Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 454: goodbye old song

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The Celebration of the Tiers is arranged in the imperial capital, and not only will many people participate, but it will also be broadcast live all over the country and even the whole world.

The capable ones are like the weapons of Lin Xuan's previous life, and the high-level powerhouses are equivalent to nuclear weapons. Whenever there is a new high-level powerhouse in their own family, they will show it off. First, it shows their own strength and shocks them. For foreign countries, the second is to enhance national self-confidence and improve Taixia's cohesion.

My family has produced nearly ten nuclear weapons this year, do you have any?

Naturally, Lin Xuan doesn't need to intervene in the celebration. It is entirely up to Taixia to make arrangements, and everything will be properly arranged.

In Taixia, although everyone advocates equality, it is only equality in personality. As for social status, money, etc., they are all "distributed according to work". As a strategic power, every strong man can be described as a "national treasure". It is not enough to offer it, but it is definitely a kindness.

Since there is no need for Lin Xuan to intervene in the matter, Lin Xuan himself is also happy to be at leisure. Every day, he accompanies Zhu Mingmei on Mount Tai. Since the two of them opened their hearts that day, the distance between hearts and hearts has become closer. After some time, they should be able to into the other person's heart.

Of course, this kind of good day didn't take too long for Lin Xuan to be kicked out. According to the ancient ritual of the Ming Dynasty, the bride and groom were not allowed to see each other before the wedding. Therefore, Lin Xuan was immediately kicked out of Mount Tai and was not allowed to enter. I had to be like a homeless vagabond... ahem, sleeping in the capable union.

On this day, he was eating breakfast when suddenly a middle-aged man walked in front of Lin Xuan. His face was full of wind and frost, but his eyes were red, and it was obvious that he had been wronged.

"Old... Lao Song?"

Lin Xuan looked at him and seemed to have a bit of an impression. The information hunter he knew when he first came to Xidu. Later, because of his outstanding ability, Lin Xuan began to recruit his subordinates. However, because there were too many things and he was too busy, he forgot about it. now...

"Boss, you, don't you want us anymore?"

Lao Song has a sad face. In the past few years, he has traveled south and north, not only opened up channels in several super first-tier cities, but also traveled abroad several times in person, and established contacts with chaebol oligarchs and giant families in several powerful countries. Of course, it was able to go so smoothly because the name "Human Sovereign Lin Xuan" was getting louder and louder.

The rank is a small circle. They not only have great strength, but also have the authority to know many secret information. The crazy rise of the emperor Lin Xuan is not a secret at all in this small circle.

"Ha...haha, Lao Song, you came back just in time. I was thinking yesterday, should I arrange for you to meet in the near future? Come, sit down!"

Lin Xuan smiled awkwardly, but soon, he adjusted his mentality and called the waiter to come over and order a few more breakfasts. The two chatted while eating.

"Have the channels on your side been rolled out?"

Lin Xuan said with a smile, to be honest, when Lin Xuan was not promoted to the rank, he knew that Tai Xia would equip every strong person with the corresponding logistical support personnel, but these people were also able to speak in Tai Xia. , it may not be as powerful in foreign countries... Therefore, at that time, he thought of asking Lao Song to help him, using domestic practice first, and then spreading it abroad.

"The domestic super-first-tier, first-tier, and second-tier cities have already rolled out channels, and more sinking markets, I didn't take care of it. Not to mention time-consuming and labor-intensive, I haven't gained much."

Lao Song said thoughtfully, looked up at Lin Xuan who was eating breakfast in a leisurely manner, and seeing that Lin Xuan had no other expression, he continued, "So I set my sights on foreign countries, and it is considered that I have run a few times in the past two years. The country has opened up foreign markets.”

Lin Xuan nodded with satisfaction, Lao Song has such subjective initiative, which is very good. If Lao Song hadn't opened up foreign markets, then he probably wouldn't reuse It's amazing to let Lao Song Responsible for some unimportant transactions, let him toss in the country, at least there is a wealth.

And now, Lin Xuan's own channel market has been opened, and now he needs to invest in commodity circulation... Originally, he wanted to use the channel of the undead Minghuang, but now, Lin Xuan has changed his mind and still uses his own, even if it is Now this channel relationship network has just built a framework, but if you can save some private money, let's save it!

"Not bad, not bad, Lao Song, well done!"

Lin Xuan smiled and praised Mimi, and then said to Lao Song, "After half a month, I have a seat at the floor ceremony held by Taixia, do you want to come?"

"Of course..." Lao Song's face was ecstatic, but he looked at Lin Xuan's expression and thought for a while before asking, "I don't know if I should go?"

"Hehe, Lao Song, you know the name of my Emperor, but you don't know that I have another name, Emperor Kill!"

Lin Xuan waved his hand, and a special force rose from the seat, which directly blocked the surrounding audio-visual, and outsiders would not pay attention here.

"Emperor kill? Boss, this... Forgive my ignorance!"

Lao Song was a little puzzled and had never heard of this name.

"Darkness of the Summer, Black Sky Alliance!"

Lin Xuan whispered a few words, but it exploded in Lao Song's ears like thunder.

"Black, Black Sky Alliance?!"

Lao Song kept talking about it. When he went abroad this time, he knew a lot of things that he didn't know at home, such as the many deeds of the heavenly people in Taixia Wanfa, and for example, Taixia had a team of people traveling through various countries. Ten people The seventy-two mysterious powerhouses were accompanied by an ordinary person at the head... But the thing that most frightened foreigners in Taixia was the

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