Before I knew it, it was dinner time.

Gao Chengming was dressed neatly and ready to go out.

"Mu Yue, my comrades asked me to drink, and I won't eat dinner at home.

"Oh. Mu

Yue was playing games with his sister on his mobile phone.

It is said that Mu Yixue is an outstanding genius whether in the previous school or in the magic envoy training institution.

Although she did not go to high school, her knowledge reserve was not lost to the top students in high school in the same period.

However, the talent of the game is difficult to say, and it is often impossible to find the southeast, southwest and northwest.

"Brother, you're going the other way around. Mu

Yue was running poison, and after hearing his sister's voice, he opened the map and looked at the location, and found that his sister was outside the poison circle, and she was still running poison in the opposite direction.

"Yixue, is there a possibility that you went backwards?"

No way, I won't even be confused about the direction. The

next moment, Mu Yixue's blood bottomed out, and she fell to the ground in the blink of an eye.

The little girl's expression changed, and she said solemnly: "Someone attacked me."

"No, you were poisoned. "


Mu Yixue's expression was extremely serious, and she couldn't figure out the situation at all.

Not long after, Mu Yue was also shot in the head.

He put down his mobile phone and asked, "What to eat at night?" Mu

Yixue thought for a while and said, "The noodles at noon are quite delicious."

"Eat noodles again."

Mu Yue stood up and said, "Okay then, let's go together."

"Is that okay?" asked Mu Yixue curiously.

"Yes, the woman who saw you has left. After

the two left, they went all the way to Wang Ma Noodle Restaurant.

Wang Chenning was greeting the guests, and after seeing Mu Yue, his bored expression instantly radiated, and he was pleasantly surprised: "Old Mu!" The

next moment, his gaze noticed Mu Yixue behind Mu Yue.

Although it was not the first time he saw Mu Yue's sister, every time he saw it, he would be amazed by the other party's appearance.

This girl can be said to be a work carefully carved by Nuwa, and if she were to study in No. 1 Middle School, I am afraid that she would directly become the most beautiful school flower since the establishment of the school.

"Sister Yixue, you are also here.

Mu Yixue nodded lightly and said hello.

After all, she is her brother's friend, and she is also trying her best to show a polite appearance.

"It's still the same old way, I'll go and ask my mother to do it for you." The

two sat face to face at the table, neither speaking.

There were more and more guests around, and there were some people's discussions in their ears.

"It's so exciting, the fight between magic and pollutants.

"The last four people who appeared were a V-level squad, they were really powerful, they could easily destroy second-level pollutants.

"That gravitational magic is also very powerful, rare elements, really envious, I don't know how she is." "


Listening to their discussion, Mu Yue silently drank a bowl of free seaweed soup in the store.

Mama Wang came out of the back kitchen with two bowls of noodles.

Looking at her sad face, Mu Yue asked, "Aunt Wang, is there something on your mind?"

She looked outside the store, as if expecting something, and then said: "Although I don't know what she went through, I always think that child is quite pitiful."

"I don't know if she'll come here to eat noodles in the future."

Mother Wang said two words to herself, and then returned to the back kitchen to continue cooking noodles.

Wang Chenning stood at the table bored, and said helplessly: "In the past few days, my mother has almost regarded Sister Luo Ying as a daughter, so I said that women are too emotional."

Mu Yue took a bite of noodles, and silently complained in his heart:

Aren't you also called her Sister Luo Ying, your family is all emotional personalities.

"In fact, Sister Luo Ying is very good, and her personality is also very cheerful, and with her, my mother's mood is much better than before." "

Since his father's death, the meaning of his mother's life has only been him, getting up early all day and trying to earn money, just to raise him.

And Luo Ying has been here for the past few days, like a pistachio, and her big grin personality is loved by Wang Ma.

Soon, the noodles in Mu Yue's bowl had bottomed out.

He wiped his mouth and asked lightly: "So, do you hope that she can come back?" Hearing

this, Wang Chenning said without hesitation: "Of course, in this way, my mother is in a good mood, and the noodle restaurant doesn't need me to help, killing two birds with one stone, isn't it?"

He couldn't save Li Mengyao last time, and once he saved her, he would be exposed to everyone.

But this time it was different.

Mu Yixue sat opposite Mu Yue and looked at her brother carefully.

From the moment Mu Yue asked that sentence just now, as the person who knew Mu Yue best, she had already guessed what her brother wanted to do.

Although my brother is very cold on the surface, in the eyes of his friends and relatives, he is actually a very kind and gentle person.

Otherwise, Wang Chenning would not be willing to be friends with a cold-blooded creature with a cold personality.


Three gunships were flying at low altitudes, and large-caliber machine guns were striking at an abandoned building as if they didn't want money.

After a burst of strafing, the helicopter lowered its altitude again, and then four people jumped from it.

"Gravity is really troublesome, it can fly.

"No, but she's been on the run for seven or eight hours, presumably at her limit."

Among the four, a middle-aged man who was obviously the leader looked at the rotten building and said to the pilot of the helicopter overhead: "You guys are monitoring from above, once you find that she escaped from the rotten building, shoot directly."

"Let's go in and get her out."

"Yes, Captain Kiro.

Suddenly, the whole rotten building began to shake, and in an instant, a great pressure was exerted here.

The unfinished building collapsed with a bang, kicking up a cloud of dust.

A magician stepped forward and used the wind to keep the dust out of the four men.

"Death throes?"

Ji Luo silently watched the scene.

When the dust cleared, the huge debris of the collapsed building was already suspended above the four people.

Ji Luo's pupils contracted for a while.

If this thing falls, they can't eat it.

The pilot of the helicopter watched the scene in horror.

"The magic of gravity makes ... That's scary. "

The helicopter is flying at low altitude, and these concrete fragments are combined with steel bars, and the height is at least fifty meters above, just above the helicopter.

For Luo Ying, who was already exhausted, this was probably her last blow.

"Surrender and return the elven weapons to us. Ji Luo shouted solemnly.

In the center under the fragment, Luo Ying, dressed in black, raised her hands, controlled the fragment with all her strength, and sneered: "Even if I give it to you, can you release me?" Her black

clothes were burned in several places, scratched in several places, her snow-white skin was exposed, and blood flowed in some places, and she was seriously injured.

The four magicians looked at her in silence.

There is nothing more to talk about.

Their mission is not only to reclaim elven weapons, but also to capture gravity's magicians alive.

Their V-level squad has the strength to fight down Tier 3 pollutants.

Can make them chase for hours and finally drive them into a corner, this gravitational magician is worthy of being the owner of rare elements.

Individually fight against the Magic Envoy Squad that has been awarded the honor of "V", and no matter what the outcome of this battle, the Gravitational Envoy is enough to be proud.

As countless rubble fell, the four magicians made their faces solemn.

Wind, earth, fire, water.

Four elements gushed out of the bodies of the four magicians, ready to deal with gravity's magic as a last resort.

Debris falls from mid-air.

Gunships were smashed down.

The four colored elements play their respective roles in the stone grains.

Luo Ying knelt on the ground with both qi, then lost all strength and fell to the ground.

After all the rubble landed, the four magicians each suffered different degrees of injury, but they still had the power to fight.

Looking at Luo Ying, who was already powerless to fight back in front of him, Ji Luo admired: "What a tenacious woman. That

way, the capture task is complete.

Another team member said with a bitter face: "This guy is really powerful, even more difficult than a third-level pollutant." The

four of them took a step forward, ready to bring the magic of gravity back.

"Wait, what's that?"

said a magician suddenly.

Ji Luo raised his head and found that a cyan light in the air was rapidly approaching.

"Not good

!" "Spread out!!" As

soon as the words fell, the four of them ran in four directions.

The cyan laser landed in the center of the four people, and the violent explosion spread around, blowing the four magic envoys out.

[It was informed that four of the targets were seriously injured. ]

Mu Yue landed from the air, he had already left his subordinates merciful, and did not hurt the life of the League of Nations magicians.

[Inform, discovery of rare elements, gravity.]

Luo Ying lay on the ground, looked weakly at the armored man who was slowly walking towards her, and said with difficulty: "You... Why...... To help... I.

Under the armored mask, Mu Yue did not speak.

A moment later, Luo Ying passed out.

Mu Yue turned his head to look at the tattered scene around him, and said silently: "

Just to fulfill my friend's request..."

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