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new domain name xs novel silu silk road

The terrifying existence of three heads and six arms suppressed the top sun bird in the wild world as soon as it was born. For a time, many powerhouses were shocked, especially the Southern Man Emperor, who originally fought a battle with the sun bird. Great, and the other party can easily suppress the Sun God Bird, then he will definitely be able to suppress him.

The next moment, Emperor Nanman saw one of Lin Xuan's heads turn around, and the unhappy dragon head stared at him indifferently, with a strong deterrent force and the pressure brought by Lin Xuan's ease of suppressing the sun bird, he couldn't help but. Frightened in his heart, he stepped back a few steps, then turned around and fled as if flying.

As soon as the Great Southern Barbarians escaped, the Great Southern Barbarians under his command naturally also ran away. As for those ordinary Southern Barbarians, no one cares about them now, and the many Eastern Wilderness warriors brought by the Eastern Wilderness Gods are not their opponents at all. Naturally, they won't chase after them.

Lin Xuan looked at a large group of Donghuang gods with a cold face, but a little bit of fear. They surrounded Lin Xuan, neither approaching nor far away, so they stared at Lin Xuan like this.


With a cold snort, above the sky, another terrifying wind and thunder dragon condensed, and the dragon brought enormous pressure, especially Lin Xuan secretly released the seal of the emperor, suppressing the authority of the gods with the authority of the emperor, and surrounded him. The gods around Lin Xuan could not help being greatly oppressed.

"Get out of here!"

With a sound of thunder, Lin Xuan's voice reverberated continuously within a radius of ten miles, making it difficult for many gods and wild beasts to guard their hearts, and they couldn't help but have fearful and terrifying thoughts.

Lin Xuan not only warned them, but also those strong men hiding in the dark.

The second southeast battle may not have been their hands, but the first southeast battle was provoked by them. The huge loss of the human race caused by the first southeast battle will not be forgotten by Lin Xuan. The black hand, seek justice for the blood sown for the human race.

In the next second, Lin Xuan grabbed the suppressed sun bird, and then turned into a wind and thunder and disappeared without a trace, leaving only a group of gods and wild beasts in the Eastern Wilderness, venting their incompetence and fury.

Lin Xuan could see that the Sun God Bird was enchanted, but Enchantment was just a general term. The specific situation of enchantment was not clear, and it was necessary to investigate the reason why the Sun God Bird was enchanted.

this point is very important.

The whole big bird was neatly placed on the table, Lin Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up, exuding a majestic sense of oppression, all abnormality could not be hidden in Lin Xuan's eyes.

But the problem was that Lin Xuan didn't see anything unusual in the Sun God Bird.

What does this mean?

This shows that the enchantment of the sun bird is not caused by foreign objects, but more likely because of the inside, and the most likely point is the soul.

Thinking of the soul, Lin Xuan inexplicably connected to the power of faith.

The power of belief is a rather buggy energy. In Lin Xuan's cognition, it is equivalent to the power of fantasy, a manifestation of spiritual interference in reality.

Perhaps the power of faith in the wild world is not as powerful as the power of faith on the Blue Star, and it can make people's dreams come true, but the power of faith in the wild world can make the wild beast become a high-level god, and the speed of cultivation is super doubled. , such a powerful effect is not much different than wishing for it.

However, if this time the spirit of the Eastern Desolate entered the devil involves the soul, it is indeed something that Lin Xuan is not good at, and perhaps he should go to his wife, the undead Minghuang Zhu Mingmei.

With a decision in his heart, Lin Xuan was unequivocal. He grabbed the comatose Sun Bird and stepped into the torn space, only to return to Peiping City in an instant.

The Emperor of the People's Republic of China is on a personal Emperor and Empress visit the government in person.

While Lin Xuan was outside, Zhu Mingmei took care of all aspects of the Xia Dynasty in an orderly manner.

In the Golden Palace, Zhu Mingmei, who was wearing a black and white phoenix robe, raised her head suspiciously. With her strength, she naturally sensed Lin Xuan's return from the moment Lin Xuan appeared.

She didn't doubt that Lin Xuan could come back in an instant, but what she wondered was why Lin Xuan came back.

A large number of troops of the Xia Dynasty were swept up in the Eastern Wasteland. Once the invincible powerhouse found out that the emperor Lin Xuan was not there, then there would likely be an attack or a massacre.

Soon, Lin Xuan walked down and walked to Zhu Mingmei's side.

This time, Zhu Mingmei saw that Lin Xuan was holding a huge golden-yellow bird in his hand. The bird knew at a glance that the meat was firm, the taste was delicious, and the whole body exuded a warm breath. Needless to say, it must have been fresh. Wild game.

Hey, my little wood is quite aware of the fun!

Zhu Mingmei was about to make fun of a few words, but found that Lin Xuan frowned, and then raised the big golden bird in his hand to light up in front of her, "Miss, come on, help me..."

"Help you start the fire, take out the grill, dragon oil, seasoning powder, I'm all ready!"

Zhu Mingmei naturally saw the unusualness of this big bird, and even found some interesting places, but this time, she didn't mind making a joke with Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan: ...

He didn't react for a while, lighting a fire, barbecue grill, dragon oil, seasoning powder? What is this all about!

After a while, he turned around, glanced at Zhu Mingmei angrily, then took her hand and walked towards the harem.

In the Taiyuan Hospital, Lin Xuan and Zhu Mingmei were standing on the edge of the dissection table, holding tools and preparing to face the sun bird.

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new domain name xs novel silu silk road

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