Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 234: "Certainly!"

Sea... tsunami!

Huge tsunami... No, it's a super huge tsunami, more than 10,000 meters high and hundreds of miles wide. If this tsunami hits solidly and hits it firmly, the whole of Guangzhou will not be completely destroyed, but it will definitely be destroyed. almost.

The group of people who were just eating dinner are now all standing on the top of a building, looking up at the terrifying tsunami like a world-destroying flood, gulping saliva.

This Nima is too scary!

It will die, it will definitely, if this is pressed down, everyone present will die.

In addition to the terrifying tsunami, four or five incomparably powerful giant tornadoes have already approached Guangzhou one step ahead, one after another, the sea water, the ships docked at the pier, and the sand and stones. There seems to be an invisible big hand. With a flick of a finger, these things were easily picked up.

The coconut trees growing on the coast of Guangzhou and Shenzhen were uprooted at the touch of a brush, and there was no room for resistance.

Even Lin Xuan and others outside the 3rd Ring Road could feel the fury of the wind, blowing on the face, causing pain!

"Isn't the powerhouse on the ground level yet?"

"Maybe they're waiting for something?"

"Who knows!"


If the tsunami and tornado are not resolved, then their group does not need to kill the enemy at all, the first task is to save their own lives!

Suddenly, a palace appeared in front of the Guangzhou coastline. Lin Xuan's eyes were sharp, and he recognized at a glance that it was the Bihai Palace that he had been to!

"Look, it's Bihai Palace, Wanfa Tianren is about to take action!"

In addition to the sudden appearance of Bihai Palace, there are also several rays of light flashing, facing the terrifying tornadoes one after another.

"That's... Wocao, it's Overlord Fubo, Overlord Zhenhai, King Undead Ming... They're going to take action to suppress the tornado!"

"Strong, Taixia's heritage is beef beer, and it can pull out four or five top-level powerhouses at once."

This is indeed true. Those who are known as "undead", "overlord" and "Saint Mercy and Holy Venerable" are top-level powerhouses. Although the old principal of Diyi is also considered an extremely powerful field powerhouse, he is far from a place with a title. There are still some gaps in the ranks of the powerhouses... If three fights one, they can still barely draw.

It's just that Taixia can pull out four or five people at random. You must know that in ordinary countries, the top domestic rank may only be two or three. Like the Eagle sauce country, there are a little more, ten or twenty, but the vast majority Some of the top tiers have their own responsibilities and obligations, or protect a certain ox, or guard a certain place (for example, the West is not dead Minghuang), or are lurking abroad, and so on.

To be able to pull out four or five top tiers in one breath, that is, today's Taixia!

Countless powerhouses who are paying attention to Guangzhen, their cheeks twitched. They were still happy about the hardships Taixia was going to face, but they never expected that Taixia's lineup to deal with was so terrifying, I was really shocked .

And what happened next shocked them even more.


A calm voice sounded from the Bihai Palace, and the terrifying 10,000-meter-high tsunami seemed to have been pressed by the pause button in an instant, and it remained motionless.

Not only the tsunami, but also the sea water and waves within a radius of 100 miles were directly fixed in place, unable to advance, retreat, or even fall.

Lin Xuan looked at this scene in horror, the coffin board of the former boss Newton couldn't hold it back, wow!

"Is this a fixation technique?"

"The opponent is the immobilization technique, but it is performed by the Ten Thousand Laws, and the power of this technique is almost magical!"

"Old witch, are you sure your body-fixing technique is exactly the same as Wanfa Tianren's body-fixing technique?"

"I'm not sure either!"


A group of people looked at the scene in front of them in horror. It was really a scene that was too shocking to people's three views.

As the saying goes, experts watch the doorway, and laymen watch the fun.

If an ordinary person or a person with the ability of the yellow level sees this scene, they will definitely shout, "Everything is awesome!"

And Lin Xuan has already come into contact with Xuanjie techniques, knows the gap between the two, understands the horror of this scene, and when he shouts, he will definitely add the word "wocao"!

"Wocao, Wanfa is awesome!"

The tsunami was subdued, the tornadoes were scattered, and the danger of destruction in Guangzhen was easily broken, but this was just the other party's first dish. Although the appearance was a bit "stunning", it seemed a bit anticlimactic due to the insertion of the master, but after the first dish Just dinner.

Three terrifying giant beasts showed their bodies in the sea, with countless tentacles and mucus all over their bodies, a somewhat disgusting octopus girl, holding a sea fish trident, and a big head that looked a bit cute in the Q version of the tidal murloc sea spirit, holding the law in one hand The staff, floating on the sea, with a cute face, but the fish tail on her lower body somewhat ruined the mermaid-like Queen of Storm Janna.

This is the three offshore disasters!

Three sea beasts at the pinnacle of the earth!

Storm Janna Queen leads the Storm Janna clan, holding a storm scepter, adapting to the seasonal climate change of Blue Star, every windy season brews terrifying wind disasters, um, and the breathing help of the sky cracking seat.

The tidal murloc sea spirit is lurking on the bottom of the sea. There are countless murlocs under him. They often attack the passing merchant ships. Generally, they do not kill people. They mainly use hostages and goods to exchange materials with Taixia.

As for the octopus girl, how should I put it, she is the only sea beast that travels alone, lurking near the Taixia sea area, occasionally attacking the coastal areas of But I didn't expect that this rainy season, the offshore three The disaster is all out!

Wanfa Tianren didn't show up or make a sound anymore. His main responsibility was to deal with the **** of natural disasters Ao... Well, no, it should be said to entertain the strong who dealt with the **** of natural disasters Ao.

"Brother Dao, come, toast to you!"

"Well~, oh, this wine is good, but it's too little!"

"Hahaha, that kid took it out. He probably still has some stock on him. If you are interested, you can change it."

Wanfa Tianren drew a circle at random, and printed the appearance of Lin Xuan.

A young man dressed as a Taoist priest on the side glanced at Lin Xuan and nodded slightly, "No hurry, wait for this matter to come over and talk about it."

Then he looked at the boundless fierceness of the sea and the three disasters near the sea, "These three beasts don't know what to do, wait for me to understand them with a sword!"

"Cough, wait a minute, Daoist brother, I specially kept these three heads. The sea is vast, and there are countless sea monsters at the peak of the land steps. I deliberately left them three, just to be used as watchdogs, so as to save other land steps. The pinnacle sea monster broke in."

Wanfa Tianren hurriedly stopped him, secretly thinking in his heart, worthy of this person, such a big murderous intention.

"Well, let's do it, what about that **** of the God of Disaster, do you want to kill it with a sword?"

"...Leave it a dog's life, after all, it has to be used to disrupt the situation."

Wanfa Tianren shook his head again and again after thinking about it, but he still rejected the proposal. The Taoist in front of him was terrifyingly powerful, with a murderous mind, and his murderous aura almost condensed the essence. He had no doubt that the other party could kill that shit!

You must know that today’s Heavenly Ranks are all pseudo-Heavenly Ranks, and they all went the wrong way. Of course, Mai must have crossed the hurdle of the Heavenly Rank, but the strength did not skyrocket as they imagined!

Because the sky-level limit of the copy space for Blue Star still exists!

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