Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 490: Thunder of God's Retribution

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"Abe Seimei is the No. 1 master of Xiaotianguo, and he is also an Onmyoji. In addition to his outstanding strength, he also has three powerful Shikigami, and the Yasukuni Ghost Society is afraid that a large number of Yin and Yang arrays have been arranged. It is very difficult to sneak in and rescue Su Huai Porridge."

Alice sighed. In the past few days, she has differentiated many small bats. Although Abe Seimei has solved many of them, there are always some who can sneak in and take a look. She has now successfully confirmed that there is indeed Su Huai porridge inside. , As for the others, it is too late to see.

Zhang Ningtian nodded solemnly. He naturally knew that Abe Seimei was powerful, but he also knew that this action was related to his future path, and anyone who blocked my path could be killed!

"You are the leader of this operation, what do you say now?"

Alice rubbed her aching head and asked Zhang Ningtian, she was just an assistant, and even participated in the search for Su Huai porridge because Lin Xuan asked her, it was a favor, not a task. Up to now, this step is enough, but he will not risk his life against Abe Seimei, who is at the pinnacle of the earth.

"Wait, wait for the water to get muddy."

Zhang Ningtian narrowed his eyes, briefly thought about it, and said without hesitation that a mature hunter would have enough patience to wait for his prey to show his feet.

He glanced at the smart watch, the time was 6:12 pm, there was still some time before the magic hour.


Back on the battlefield at sea, Lin Xuan and Li Rui had nothing to do, standing in the air watching the Orochi Baqi bathing in thunder.

"I guess it won't pass!" Lin Xuan said decisively.

"Why?" Li Rui expressed doubts.

"Because it was not prepared, it started to cross the robbery so carelessly, who gave it the confidence, is it that the robbery can't lift the knife, or it floated by itself!" Lin Xuan shrugged and said, in his last life, he saw it. Among them, which immortal cultivator does not tremble when transcending the calamity, and prepares for the calamity-transcending treasure hundreds of years in advance, how can anyone want to transcend the calamity?

"Lin Shao's words make sense." Li Rui pondered for a moment, then cupped his hands.

"Where," Lin Xuan replied with a smile.

Silence, for a while, the scene fell silent again.

At this time, the boundless robbery cloud in the sky was finally brewing, and the terrifying thunder of divine punishment appeared and disappeared in the robbery cloud, and then, an extremely thick white thunder slammed down from the sky, tearing the air. , made a terrifying sound, just a note, the fried Orochi was bloody.

"Hey~, this thunder is so strong."

Lin Xuan raised his brows, and secretly used his means, deducting a trace of white thunder that had not dissipated, and put it into his body to ponder.

This is the thunder of divine punishment and divine retribution. It represents the righteousness and justice of the Dao of Heaven. It is a majestic atmosphere, punishing evil and warding off evil spirits. For Lin Xuan, this is definitely an unexpected joy. If he can master such heaven The Thunder of Punishment and Retribution, the majesty of the Human Sovereign will probably be improved by several levels.

Lei Fa is definitely the most suitable magical technique for the emperor!

The thunder bath of the Orochi Baqi is still going on. If it was said that when the thunder catastrophe was still brewing at the beginning, the Orochi Baqi couldn't wait to bathe in the thunder, then now, it is already doubting life, why this evolutionary catastrophe is the ultimate A jump would be so difficult.

It was not like a snake when struck by the five thunders of divine retribution and scourge. It had already been split into two pieces. However, with its strong vitality, it could barely support it. However, the sixth thunder of divine retribution and reproach was already brewing. Now, it is very likely that it will not be able to withstand this wave of tyrannical attacks.

To die to die.

But It is not covered by the eight-headed snake, and it has its own tyrannical supernatural powers.

Storm and thunder, hidden fire in the sky, poisonous gas field!

Eight Qi Supernatural Powers Eight Lives!

Eight heads represent eight lives, and now it uses one of the lives as the price to restore all its own state, and then emits the strongest voice of evolution towards the thunder of punishment and scourge.


After a thunderbolt, the Orochi Baqi flapped its cover again. At this time, there was only one **** skin left, and it almost died.

The sixth thunder, I don't know how many more there are.

It's not reconciled, it's really not reconciled, it used to be hopeless, because it can't see the hope of promotion, and now it's desperate, still can't see the hope of promotion, not only can't see the hope of promotion, even myself is going to die .

The seventh thunder came down.

Eight Qi Supernatural Powers, Eight Lives, Seven!

The charred Orochi floated weakly on the ocean, the salty and wet sea water covered its **** body, the pain was unbearable, but it was also difficult to call.

There are still six lives left, a few snake eyes have been closed, and they seem to have given up their struggle, but there are still one or two snake eyes quietly looking at the position of Lin Xuan and the two, it knows, it has always known, even if it is An Ran has survived the calamity and scourge, and also needs to face the pursuit of Lin Xuan and Li Rui.

This really can be described as "there is no way to the sky, no way to enter the earth"!

Suddenly, it got up and roared loudly, "Abe Seimei, you are a special mother, save me!"

This is the only way it can think of breaking the game, and it requires external intervention.

In the direction of Xiaotianguo, Abe Seimei sighed softly, but did not refuse, and hit a yin and yang magic circle that had been prepared.

Lin Xuan looked confused, and then

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