Mu Yue woke up from the bed, and only felt that his body was very heavy.

When you open your eyes, you will be greeted by a beautiful face.

Mu Yixue huddled with herself in her pajamas, and fell asleep beautifully.

Mu Yue was surrounded by Yi Xue's hair, and his sister's unique body fragrance

recalled what happened last night, Mu Yue only felt a headache.

In the end, it should be drinking, and then Mu Yue didn't let Xiao Yi help him break down alcohol.

But he didn't expect his alcohol to be so poor.

Later, he and his sister went back to their rooms to rest, but in the middle of the night, his sister seemed to run to his room again and squeezed into his bed.

Feeling Yixue's soft body in his arms, an unnatural look appeared on Mu Yue's face.

But seeing his sister sleeping so sweetly, he was embarrassed to wake his sister up.

Forget it, that's it..... It seems to be good.

I don't know what happened, Mu Yue's heartbeat began to accelerate, and his face was a little hot.

A little nervous... But this sentiment does not know where it comes from.

After a while, Mu Yixue opened her eyes in a daze, and as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw her brother.

The sudden sense of happiness made her think she was dreaming.

She twisted twice in Mu Yue's arms, changed her posture and closed her eyes again.

"Yixue, don't pretend to sleep. Mu Yue said softly.

Hearing this, Mu Yixue looked at her brother blankly, and said suspiciously: "Anyway, in a dream, even if it is excessive, no one knows, right?" As

soon as the words fell, her head was close to Mu Yue, and in the latter's somewhat shocked gaze, it touched his lips like a dragonfly with water.

Then, Mu Yixue showed a curious look.


saw that Mu Yue's neck was already red, but his face was still strong and calm, and he said silently: "Yixue, get up."

This time, Mu Yixue finally reacted.

Her face turned red instantly, she jumped off the bed with a sneak, and disappeared into the room in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the direction of the door, Mu Yue said helplessly: "This girl..."

Then, he touched his lips, looking a little hesitant.

Just now, was he kissed by Yixue

? Not the last brain, but mouth-to-mouth

? Is this a kiss

? Is this what kissing feels

like? What does it feel like?

It happened so fast that it didn't seem to feel it....

Thinking of Yixue's shy appearance just now, Mu Yue muttered, "It's better to forget." After

walking out of the room, Mu Yixue had already gone to school.

Mu Yue came to the living room, Sansan was placing Mu Yue's breakfast on the table, she asked: "Master, what was the weird meow just now?"

Mu Yue said.


Sansan didn't dare to ask more.

The three-school war was suspended, and students from the three colleges returned to their respective houses to prepare for their final exams in the near future.

Then there is the summer vacation, each of which is a rare relaxation for students from the three major faculties.

And the final exam is only a very simple written test, because some practical tests have already had results in ordinary daily life, so the final exam, the college can also be regarded as giving all students a chance to relax.

Of course, it is an opportunity for Xueba to relax, and for Xueba, it is a rather scary thing.

First School District Class 1.

The students who can enter the first school district are basically all top students, after all, those who can enter here have different comprehensive abilities.

Standing on the podium, he was talking.

Without Sirius, he didn't have to divide his magic power to maintain the seal, and his spiritual qi was much better than before.

But his appearance is still very lazy, compared to before, and he is either perfunctory or perfunctory all day.

Compared with Teacher Situ Yaya in the first class of the first school district of the sophomore year, the performance of the winning array is like a waste firewood.

However, in terms of teaching achievements, the achievements of the Yingjin are faintly above Situ Yaya.

This time, Wan Qianming died on Mad Demon Island, but this had little impact on the Academy Holy Land, because Wan Qianming was not a teacher and would not usually teach.

But his status as vice president naturally held a grand memorial service.

Victory brought the students from the first class of the first school district to the playground.

The dean of the academy holy land, Cang Shan, stood at the front, he looked at Wan Qianming's family, sighed, and said, "Qianming sacrificed to protect the students, and it is the pride of our academy holy land.

"I know.

Wan Qianming's wife said sadly: "I don't want him to become a powerful magician, I prefer him to be just an ordinary father."

Next to him, Wan Qianming's son did not say a word, obviously he was hit.

Situ Yaya stood on the other side and said solemnly: "In addition to Teacher Wan Qianming, the bodies of the other two academy leaders are all missing.

"Not only that.

Ying Jin added on the side: "This time, almost everyone who died on Mad Magic Island is missing, and their bodies have not been found, just like the Queen of Gravity who once disappeared. Hearing

this, Cangshan said: "Are you saying that the target of the SE organization this time is to target the corpses of the magic envoys of

the three major academies?" Situ Yaya shook his head and said: "No, without the intervention of mysterious forces, I am afraid that the geniuses of the three academies will be completely destroyed, and their purpose is not the corpse, but everyone who participates in the battle of the three academies."

"This way.

Cangshan nodded.

Situ Yaya looked around and found that there was no figure of Chi Jingxin.

Situ Yaya looked at Zhou Jiu, walked over and asked, "What about Jingxin?"

Zhou Jiu scratched his hair and said, "She went on a mission."

Hearing this, Situ Yaya frowned and said, "0211 Magic makes the squad's points this year full, what task is she going to perform?" "

I don't know, it was an order directly issued by the academy management, don't you know about Teacher Situ?" Hearing the three words of management, Situ Yaya's

expression changed.

She turned around and quickly walked forward, staring at Cangshan, and asked with anger: "What did you send them out for?" Whether

it was the Feng Qiandao incident last time or the three-school battle incident this time, with Situ Yaya's cleverness, she could naturally guess that it was inseparable from the academy management, and they were the worst to know.

But the first two times were emergencies, and there was really no evidence, and she was helpless.

But now, her students have actually been sent out, do they want to create a tragedy like Feng Qiandao and Qiu Yu?

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