Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 450: Capital of Xia Dynasty: Beiping

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The blood of the dragon race was suppressed, and the spirit of the gods was faintly met with natural enemies, and there was a sense of fear that a catastrophe was imminent.

This Human Sovereign is not right. If it wasn't for the fact that his hard power was slightly inferior, I am afraid that it would have been beheaded by this Human Sovereign long ago.

Holding the Sword of the Son of Heaven in his hand, Lin Xuan looked at Ji Yanlong with arrogance. He was really uncomfortable in this battle. Whether it was hard power or combat experience, he was crushed by Ji Yanlong. After many restraints, Lin Xuan had already run away. The reason why everyone could cheer for the weak to win the strong was naturally because it was extremely difficult to achieve.

And this time, he saw the hope of defeating the strong by the weak!

"Come again!"

Lin Xuan roared suddenly, and the whole person turned into a thunder, killing Ji Yanlong, Ji Yanlong sneered, his wings covered with flames fluttered behind him, and suddenly, a stream of fireworks flashed, and Lin Xuan turned into Thunder fought together, and the fight between Thunder and Flame was extremely fierce, and it was impossible to tell the winner for a while.

"So strong!"

Qin Fen stood on the ground and looked up at the fierce battle in the sky. Although he knew that his junior brother had surpassed him by a lot, he did not expect that there would be so many. He felt the strength of Ji Yanlong very clearly. It is not weaker than the two of Wudang and Bihai Palace. Of course, their overall strength is still quite different, but they are indeed strong at the same level.

And Lin Xuan has already been able to face off against such a strong man. Even if he falls behind the two, it is extremely tyrannical. You must know that he has only broken through the ground level for a few days, and it takes less than two months to complete the battle!

The other powerhouses in Taixia were also shocked, but soon, they came back to their senses and sighed in their hearts. It seems that this time the copy of the new world is indeed going to come back in vain, as long as Lin Xuan is there , they have no chance to gain leadership at all, and if they don't get leadership, they can't get the maximum benefits, and they eat some corners. This is called part-time work. !

But the most shocked are the many powerhouses in Jiyan Longcheng. They watched their gods and the human emperor on the opposite side fight back and forth, and there seemed to be an unreal feeling in the trance. When will the human race be like this? He was so powerful that he was able to wrestle with the Lord of Jiyan Longcheng, the three giants on the mainland.

What's even more awesome is that the two are five to five!

"The human race is about to rise?"

"Then what should I do?"

"Will the human race still have a foothold for me?"

Many of the strong human race in Jiyan Dragon City are mostly accompanied by a powerful dragon beast. This is not only their status symbol, but also their military strength. The stronger the dragon beast around them, the more powerful they are in Jiyan Dragon City. the higher the status.

But now, a strong man of the human race's beastmaster family is lowering his head and thinking about something.

"Human Emperor? Hope he doesn't win, once he wins, I will lose everything I have now!"

As one of the leaders of the human race in Jiyanlong City, there is naturally a Jiyanlong above him, but Jiyanlong has been sleeping in the volcano for a long time, and has no time to take care of the affairs in the city, so he manages Jiyan The authority of Dragon City is naturally the responsibility of smarter humans.

He has a very high status in Jiyan Dragon City, and he has nurtured an extremely powerful dragon beast. Human beings are precious by beasts, and the right to speak in the city will naturally rise. If it is not for this matter of Lin Xuan , he is afraid that he has the opportunity to become a humanoid desolate beast with the help of Ji Yanlong.

But now, everything is different!

Someone has proved to them that the human race can also rip wild beasts, slash the gods with knives, and can deal with the masters of the three holy places with ease. strength?

He stared blankly at the battle above the The powerful path of the human race was finally found!

This is the gospel of everyone in the wild world, but it is not theirs. As the vested interests of the old era, they don't want any accidents to happen. As long as life goes on as usual, they will still be superior to others. Under the beast, you can still be a blessing, and rely on the wild beast to grab a lot of benefits for yourself.

It's a pity that the old era ended too quickly, and the spring breeze of the new era has already blown to Ji Yanlong City, and he didn't have time to react at all.

Some are reluctant, some hate, and some hope, of course, more still confused.

With a bang in the sky, the two peerless powerhouses ended the battle.

Lin Xuan's eyes were dark circled, and the clothes on his body were tattered and torn into several pieces by his claws, but the faintly exposed skin on his body showed no scars at all. It hurt Lin Xuan's body in the slightest, but the pain was still very strong.

Ji Yanlong was not in full bloom either. A giant dragon's wings were bleeding profusely, and Lin Xuan cut a sword mark with visible bones on the back. However, for Ji Yanlong's huge body, this scar is not considered to be a big one. What, at most, a slightly deeper hole was drawn.

Lose both? !

Still a tie? !

Ji Yanlong and Lin Xuan did not speak, they just stood quietly in the void.

Naturally, they were not pretending to be coercive, but when they were fighting, they suddenly felt a peep from a strong man who was no weaker than them.

That's okay, they're not that stupid, and the "fishermen" peeping on the side are cheap!

So, they both stopped naturally.

Both sides

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