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new domain name xs novel silu silk road

In Bihai Palace, Lin Xuan sat casually in the hall, took a cup of tea and took a sip. He had been to Bihai Palace before, but the situation at that time was completely different from this time. , I don't dare to say anything more. Today, the strength has reached the invincible level of the earth. Although it is one or two steps behind, it is still the same level.

What's more, when Zhu Mingmei's relationship is counted, the two suddenly became closer.

"When you bow down to someone, you must ask for something, tell me, what's the matter?"

Wanfa Tianren took a sip of the wine and glanced at the spirit fruit that Lin Xuan had brought over. He couldn't help rolling his eyes. I'm afraid he didn't buy it from the stall, right?

Lin Xuan smiled, "There is indeed one thing to trouble the little apprentice."

Wanfa Tianren raised his brows, his face was calm, but the corner of his mouth raised a good-looking angle, and he said playfully, "Little apprentice?!"

"Hahaha, just kidding, just kidding, Wanfa, I came here to learn the supernatural powers of Tiangang, this is the supernatural power practice card you sent me on the day of my wedding, and I also have a copy of the supernatural powers learning permission given by Taixia, and finally , joining the Black Sky Alliance can cultivate a great magical power."

Lin Xuan shuddered when he saw the sneer at the corner of Wanfa Tianren's mouth. Now that his strength is not as good as others, it is better not to provoke him for the time being, and hurriedly said what he wanted to do.

"The supernatural power training card and the authority given by Taixia can arbitrarily choose the supernatural powers to be learned, but joining the Black Sky Alliance, the great supernatural powers that can be cultivated can only be traced in the flying body, the fetus will change shape, and the three gates will be invisible. Choose from among the great supernatural powers of Tiangang."

Wanfa Tianren glanced at the things that Lin Xuan took out. He knew it, and even one of them was approved by him. Otherwise, he really thought that a dungeon gem at the limit of the yellow rank could be exchanged for a heavenly supernatural power.

"Xingxingxing", Lin Xuan doesn't care, anyway, the Tiangang method of fetal transformation is something he must learn, "One is the supernatural power of fetal transformation, the other is the supernatural power of mastering the five thunders, the last one is the supernatural power of Tiangang. The door is vertical and the golden light is the great supernatural power!"

It is necessary to learn the great supernatural power of fetal transformation, and with this supernatural power, one can come and go freely in a small country without being discovered by others at all.

The reason for mastering the Wulei Tiangang supernatural power is because of his own Thunder Innate Dao Body. He has learned the Wulei Zhengfa supernatural power before, and the lightning method is still very comfortable to use. Lin Xuan simply learned to master the Wulei Tiangang supernatural power this time. It is an advanced step, and the thunder method is more powerful.

As for the great supernatural power of vertical golden light, Lin Xuan still likes it, but he learned this supernatural power mainly for adaptation, changing the "light attribute" to "thunder attribute" and turning it into vertical lightning, the speed is probably not high. will become weaker.

Wanfa Tianren had no problem with Lin Xuan's need to learn these magical powers, and he was very happy to point towards Lin Xuan's eyebrows. Suddenly, the cultivation methods of the three Tiangang supernatural powers entered Lin Xuan's mind.

It is good to master the five thunder supernatural powers and the vertical golden light super supernatural power. One was originally a thunder attribute, which can be mastered in an instant, while the other was changed to a thunder attribute, although it was difficult to adapt at the beginning, But soon, with the power of the national fortune to wash away, the great magical power of vertical thunder light was born!

The most difficult thing is to count the great supernatural power of fetal transformation, which is divided into two parts, fetal transformation and transformation. The whole process of changing shape is to change the shape little by little in the process of fetalization, and finally, the person who wants to simulate and copy appears.

To explain it in a scientific way is that everyone starts from a fertilized egg, and the reason why they grow into different individuals is because of the influence of genetics, external environment and other factors, and when people understand the process With all the changes, adding variables, how can you not come up with exactly the same two people!

Lin Xuan was also very I didn't expect to be invincible on the ground level, and he was forced to read a book, looking at the desk full of books, he wanted to cry without tears.

"The Developmental Process of Fertilized Eggs", "Psychological Changes in the Growth Process of Children", "Adolescence", "Secondary Dreams of Secondary Two Teenagers"... There are a lot of scattered books, mainly psychology, and then there are many medical books.

Compared with changing body shape, changing voice, and changing breath, it is the most difficult to truly understand what the person being changed is thinking. This is why there are so many psychology books.

Lin Xuan's brain has been developed several times. Although the original base is not too big, it has been improved a lot. In addition, with the help of the power of national destiny, within a day, Lin Xuan has seen it. I can't say that I have understood all the books, but I have read it roughly and I know what they are talking about. It is still very confident.

That night, Zhu Mingmei said to Lin Xuan with a smile, in fact, it's okay not to read these books. Using the great supernatural power of fetal transformation, you can become "others" perfectly. If you are really not proficient in psychology, you can also choose Orphan Yi. Shape, no relatives and friends, which undoubtedly reduces the difficulty.

Lin Xuan: ...

Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, he put one hand in front of his forehead to ease the dizzy situation in his head.

Hmm, so stingy.

For the behavior of the apprentice, the master pays the bill. Since she was bullied by her apprentice, Lin Xuan bullied her.

Lin Xuan picked up Zhu Mingmei and fell on the bed.

There was a burst of exclamations in the room.

A few minutes later, Zhu Mingmei with messy hair pushed Lin Xuan away.

"Wait a moment

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new domain name xs novel silu silk road

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