On the side of the 0111 squad, they are facing a level three giant.

The third-level pollutant body is still an invincible strong enemy for them at this time.

All three were slapped by the contaminated body.

After falling to the ground, they looked at the third-level giant who gradually walked towards them with ashen faces.

Suddenly, a flash of cold ice flashed, freezing this third-level giant directly in place, unable to move.

The next moment, the cold ice shattered, and the giant's body also turned into fragments along with the ice, and was destroyed along with the core of the polluted body.

Xu Qin and the three looked at Mu Yixue blankly.

Even the third-level pollutant body has been seconded, so where is the bottom line of Mu Yixue's strength?

No wonder, she would have the title of double star.

The three stood up from the ground.

All around, a large number of first-class giants surrounded them.

Xu Qin shouted: "Yixue, leave it to us here." Hearing

this, Mu Yixue nodded, and a pair of ice wings spread behind her, and then left the place.

Xu Qin and the three looked at the first-class pollutants around them, and Gao Xiaosheng cried: "I'm a rookie, why can I always encounter such things."

"Stop complaining.

Luo Cheng said solemnly: "This is not the Academy Island, and the teacher of the Winning Array is not there, we have to rely on ourselves." "

Watching as many giants pounced, several people fought with the enemy.

On the other side, the primordial giant had already wiped out his opponent, leaving only Wanqian Ming, severely injured, hiding in a building to breathe.

This kind of monster, how did Situ Yaya hold out until the arrival of reinforcements?

The leaders of the three major academies have now died two, and the only one left has been seriously injured, and there is no strength to fight again.

The Divine Palace Thousand Cranes were entangled with Asura and could not get out.

Wouldn't anyone be able to stop the footsteps of the primitive giants,

and Wan Qianming looked at the huge figure of the fifth-level pollutant walking in the city in the building.


The surrounding buildings collapsed with a bang, and in the building, countless iron bars stopped the footsteps of the primordial giant.

The next moment, a flash of light flashed, and in just an instant, it attacked the primordial giant dozens of times, leaving clear wounds on its body.

Although these wounds were painless and itchy, they even recovered quickly.

The primordial giant looked at the two young men in front of him.

Wan Qianming also saw their faces clearly.

It's the god of the night and Ella.

A new generation of strong people stood up at this time.

At the same time, the primordial giant roared angrily and slammed a punch at the two.

Although the fifth-level pollutant body is tall, it is also very fast.

The two quickly dodged and fought with the fifth-level pollutant.

However, with their strength, they couldn't cause damage to the fifth-level pollutant body at all, so they were just delaying time.

With the special properties of [Light] and [Electromagnetic], it is not easy for Level 5 pollutants to kill them.

What's more, Chen Enzhi had an order not to kill these two people, they were important experimental subjects in Li Chao's Demon Spirit Experiment.

So the two wanted to drag the primordial giant, and it was more than enough for a while.

Next, it depends on how long their elemental reserves can last.

In the face of a level five pollutant body, they could not have the slightest reservation, so both of them did their best, releasing magic to the maximum extent all the time.

Otherwise, the slightest mistake will die here.

In the building, Wan Qianming covered his wounds and was just about to take a break.

Suddenly, a man appeared in front of him.

"Are you... The crime of jealousy

?" Looking at Chen Xiaowei, who had lost his mind in front of him and had been transformed into a half-polluted body and a half-human, Wan Qianming gritted his teeth and said, "Do you dare to challenge me as a last seven sins?"

Chen Xiaowei directly moved his hands, like an emotionless machine.

He is an elemental enhancer, and it is far easier to fight humans than with pollutants.

For a time, Wan Qianming was beaten to defeat, and finally he was kicked out by the other party and fell from a height of tens of meters.

Chen Xiaowei also jumped down, not giving Wan Qianming a chance to live.

"Damn guys. Wan

Qianming stared at each other deadly, he raised his hand, and condensed a giant eagle composed of thunder and lightning in front of him.

The body of the giant eagle flashed with a beep electromagnetic sound, just like the call of an eagle, flapped its wings, and rushed towards Chen Xiaowei.

But soon, Wan Qianming's face was shocked.

In his line of sight, Chen Xiaowei expressionlessly grabbed the neck of the Thunder Giant Eagle and directly tore his attack to pieces.

Chen Xiaowei, Thunder Element Enhancer.

He can be immune to the attack of the thunder element to a certain extent, and coupled with the fact that Wan Qianming is seriously injured now, he can't help him at all.

As the speed of falling became faster and faster, Wan Qianming and Chen Xiaowei fell to the ground fiercely.

But the latter stood up like a nobody.

He looked at Wan Qianming, who fell to the ground next to him, and walked over indifferently.

With this fall, Wanqian Ming's internal organs had been shattered, but as a powerful magician, he still had the last trace of sanity.

Blood spat out of his mouth, and he looked at the sky and said with his last strength: "Dean..."

Be...... Think...... Let me...... Died in... Over here.

As soon as the words fell, Chen Xiaowei stepped on it, extinguishing the last vitality of Wan Qianming.

The strongest teacher in the management of the academy's Holy Land has fallen.

At the same time, this also means that in this three-school battle, all the leaders of the three major colleges died.

"Dean Wan!!" A

gust of wind swept in, and Chi Jingxin's voice came.

Although Wan Qianming is the management of the college, he is one of the few who is willing to consider problems from the perspective of students, and also has the courage to directly intimidate Dean Cangshan.

Their student union is more willing to get along with people like Wan Qianming, because Wan Qianming will listen carefully to their opinions.

But Cangshan was different, as the option dean of the academy holy land, he always had his own considerations.

In the face of interests, he will refuse all requests from the student council.

Now, Vice Dean Wan Qianming is dead, dead in front of her.

Looking at Chen Xiaowei, Chi Jingxin's originally gentle expression revealed a scowl on his face.

"It's you again..."

"Last time in Nishikawa City, I almost died in your hands.

"This time, I won't lose to you again."

Chi Jingxin rushed forward.

And Chen Xiaowei also fought with her expressionlessly.

After being transformed, his strength was not as good as before.

Even so, Chi Jingxin had a hard time beating the other party.

But this time is different.

Because Chi Jingxin has teammates.

Long Qingxi, He Li, and Zhao Lei followed.

Long Qingxi, as the captain, immediately said to the two behind him: "The Academy Holy Land 0211 Magic Envoy Squad began to carry out the task of fighting Chen Xiaowei, one of the seven sins, the crime of jealousy. "

0211, sophomore No. 1 school district, number one magic messenger squad.

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