The call came over.

On the other end of the phone, Chen Jingyan lived in the imperial capital, the imperial palace.

It should be said that although the empire is a feudal country, the prosperity of the capital city is unique, and it is worthy of being one of the central cities in the world.

Chen Jingyan changed into the exclusive clothes of the empire, which was gorgeous, but the bald head on the top of his head was a little abrupt.

After connecting the phone, Chen Jingyan said casually: "Hey, it's a big god, what's the matter?" Mu

Yue said lightly: "Find someone for me."


Jingyan didn't understand, and said suspiciously: "Looking for someone?

"Help me ask your master Fang Pojun to investigate Gao Chengming's whereabouts." Hearing

this, Chen Jingyan's complexion became serious.

Of course, he is no stranger to the name Gao Chengming.

It was his ex... Oh no, it was Mu Yixue's previous monitor.

After taking over the other party's task, Gao Chengming went to perform a secret mission, which is not a secret in the high-level of the Xia Kingdom's military, but he is not very clear about what the specific task is.

"Okay, I'll ask for you.

Chen Jingyan hesitated for a moment and agreed to Mu Yue.

After all, it's not a difficult thing to do.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Jingyan dialed his master's private number.

"Hey, old thing, what are you doing?" Facing

his master, Chen Jingyan was a little self-indulgent, and there was no respect in his tone.

"Rabbit cub, how can you talk to your master?"


this, Fang Pojun blew his beard and glared: "Fuck off, what an attitude." Chen

Jingyan naturally didn't know what politeness was.

"Seriously, it has something to do with [Pandora's Box].

Hearing this, Fang Pojun on the other side of the phone said solemnly: "If you want to call the military-specific phone for things related to the mission, what do you mean by calling my personal phone?"

After that, Chen Jingyan scratched his nostrils and asked, "Where did Gao Chengming go?"

This question made the other end of the phone silent for a while.

Gao Chengming is a very famous figure in the military, the only person who has fought against the third-level pollutant as an ordinary person, and is praised as a hero-like guy by countless soldiers.

After Mu Yixue went to the academy holy place, Gao Chengming returned to the military region and obtained the rank of brigadier general as soon as he came up.

Not long after, he led a special squad to a special place to carry out a special mission.

The content of the task, confidentiality.

But as a military general, Fang Pojun naturally knew what kind of task it was.

"Little rabbit cub

..." Fang Pojun sighed and said, "This matter, if it's just you curious, then I advise you not to ask more, if [Pandora's Box] wants to know, then tell her..."

"The task of the Xia Kingdom military, there is no comment!"

Chen Jingyan's eyes froze, and he seemed to smile: "No comment? Do you know, why can't she know?" "

Hmph, little bunny, I warn you that some things are revealed and will not do the country any good.

"Hehe, old thing, you still warn me, I am giving you face to be a monitor, if you don't say, Lao Tzu will leave at any time." There

was another silence on the other end of the phone.

Why did he take such an apprentice?

"Well, then I can only give you a hint."

Hearing this, Chen Jingyan said, "Say it." "

Ancient ruins. Fang Pojun said.


Chen Jingyan wondered.


thousand years have passed since the cataclysm, and the culture is almost broken, what is ancient.

However, Fang Pojun had already hung up the phone.

After ending the call with Fang Pojun, Chen Jingyan told Mu Yue these four words.

Nishikawa City Hotel.

Mu Yue sat on the edge of the bed and muttered, "Ancient ruins?" He searched for clues

of these four words on Lanxing's network through Xiao Yi, but the Internet was full of digressions.

However, Gao Chengming is on a mission related to this so-called ancient ruin, so why did it not appear for several months?

The fact that it did not emerge from the ruins for several months suggests that the ruins are large, perhaps to an unimaginable extent.

There is another thing, that is, why Gao Chengming was asked to participate in this mission.

No matter how powerful he is, he is just an ordinary person in this world, not a magician, and his ability is limited.

If the ruins are dangerous, then sending magic envoys is obviously more certain than ordinary people.

If Gao Chengming is used as cannon fodder, then it is even more unnecessary, why should the military let a person who is praised as a hero be used as cannon fodder, isn't it better to send other ordinary soldiers?


The reason why magic can't be used in the ruins

is the most plausible.

If this guess is correct, then Mu Yue is also curious about what the so-called ancient ruins of the Xia Kingdom military are.

He also sent a brigadier general to explore, and said that if it was exposed, it would not be good for Xia Guo.

All indications are that this is not an ordinary relic, but an existence that can affect the pattern of the world.


Mu Yixue poked out a small head from the bed and said strangely: "I want to take a bath."

"Then you go wash it."

As soon as the words fell, Mu Yue looked at the bathroom, and then fell silent.

Because the bathroom turned out to be transparent glass.

Not to mention the bath, even the bathroom is transparent.

Why do you design this kind of bathroom for a twin room? It's not a hotel for couples?

"It's okay, Yixue, I'll let Xiaoyi block my vision. Hearing

this, Mu Yixue was a little hesitant.

But soon, she stretched out her feet, changed into slippers, and ran into the bathroom.

Mu Yue's eyes had lost their color, and he could obviously no longer see things.

In the bathroom, Mu Yixue took off her clothes one by one, revealing patches of snow-white skin.

She looked at her brother silently through the glass, and then pursed her mouth.


Yue listened to the sound of water and subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

Although I couldn't see it, I couldn't stop the picture in my mind.

Mu Yue shook his head, trying to throw these pictures out of his mind, and finally found that no matter how he did it, it would be useless.

I have to admit that what Chen Jingyan said last time was right.

He may really like his sister.

Otherwise, how to explain, at this time, I will fantasize about my sister's bathing appearance, and even want to unlock the visual restrictions.

Of course, Mu Yue would not do this.

This is the instinct of a man's body, but not Mu Yue's instinct.

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