Twenty school districts and nearly forty or so playgrounds in the college holy site were selected at the same time, and all the individual contestants were selected.

Xu Qinluocheng and the two were enrolled in the school district's 56th and 73rd grades respectively.

Being able to enter the top 100 of the whole hospital in freshman year is already a pretty good result.

On the last day, the teams participating in the team tournament will be selected.

As required, each school district selects five representative teams in the team competition.

Fortunately, there were only four teams in the top ten, and Long Qingxi and Chi Jingxin were both members of the same magic envoy team.

Then the third [Tsar] Zhou Jiu's magic envoy squad, there are the fourth and sixth seats.

Yu Qi is the eighth seat, and the tenth seat Rena is also in his squad.

If each of the top ten seats leads a team alone, then Xu Qin simply gives up the competition.

Fortunately, there are only four teams in the top 10, and they can compete for the last spot.

"Even so, we still have to face strong enemies in the sophomore and junior years."

In the martial arts association, Xu Qin sat at the mahjong table with a distressed expression.

To be honest, they can completely rely on Mu Yixue to kill through the three schools all the way, even if they can't get the first place, the top three are still very promising.

But in this way, Xu Qin really has no face to take this bonus.

"How? Are you scared? Luo

Cheng was next to her, and she didn't take the three-school battle seriously at all.

Her Royal Highness, participating in this competition, can be said to be condescending.

As for the rankings, it is undoubtedly some honors and bonuses.

Does Luo Orange need it? What honor compares to the title of Imperial Princess? What prize money is better than the treasury of the imperial family?

But since she participated in this competition, she must also achieve an excellent result, otherwise she will lose the face of the imperial family.

"It's not that I'm afraid, I think we may not even pass the qualifiers."

Xu Qin scratched her hair and thought about how to face the next selection.

If they don't even pass the qualifiers, then won't they even be able to touch the hair of the prize money.

Gao Xiaosheng smiled and comforted: "Sister Xu Qin, maybe, we are more powerful now than you think?"

Hearing this, Xu Qin sighed and said helplessly: "If only this was really the case." "

During the mission a few days ago, the three of them had already done their best to deal with a 26-meter pollutant body.

And the magic of Senior Sister Long and Senior Sister Chi made the squad have no pressure to fight against the third-level pollutant body.

[Tsar] Zhou Jiu also has the strength to fight against Grade 3 pollutants.

Although Senior Yu Qi can't defeat the third-level pollutant, the magic envoy team led by him can also deal with the third-level pollutant for a period of time, and has the strength to crush all the second-level pollutant.

Although there is still a place to run, there are many teams in the sophomore and junior years that are second only to the top ten teams, and as long as they are not above the third level, the pollutants of other levels can fight without pressure.

And their 0111 squad is still three or four meters away from being invincible below the third level.


Mu Yixue silently pushed down a row of mahjong and said lightly: "I'm nonsense." The

three were startled and looked at Mu Yixue's mahjong.

"Oh my God... Yixue's mahjong is playing so well! Xu Qin's face was full of surprise.

Mu Yixue played mahjong with them, and she never lost.

After all, mahjong was originally an online game released by future technology companies, and then began to develop offline.

And Mu Yixue can be said to be the second person in this world who can play mahjong.

The first one is Mu Yue.

During this time, Nan Nan has been sitting quietly on the side and watching.

Chen Jingyan was snorting melon seeds, and Mu Yue was stunned.

Nan Nan listened to their distress just now, and said with a slight smile: "Miss Xu Qin, the three of you defeated a twenty-six-meter pollutant without relying on Miss Yixue... In that case, why not choose to rely on Miss Yixue? Hearing

this, Xu Qin shook his head and said, "No, relying on Yi Xue's words is too victorious." "

If Mu Yixue is just a little stronger than them, they can still rely on it.

Because they can also help Mu Yixue.

But the strength of the two is not in the same dimension at all, and Mu Yixue is so strong that she can knock them down using magic with only physical skills.

What is the difference between such reliance and cheating.

But Nan Nan said: "Miss Xu Qin, but you won the second-level pollutant, Miss Yixue did not interfere in the whole process."

Xu Qin was stunned, not understanding what she meant.

Seeing this, Nan Nan smiled and said, "The other squads are four people, and you are three.

Hearing this, Chen Jingyan reacted and agreed: "Nan Nan's wife is right, you won a twenty-six-meter pollutant, it is three people, if you add a teammate of equal strength, you may not be able to win the strongest second-level pollutant of twenty-nine meters." "

This three-meter gap, one more teammate, may be able to make up for it.

Although Mu Yixue is too strong, she is still a member of 0111.

Hearing that everyone was talking about themselves, Mu Yixue looked at her brother suspiciously.

When her brother was present, she was a little fool who had no opinion, and she had to listen to her brother in everything.

Mu Yue nodded and said, "I think the bald head is right, Yi Xue is also your teammate, you can rely on her, if you don't want to rely too much, you can let her not use all her strength, just like you." "

Bald head?"

Chen Jingyan touched his head and said in surprise: "Great God, you give me a nickname?" "

The bald head is more pleasant."

"But I don't like people calling me bald."

"But you're bald."

Chen Jingyan: "..."

Xu Qin finally understood what they meant, and her eyes lit up: "Yes, in this way, we may not be those senior opponents." "

If they can pass the qualifiers and become one of the five teams in the first school district, then it will be the only freshman team in the entire academy mecca, except for the original [Forward Prohibition]."

After all, [Forbidden Ahead] is a rare element, which is completely incomparable, and the four of them are ordinary elements.


Mu Yixue pushed the mahjong in front of her and said silently: "I'm nonsense." "

Xu Qin: . .

Luo Cheng: ...

Gao Xiaoshen: ......

Mu Yixue raised her head and looked at Mu Yue in confusion.

Is she the only one who plays mahjong seriously?

Mu Yue couldn't help but smile.

My sister is really cute.

"It's not early, I'll take Yixue back first."

Mu Yue got up, and then Mu Yixue also stood up without hesitation, and left the martial arts association with her brother.

Looking at their backs, Chen Jingyan muttered, "Nan Nan's wife, do you feel that the Great God is slowly integrating into our circle?"

Nan Nan smiled and said something that made Chen Jingyan scratch his head.

"Mu Yue... Classmate, he has always been such a person. "

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