After the afternoon lesson, Gao Xiaosheng took them to the martial arts association.

Today's martial arts association is still those few people, because it is a club held by accompanying students, and the president is a bald head, so that others dare not enter.

"Learn my ancient martial arts?"

After listening to Xu Qin's request, Chen Jingyan touched his bald head and was a little puzzled.

Although he was happy to teach, it was a little strange to suddenly come and say that he wanted to join the club.

After Gao Xiaosheng told Chen Jingyan the cause and effect, he suddenly realized.

Mu Yue sat in a corner of the Martial Arts Association.

As soon as Mu Yixue came in, she took the initiative to walk over and sit next to her brother.

Nan Nan was also nearby, holding a book and wearing glasses and watching quietly.

After discovering Luo Cheng, she stood up and bowed slightly, "Her Royal Highness."

Luo Cheng nodded, which was regarded as a greeting.

But like Chen Jingyan, she felt that Nan Nan had changed, and her feelings were more profound.

The biggest point is that Nan Nan didn't know anything before, and he would break the dishes when he washed the dishes.

And now Nan Nan, not only is he all-round in housework, but even the whole person's temperament has been raised a notch.

She used to have more or less the humility of a slave, but now, although Nan Nan was also very respectful, the slave look in her bones disappeared.

Seriously injured in Raccoon City, Nannan's personality seems to have undergone a metamorphosis.

However, this is a good change for Nan Nan, and Luo Cheng is also very happy for her.

And I don't know what's going on, she always feels that Nan Nan looks at her like she is looking at a child... I don't know if it's an illusion.

However, recently, her relationship with Nan Nan has become better, because Nan Nan is more talkative than before, and the communication with her has become more, and Luo Cheng only feels very comfortable chatting with Nan Nan.

Of course, this situation can only mean that Luo Cheng's brainless emotional intelligence was hit by Nan Nan's dimensionality reduction, and she herself did not know it.

In this way, the three of them changed into martial arts training uniforms and followed Chen Jingyan to learn martial arts.

Until the evening, Xu Qin and Luo Cheng were exhausted, and the two lay on the ground panting, weak, and felt that the muscles of the whole body were numb.

Gao Xiaosheng was still in good spirits.

"Sister Xu Qin, Sister Luo Cheng, are your physical strength so poor?"

Hearing this, Chen Jingyan kicked over and kicked Gao Xiaosheng three meters away.

"You boy, it's usually lazy, but today so many people dare to be lazy? How did you ask me to worship in the first place? "

Gao Xiaosheng has been shouting for so long master, in fact, until now, this kid has not learned anything at all.

"Master, I can't practice, my butt hurts."

"yes, then I'll kick it again."

"Master, I will start practicing now, and I will not be lazy in the future."

Chen Jingyan nodded in satisfaction.

After leaving the martial arts association, Luo Cheng and Xu Qin supported each other, while Gao Xiaosheng lay behind Chen Jingyan and fell asleep tired.

Listening to the gentle snoring behind him, Chen Jingyan smiled helplessly.

"They're almost seventeen years old, how can they still be like a child."

Gao Xiaosheng's size is relatively short, only one meter and six years old, but he looks very handsome and has a feeling of a small Zhengtai.

Today's moon is round and big, surrounded by the sound of insects, fresh air and cool temperature.

It's the feeling of summer.

Chen Jingyan walked in the front with Gao Xiaosheng on his back, followed by Xu Qin and Luo Cheng.

And Nan Nan walked alone about two meters behind the two women.

Finally, Mu Yue and Mu Yixue walked behind everyone.

Four groups of people, each going their own way, none of them affected anyone.

On the way back to the dormitory from the club, the smell of barbecue wafted in.

Gao Xiaoshen's nose moved, his sanity instantly sobered, and then his eyes lit up and said: "Master, I want to eat barbecue!" Grill! Grill!

The corners of Chen Jingyan's mouth twitched, but everyone practiced for hours, tired and hungry, and he himself wanted to eat.

He stopped, just about to turn around and ask the others if they had eaten.

As a result, Xu Qin and Luo Cheng did not seem to be very conscious, Luo Cheng's face was tired, and his eyes were dull.

And Xu Qin was already in a semi-sleep state, saliva was flowing from his mouth, relying on instinct and Luo Cheng's support to get to the present.

The two directly bumped into Chen Jingyan and instantly sobered up.

Mu Yue looked at the barbecue stall and asked, "Does Yi Xue want to eat?"

"I listen to my brother."

"Let's go then."


The owner set up a table for a few people.

"Boss, twenty beers!" Chen Jingyan took the lead and said.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

"Twenty bottles? You guy is a barrel, right? Luo Cheng said in shock.

"It's just an appetizer."

Chen Jingyan said indifferently, his expression extremely pretentious.


Mu Yixue asked in a low voice, "What does beer taste like?" Hearing

this, Mu Yue was stunned.

Because he doesn't know either.

On the earth, because of the scarcity of resources, even water resources are scarce goods, let alone beer.

After coming to Blue Star, he didn't drink it, only knew that Gao Chengming liked to drink it.

Mu Yue shook his head.

The brothers and sisters are quite curious about this thing.

Seeing this, Chen Jingyan smiled mysteriously and said, "Great God, haven't you drunk it?" How about a bottle?

Mu Yue hesitated for a moment and took a bottle with an expressionless face.

I heard that beer paralyzes the nerves, but he has a small one, and if he is drunk, he can also break down alcohol.

That...... Try?

Soon, the boss brought the skewers ordered by everyone to the table.

Who can say no to beer and a small barbecue on a summer night?

Chen Jingyan felt a little hot, and immediately tore open his shirt, revealing his beautiful muscles.

Several women around exclaimed, Xu Qin covered Luo Cheng's eyes, and said angrily: "You rascal!"

"Be bold! What are you doing? He dared to block the eyes of Princess Ben. Luo Cheng also shouted.

And Mu Yixue's eyes were also covered by Mu Yue.

"Brother, I can't see it anymore." Mu Yixue said softly.

"Yixue, there are ugly monsters in front, and I hurt my eyes."

“...... Brother, I believe everything you say.

Mu Yue could feel his sister's long eyelashes moving, making him feel an itch in the palm of his hand.

This feeling was very comfortable, and even made Mu Yue's mind empty, and only this feeling remained.

[Inform that the heartbeat is abnormally fast, and the cause is being detected...] Detection failed for unknown reasons. Not

because of the movement, not because of the fright.

This is something that Xiao Yi cannot understand, so it gives the answer that the reason is unknown.

Similarly, this was incomprehensible to Mu Yue.

Chen Jingyan was taught a lesson, and in desperation, he asked his boss for an apron, barely blocking the front half.

Mu Yue withdrew his hand.

But in the palm of his hand, he still retains the touch of his sister's eyelashes, and even has a feeling of reluctance.

Mu Yue subconsciously raised his head and looked into his sister's eyes.

He suddenly felt that these eyes were beautiful.

Although he also felt very beautiful before, but I don't know what has changed, now Mu Yue feels that his sister is more beautiful.

Especially...... These eyes, only when they look at him, will shine.

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