Seeing Mu coming more, Xu Qing was slightly stunned.

After Mu Yixue found her brother's figure, she quickly stood up from the table, ran to Mu Yue, and said with a bitter face: "Brother, there is no food."

Mu Yue was stunned.

He didn't understand what that meant.

Then he looked inside and found that the hot pot had turned into an ice pot.

Seeing this, he smiled helplessly, touched Mu Yixue's head, and said, "It's okay, let's eat something else later." "


Chi Yanfei naturally noticed Mu Yue for the first time.

He frowned and became a little displeased.

You know, from his point of view, Mu Yue is not worthy of this peerless beauty.

Just because he was too young, he didn't even look twenty years old.

He has seen many young little couples, but they can't go to the end, they just had a family when they were young.

Although Mu Yue's identity is not clear, judging by the age of the other party, he is only a junior at most.

And he is already the big boss of the highest-end shopping mall in the magic capital.

He coughed lightly, came to Mu Yue very politely, stretched out his hand, and said with a smile: "Hello, I am the owner of this mall, I'm sorry that a guest just caused you trouble."

Although he felt that Mu Yue was not worthy of such a peerless beauty at all, he could not show it at this time.

After all, he is a person with a head and a face, but as long as he adds the contact information of this girl, he is confident enough to snatch this girl.

Looking at Chi Yanfei's outstretched hand, Mu Yue glanced at his hand expressionlessly.

He was a little curious, how could this person still lick his face and come up to talk?

You don't want to play intrigue with him, do you?

He doesn't do this, science is about going straight to the point.

Finding that the other party didn't even have the confidence to shake hands with him, Chi Yanfei laughed in his heart.

Sure enough, it's just a little ghost head, this kind of little boy with no experience, a hundred can be played by him.

"Young Master, Miss."

Xu Qing came over and said in a respectful tone: "Let's go, I'll take the two of you to another place to eat."

Mu Yue nodded and left here with his sister.

After the two left, Xu Qing took a step behind, turned back to Chi Yanfei and said: "Mr. Chi, I advise you that future technology companies have never been afraid of the five major families, not to mention that you are just a person who separates the family." Hearing

this, everyone around looked shocked.

These words, but did not leave any face for Chi Yanfei, Xu Qing, a secretary to the president, why dare to speak like this?

Everyone looked at Chi Yanfei, and the latter's face really turned gloomy.

"Xu Qing, you Mu always have to respect me for three points, you are a secretary, dare to speak to me like this, do you think Mu Er will keep you?"

Hearing this, Xu Qing smiled politely.

Usually, she definitely doesn't dare to speak like this.

After all, she is the president's secretary, and her words and deeds can represent the president to a certain extent, and if she says the wrong thing, the person affected is Mu Er.

But today, Mu Er had already greeted her in advance.

He personally explained that he treated Mu Yue and Mu Yixue more respectfully than himself.

This also means that the identities of these two young people, in Mu Er's heart, are higher than his own.

Since this is the case, then Xu Qing is not afraid of anything.

After she glanced at Chi Yanfei indifferently, she turned around and caught up with Mu Yue and Mu Yixue.

After returning to the private residence, Chi Yanfei looked gloomy.

He was among the branches of the Chi family, and the most promising person to enter the main family was naturally also proud.

But he didn't expect that two juniors, a secretary, would dare to contradict him.

The bodyguard next to him came over and asked, "Mr. Chi, they are just two children and a woman, do you want me..."

But Chi Yanfei already understood what the other party meant, after all, they did a lot of this kind of thing.

In an era of frequent polluters, the so-called law is a decoration for people like them who have a lot of money.

Although it is true that only the empire of the five great powers has returned to feudal society, while the other four countries have equal human rights laws, it is actually the same for rich people like them, whether it is the empire or the other four countries.

As long as it is not an open robbery, the official turns a blind eye.

What's more, he is still a member of the five major families, even if it is just a separation, others must give him enough face.

In other words, as long as there is no evidence, no one can take him.

Wherever the strong make the rules and the weak follow the rules, this is the cruelest fact.

"No, the target is different this time, this is the people of the future technology company, not those ordinary girls before..."

Chi Yanfei pondered and muttered: "Several games of future technology companies have become popular all over the world, and the high-end products in our shopping mall, if they catch their traffic, they can soar into the sky."

"But Mu Er, that guy, has repeatedly refused to cooperate with us."

Next to him, there was a woman in a black leather coat, with a perfect proportion and a very beautiful appearance.

She looked at Chi Yanfei and frowned, "Let me remind you that you do have hopes of becoming a member of the main family, but at present, you seem to be a little too narrow-minded."

"You shut up for me, a dog owned by the owner, what qualifications do you have to judge me." Chi Yanfei smashed the teacup in his hand towards this woman.

With a flick of the latter, the teacup was instantly cut in half by the wind blade in front of her.

No one expected that there was a magic envoy in this mansion.

Except for the three major academies, the League of Nations, and the military of the five major powers, no force can possess magic messengers.

But from Chi Yanfei's mouth, it is not difficult to judge that the main family of the Chi family seems to have cultivated magic envoys privately.


The woman glanced at him with great disdain and said, "The Lord judges that you have potential, so I will let me protect you..."

She stepped forward, stretched out her long legs, and kicked Chi Yanfei's face.

Under the shocked gaze of the bodyguard, Chi Yan flew out upside down, fell violently to the ground, and lay on the ground covering his face and wailing.

If nothing else, he was already disfigured.

The woman in leather walked over with an indifferent face, and said condescendingly: "And I, I can make you without this potential at any time." Hearing

this, Chi Yanfei finally panicked.

He knelt on the ground and desperately kowtowed to apologize.

He spent his whole life to create the highest-end shopping mall in the magic capital, just to attract the attention of the main family and become the person of the main family.

Now that there was finally this hope, his character became distorted, as if no one could disobey him.

This is also the common feeling of people, you must know that it is the five major families.

Outside the League of Nations, not under the rule of the five great powers, is the real world aristocracy.

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