In the Sky Wolf Forest, Xu Qin and his party walked for more than two hours, and finally came to the edge of the forest, and they could leave here soon.

Needless to say, this forest is quite large.

Lin Rui hid behind Xu Qin, there were several of the most powerful big lives, and they were still safe on this road.

And Mu Yixue had been waiting for them for half a day at the exit of the forest.

Sansan did not accompany her, but went to take away the sinful light dance of lust.

Seeing Mu Yixue, Xu Qin was surprised: "When did you go out?" "

A long time ago." Mu Yixue said lightly.

Hearing this, Xu Qin said: "Yixue, we are teammates, if you want to leave by yourself next time, you have to talk to us." Seeing

that Mu Yixue didn't react, Xu Qin said again: "If you suddenly disappear at home, your brother will also be worried, right?" Then by the same token, we will also worry.

Mu Yixue understood a little, and she nodded, indicating that she understood.

"Huh? The girl who pestered you wasn't with you? Xu Qin wondered.

Mu Yixue tilted her head, not knowing who she was talking about.

Bai Chenfan walked over and said thoughtfully: "Xia Xin's strength is not strong, why did he disappear?" It stands to reason that she shouldn't have taken the initiative to leave.

Lin Xinyi also showed a puzzled look.

However, Xia Xin is the magic envoy of the fire element, and he has a certain self-preservation power in the face of these black mist ghosts.

After all, she wasn't the rookie chicken she was a few months ago who only put small fireballs.

"She'll be fine." Lin Rui was also worried.

Xia Xin was in high school with her before, and although she was not Xia Xin's teacher, the two could be considered acquainted.

Several people looked at the sky, and the darkness seemed to be a little thicker than just now.

Gao Xiaosheng said in fear, "The black fog in the sky won't fall, right?" "

It's no wonder he thinks so, because the rolling darkness in the sky gives people the feeling that the sky is falling.

Lin Rui pondered, "The darkness is getting lower and lower, indicating that the black fog shrouding Academy Island is getting less and less, which means that the person who created this black fog will soon be defeated, and may even be charging the final blow now." "

Although she is not a magician, she is deeper than everyone present in terms of knowledge.

Suddenly, a wolf howl sounded.

Everyone suddenly turned around and found a huge Heavenly Wolf behind them, staring at them fiercely.

"Level 2 Celestial Wolf ???"

"Didn't all the first-level Heavenly Wolf be cleaned up yesterday? How could there be a second-level celestial wolf? Everyone

looked shocked.

They are just a big life, where they have hit secondary pollutants.

Only Xu Qin and Luo Cheng had a look of eagerness in their eyes.

Lin Rui said in a deep voice: "The appearance of a second-level Celestial Wolf so soon can only mean that the seal of Sirius has weakened.

She raised her head, looked at the dark sky, and muttered, "Could it be... Is the one who resists this darkness the sealer of Sirius? With

another howl from the second-level Heavenly Wolf, it rushed towards everyone.

Seeing the terrifying fangs of the second-level Heavenly Wolf, Lin Rui's calm expression was suddenly frightened, and directly came behind Mu Yixue at the same speed as flashing.

She knew that this was the big guy.

And also hiding behind Mu Yixue was Gao Xiaoshen.

He was also afraid.

At this time, two figures blocked in front of everyone.

Xu Qin and Luo Cheng stood side by side, the former flashing with electric light, and said in a condensed voice: "Death Tsundere."

"Hmph, violent woman."

Luo Cheng clasped his hands to his chest and looked at this huge second-level heavenly wolf confidently.

This is the first time they have faced a secondary polluter alone.

Last time, there was Rena who was a sophomore, so it didn't count.

After coming to the academy holy land for so long, if they can't even beat the second-level pollutant, then what qualifications do they have to call themselves geniuses.

Luo Cheng raised his hand, and countless vines rose up, stopping the footsteps of the Heavenly Wolf.

And Xu Qin jumped up, with electric light on the soles of his feet, sweeping across the head of the Sky Wolf.

The two had a relationship with the second-level Heavenly Wolf.

Lin Rui poked her head out from behind Mu Yixue and said in surprise: "Although they can't single-handedly defeat the second-level pollutant now, they can already deal with the second-level by joining forces." And

Gao Xiaosheng next to him found that the second-level pollutant body did not seem to be so terrifying, and also joined the battle.

The three began to besiege the second-level Heavenly Wolf, beating this guy to defeat.

This Heavenly Wolf has just become a second-level pollutant, and its strength is not strong.

But these three freshmen have only been in the academy holy place for more than two months.

Such a talent will almost be in the top five seats of the academy's holy land in the future.

"Yixue-san, aren't you going to make a move?" Lin Rui asked curiously behind him.

She had seen Mu Yixue in Xichuan City, freezing the scene of the entire magic training institution in an instant.

That kind of strength is simply more than enough to deal with a second-level polluter.

However, Mu Yixue just watched her teammates besiege the Sky Wolf indifferently.

Xu Qin said that if the three of them can deal with it, they don't need to take action themselves.

If they rely on Mu Yixue's power every time, then aren't the three of them just pendants like waste?

They're not here to mess around.


In the airship, Li Chaomo and Chen Enzhi both solemnly watched this scene.

They knew that the first stage of the Asura test was coming to an end.

At present, they have collected enough data to wait for Asura to complete his current strongest blow.

No matter what the result is, this blow can also injure this twelve god generals.

If this Twelve Gods did not have the strength to maintain the seal of Sirius, it would be difficult for Asura to get him injured even if he fought to the death.

With the compression of darkness.

The Winning Array had been completely wrapped in a black mist.

Asura sneered, stretched out his palm, and squeezed it through the air.

The darkness wrapped in the formation exploded instantly.

But Shura's expression was extremely solemn, he sighed, and said helplessly: "With my current strength, can I only do this step..."

And this is already the entire strength of the first stage of Shura, after using this move, the elements in his body are exhausted, and he is unable to fight again.

He lost.

Asura turned around and seemed ready to leave.

Yingjin raised his hand, ready to leave him behind.

But suddenly, his face, which had been without waves, was instantly startled.

He gave up attacking the Asura in front of him, but quickly left here and rushed towards the direction of the Heavenly Wolf Forest.

At the same time, the entire Academy Island shook, as if some behemoth was moving underground, and the earthquake kept moving.

Long Qingxi gritted his teeth and said, "What happened?" Wan

Qianming looked at the direction in which the Winning Array left, and a terrible thought appeared in his heart.

"Could it be... Sirius' seal unsealed? "

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