Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 395: Imprisoned Skaven

Chapter 395 The Imprisoned Rat Man

The tens of thousands of Ratmen seem to be a lot, but in fact, they can't help but kill them. Especially in the crypt, Lin Xuan only needs a big earthquake to make this crypt completely collapse, and there will be no more living creatures. , Lin Xuan would have wanted to do this a long time ago if he hadn't wanted to keep a rat man.

Yes, even if there is only one Rat Man left, this race may rise again, even if it is a Male Rat Man!

Seeing, hearing, hearing, listening to the supernatural powers, heart network, and earth perception, the four perception skills are fully activated, large-scale fuzzy, small-scale accurate, life exploration, perception strength, multi-pronged, no one. The Rat Man was able to escape Lin Xuan's hunt.

There are very few strong people among the Rat People. Anyway, Lin Xuan has never encountered them along the way. When ordinary Rat People meet, they can easily get them with just a small wind blade. Fate, the Rat Man of the Yellow Rank is not very useful at all, it is still solved by a wind blade, and the Rat Man of the Xuanjie is still strong and needs to be solved with a finger gun and an embroidery needle.

The entire Rat Man crypt was originally full of squeaking noises, but as Lin Xuan went deeper, the sound became weaker and weaker, and gradually fell into silence.

Killing all the way, Lin Xuan himself didn't know how many rat people he killed. He was already a little numb, but as soon as he turned around and caught a glimpse of the statue of Io on the street, Lin Xuan made up his mind that the rat people must die, not for anything, just because , they are the enemy.

I don't know how long it took to kill, but Lin Xuan walked to a crypt that was obviously gorgeous. This is probably, probably, 80%, it should be the crypt where the Rat Man King is located. This is also the last Rat Man breath that Lin Xuan can perceive. the location of.

Without hesitation, he stepped into it.

A team of ratmen patrolling dressed more gorgeously and nobler than other ratmen, and all of them had to have combat armor appeared in front of Lin Xuan. The armor on their bodies was very torn and did not fit well, but this was indeed Lin Xuan is the only piece of armor he has seen along the way.

Rat people are so poor? !

Not surprisingly, this should be the palace guards, right? That's all their equipment?

Lin Xuan was a little stunned, um, mainly because he was numb to the killing. He didn't react for a while, and he didn't care about the team of ability rats led by the dozen or so low-level ability rats. After all, they couldn't cause any harm.

A group of ability rats naturally saw Lin Xuan, and their first reaction was not to fight, but to flee. The strong man who could penetrate deep into the rat man's crypt has not yet caused the alarm, how strong it must be!

They know too well how much they weigh, um, it's a bit of a coward, but as long as the mouse is alive, it's fine.

It's a pity that Lin Xuan easily caught up with them, and then sent them to reincarnation with his clansmen...if there is any!

It seems that the rat people really don't have many strong people!

Lin Xuan sighed a little. With the support of Io, the rat people are naturally not weak. The appearance of the Calamity Rat and Calamity Plague Rats can completely compete with the half-dragon kobold warlocks of the kobold kingdom, but this Most of the powerhouses were dispatched to the battlefield, or those who were placed in the line with Taixia's Tianjiao, some were already dead, others... on the way to death.

Patrol guards, kill!

Guards, kill!

Guards, kill!

Bodyguard, kill!


Damn, how many strong rat people has this rat man king arranged around him, **** a wave, and turn his head to meet another wave, it is simply endless killing, too outrageous!

Lin Xuan had a black line. No wonder he couldn't see the strong outside at all. It turned out that they were all arranged in the "Royal Palace".

The entire palace crypt is very big, but it is only big. There are no small gardens, no fountains, rockeries, and no greenery. Street lights and the like are all bare rock passages.


A weak earth-level aura, an aura of the peak of the mysterious order, and dozens of chaotic rat-man auras, if coupled with the laughing voices of a female rat and a male rat-man coming from not far away, It is not difficult for Lin Xuan to judge, this is creating offspring?

What happened to that weak earth-level aura, in a secret room below those auras not far away...

Lin Xuan is still very discerning. He won't disturb others when they are having a good time. At least he has to let them play a cannonball. When he hits the road, he can have no regrets.

That's great, as expected of me!

About 30 seconds later, with a comfortable sigh, Lin Xuan knew that the other party was over, and shook his head speechlessly, it seemed that this thing was really not good, it was too spicy, and he even called dozens of mothers at once. Rat man...

He kicked away the moving rocks in front of the crypt, and the rock rolled into the crypt, crushing a few female rats who couldn't escape. Lin Xuan appeared at the entrance of the crypt with an indifferent face, looking inside situation.

A young Ratman in gorgeous clothes was panting and got up from a female Ratman. It struggled to raise its head to look at the entrance of the cave, but unexpectedly saw Lin Xuan, and was startled... Probably withered. Bar……

"Who are you?" (Ratman)

Lin Xuan raised his brows, and dozens of wind blades flashed Those female rat people died immediately, and the rat king suddenly jolted and bowed to Lin Xuan.

"Lord Forgive Your Life" (Mandarin)

"Hehe, you can say Taixia's words."

Lin Xuan looked at this young rat king with some amusing, a rat man of profound rank who could easily be crushed to death.

So in the next second, Lin Xuan shot directly and pinched it to death.

There is also the last breath, which is exactly at the foot.

Lin Xuan's whole body turned into mud, and he escaped into it, and then his body entered a dark, closed space, where an earth-level rat man was imprisoned.

Tsk tsk tsk, this rat man is really good enough, even with only such a floor, he was directly imprisoned by fighting a dog and biting a dog.

A flame appeared in Lin Xuan's palm, and the flame illuminated the entire space. I saw an aging, huge, pitch-black rat man lying on the ground weakly, his whole body being blocked by chains transformed by the power of the gods. There is a statue of Io not far away.

This is not a secret room for worshiping gods, but a court of adjudication. This rat man is not a cleric, but a "heretic" in the mouth of the gods.

"Be conscious!"

Lin Xuan suddenly realized that he had accidentally discovered the secrets of the Rat People. Well, although the Rat People were probably directly exterminated by him, the secrets in the history of the Rat People are irrelevant.

The Rat Man seemed to have heard Lin Xuan's whisper, and it opened one eye hard and saw Lin Xuan's figure.

"You, you are from Taixia, are you here to save me?"

Lin Xuan: ? ? ?

What the hell, do the Rat and Taixia still have a cooperative alliance?

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