Mu Yixue silently took off her mask and ate the first dish on the table.

The food of the empire, she has not eaten.

When the waiter girl saw Mu Yixue's appearance, her face was immediately stunned, revealing a shocked expression.

Although I had already guessed that the other party would be beautiful, I didn't expect it to be so amazing.

She reminded in a low voice: "Guest, in the empire, you still have to protect your female companion, although the two are not imperial people, those nobles dare not mess around in the open, but behind the scenes, they may not do anything bad."

"I see, thank you."

Mu Yue sat back at the table.

After eating, the two of them prepared to go to the residence arranged for them by Mu Er.

Sansan has already gone in advance.

The hotel arranged by Mu Er in the name of Future Technology Company is naturally the best hotel in Worm City, and with his identity, even the Tianzi room can be arranged.

However, Mu Yue was still mainly low-key, and only let him arrange the ground character room.

The hotels in Worm City are almost full, because there are many people who want to see the execution of the crime of gluttony.

They are not worried about their safety, but this is Worm City, the world's largest prison, holding the most vicious criminals in the world, and naturally has an extremely strict garrison.

And...... Luo Ying is also in the city.

Including the Phantom Light Dance, plus the Sin of Gluttony, the city has gathered three Seven Sins.

However, Phantom Light Dance's appearance has long been exposed, so she came to Worm City secretly.

In the room, Sansan said: "I will protect the safety of the master and the young lady." "

Sansan, shut up."


There's a very interesting thing about the Empire.

Mercenary associations, in the empire are legally existing.

As long as they do not violate the laws of the empire, mercenaries can reasonably stay in the empire.

The empire registered the identity of a soldier for every mercenary, cleverly exploiting the loopholes in the laws of the League of Nations.

As a price, the mercenaries became a police-like presence in the empire and needed to maintain the order of the empire.

Every city has a branch of the mercenary association, and the headquarters of the mercenary association is in the imperial capital.

The Empire is also a place where mercenaries can do without disguise.

But those black-clothed mercenaries who appear all over the world are basically illegal, so even the empire does not allow their existence.

Although they are both mercenaries, the mercenaries of the empire and the group of black-clothed mercenaries seem to have become two organizations.

Moreover, the mercenaries of the empire are almost all open-faced, so they are not recognized by the platform of the mercenary association, and they cannot receive platform tasks, but can only receive tasks in the official empire.

Once they touch the mission of the mercenary platform, it means that they have violated the laws of the empire and will still become wanted criminals.

However, they also have their own independent hierarchy.

According to the quality and quantity of completed missions, they are divided into bronze, silver, gold, diamonds, and legendary mercenaries on diamonds.

In general, the mercenaries of the empire are white, then the mercenaries outside the empire are black.

The two sides are also incompatible and hostile organizations.

Interestingly, Luo Ying has the identity of a legendary mercenary in the empire, and he is a mercenary of seven sins outside the empire, which can be said to be black and white.

Coupled with her status as an imperial royalty, as long as she does not do anything heinous, the League of Nations will not arrest her too much.

Regarding Luo Ying's hunt, it was also carried out by the empire itself, and the League of Nations did not intervene.

Worm City, as the frontier of the empire, is likewise attacked daily by low-level pollutants.

Some of the pollution is small in size, and sometimes even appears in groups, attacking the Worm City like an army.

The pollution disaster here is even more serious than that of Xichuan City, but the guards here are far stronger than Xichuan City.

In addition to the guards of the prison, there is also a branch of the Mercenary Association, and there are more than a dozen magical envoys in it, as long as they are unlevel pollutants, they cannot break through their defenses.

It is said that the strongest mercenaries in the branch of the Worm City Mercenary Association have reached the gold level, comparable to the second-level pollutant.

With the sound of a trumpet, it seemed that war broke out again outside the Worm City.

For residents of the inner city, this is already commonplace.

What should everyone do.

With the magic of the mercenary association, the rebel army could not resist at all.

Although they have a lot of heavy weapons with the support of magical hostile organizations.

However, the wall of Worm City is at least forty meters high, and ordinary third-level pollutants cannot enter, even if the rebel army has heavy weapons, it cannot break the wall of Worm City.

Unless they have missiles, they can go over the walls.

But missiles can no longer be called heavy weapons, and the rebels do not have these things for the time being.

Moreover, the use of missiles to cross the city wall will cause harm to the inhabitants of the insect city, and the rebels do not want to see this scene.

Mu Yue's left eye projected the screen and turned on a live broadcast of the scene outside the city.

The rebels numbered about three or four hundred, charging like moths to a fire.

With such a number of people, where did they have the courage to charge a city?

Isn't this a sacrifice in vain?

Behind him, three or four tanks appeared and began to bombard the walls.

The original thickness of the city wall was nearly 20 meters.

But in the countless charges of the rebels, it is now less than five meters.

They may be able to break through the walls immediately, but even if they do, what will happen.

They still can't defeat the magicians.

A fire elemental magician stood on the city wall, condensed fireballs, and attacked the rebel army on the ground.

Countless bodies fell outside the city.

But Mu Yue frowned.

The rebels who died outside the city fell to the ground, bound by some vine-like tentacles, and were pulled into the ground.

Sansan said next to him: "Meow? What's the situation? "

There are pollutants."

Mu Yue's left eye flashed blue, and the picture appeared in another scene in an instant.

A 39-meter-tall tree stayed quietly on the other side of Worm City.

The tree is thick and looks unremarkable.

However, it has a polluting body core.

Its rhizome can extend for several kilometers, absorbing all the corpses at the gate of the insect city and becoming its own nourishment.

In more than a month, how many rebels did it absorb?

These rebels are not afraid of death, sending death the same charge, just to become the nourishment of this big tree?

Now it is close to breaking through the fourth level of pollution.

"Brother, is this thing going to appear in three days?"

The day of punishment for the crime of gluttony.

"It should be, the magic enemy organization cooperated with the rebel army, perhaps in order to use the sacrifice of the rebel army to cultivate this guy."

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