloodline and the exercises. The Yinglong bloodline and the Qinglong bloodline on the body are considered a kind of Ancestral Dragon bloodline no matter what, in case they are compatible High enough, what about fusion mutation when upgrading?

Don't eat angels: Bah, what kind of non-chief are you, you don't have any points in your heart, and you also merge mutations...


If you don't eat the angel, you will be shocked. Before I finish my words, you will bite down, scumbag!


My Nima, this is really shit-flavored fruit!

Lin Xuan took a bite, but he really didn't have the courage to take another bite. Seeing that his personal card had already displayed [Special Bloodline: Fish and Fish Fruit, Illusory Beast, and Blue Dragon Form], he put the rest of the useless ones. Throw away the **** smelling fruit.

He was about to try his newly acquired ability, but at this moment, Lin Xuan felt a terrible sense of crisis in his Yes, this sea forest is alive, it will automatically prey on high energy The reacting creature, Huang Jie like Lin Xuan, sorry, just like an ant, doesn't care at all.

Only the Xuanjie Sea King and the Dijie Sea King are its prey targets.

But after such a moment, Lin Xuan also gave up the idea of ​​trying to transform into a blue dragon here, and it was better to return to the Red Earth Continent and try again.

The next step is to search for treasures. With so many fruits, there may be one or two Devil Fruits. If one really finds Devil Fruits, the contribution of that person will directly explode... Although, I just killed one. The Earth-level Sea Emperor has already exploded.

Well, now the Red Earth Base Camp should be wondering why the dungeon strategy progress has risen so much for a while.

Well, on this point, Lin Xuan was not wrong. They are falling into huge doubts, although this is a huge good thing... But they still want to see what is going on, is it possible to do it again!

In addition to Taixia on the Red Earth Continent, Yingjiang in Upside Down Mountain and Xiaotianguo in Windmill Village are also confused.


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