Dragon City Mecha Training Camp.

Wang Chenning has now eliminated two third-level pollutants and has become the general captain of the mecha unit, with the rank of major.

Of the original thirty mechs, six were lost during the first combat training mission.

Now there are only four mecha squads left, forming a mecha unit, so that the backbone of Xia Guo has been filled.

Especially Wang Chenning, with the combat mecha, can kill the third-level pollutant body alone, and even Mu Yue feels that he was born to eat the material of the mecha.

And the mecha troops, who also followed Fang Pojun's aircraft carrier, came to the border of the empire.

Wang Chenning is now wearing the special military uniform of the mecha unit, and the whole person's mental outlook has been refreshed, quite handsome.

He stood behind Fang Pojun and asked, "Chief, are we really going to invade the empire?"

"Young man, whether to fight or not is a decision at the top, you and I just need to carry out the orders of the top."

A woman behind Fang Pojun said.

The woman's face was majestic, and she looked very stern.

Her name is Li Xia, she is an instructor of the Xia Kingdom's magic envoy troops, with the rank of colonel, and Wang Chenning's top boss.

In addition, the captain of this aircraft carrier is also her.

Xia Guo's three aircraft carriers, one docked on Mad Magic Island, "supervises" the transformation of the island by Future Technology Company.

A ship belonging to the Enchanted Envoy Force, led by Chief Instructor Li Xia, takes the Envoy Force to the world for actual combat training.

The last one patrolled the perimeter of Xia Country.

Imperial border.

The aircraft carrier leads the fleet and has already seen the land of the empire.

On land, there were garrisons defending border cities.

All around, the fleet belonging to the empire is also approaching.

Although the empire was in a civil war, neither Luo Potian nor Luo Zhihuang mobilized ordinary garrisons in other cities.

Especially the border, so there is still a not weak military force in this place.

But compared to the fleet of the Xia Kingdom, it is somewhat weak, and during the civil war, the Paladins and the Imperial Magic Forces have no way to support.

Fang Pojun looked at this scene and ordered: "My Xia Kingdom's strategic-level magic has plunged into the imperial civil war, and the whole army is preparing to land on the empire continent and directly take the imperial capital.


Li Xia turned around, ready to order the magic to dispatch the troops.

Wang Chenning did not leave, but stood behind Fang Pojun and asked, "Chief, what does the mecha unit do?"

Fang Pojun glanced back at him, and then said: "Mecha troops, send a squad to defeat the imperial fleet. "

For mecha, defeating the fleet can be said to be a breeze.

However, the energy of the mecha can only last for a few hours, and it takes half a day to replenish the energy, so it cannot be all dispatched at once.

Wang Chenning breathed a sigh of relief.

If he just sends a squad, he doesn't have to go to the battlefield himself.

After all, he didn't join the army to fight.


The borders of the empire were attacked by two countries.

And the imperial capital was even threatened by the kingdom of the gods.

Anci City.

The sea god did not continue to strike, but said: "Strategic-level fighting, the entire city will be affected..."

She looked at Mu Yixue in front of her, and then her expression was slightly stunned, and she muttered: "You... Much like a person. "

A terrible guy from the Murong family....

She crossed Mu Yixue and left here, not intending to fight this girl.

And as a "god" of the kingdom of the gods, deal with a young girl.

Winning is dishonorable, losing is humiliating.

What's more, she didn't have to fight with the other party.

Although Luo Cheng and Luo Ying are threats, their threat is the future, not the present.

Now they are nothing to the realm of the gods, so there is no need to fight a strategic level because of this.

After the sea god left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The direction she left was the imperial capital.

The imperial capital, which was already in danger, plus the words of the sea god, I am afraid that the defense line would be broken in an instant.

Several people returned to the temporary headquarters in Anci City.

The eldest princess Luo Zhihuang fainted, and although Yuanchen was seriously injured, he was still taking care of her for a moment.

For Yuanchen, he doesn't care about the affairs of the empire now, he just needs to guard the eldest princess.

The rest of the paladins and the eldest princess's private army are capturing the rebels in Anci City.

The rebels are now very chaotic, like bandits.

A group of feudal civilians, suddenly possessed force, plus there was no one to balance them.

The mind remained in feudalism, and a commoner with weapons and the ability to do whatever he wanted was in itself quite a terrible thing.

Even if they were originally to rebel against the imperial family, over time, their existence changed its taste.

Several people stayed here with heavy faces.

Although before the civil war, they expected other countries to strike, but they did not expect to strike so quickly.

Originally, they thought that they would have to face other countries only after the end of the civil war, but they did not expect that they came to the empire halfway through the civil war.

Except for the Far North, other countries have sent troops, which can already be called a mini-world war.

Luo Ying frowned and said: "The empire is not saved, let's go abroad and wander." Hearing

this, Luo Cheng did not refute.

Even if Zhuang Qiu came out, he would not be able to face the sea god of the kingdom of the gods in his old age.

"Is a country just dying like this?" Xu Qin said uncomfortably.

Although this is not her country, she also spent some time in the empire.

"Have you forgotten someone?" Mu Yue suddenly said.

Hearing this, everyone looked over.

I saw Mu Yue continue: "The biggest hole card of the empire has arrived in the imperial capital. Hearing

this, everyone else became puzzled.

The empire's biggest hole card?

Isn't it Zhuang Qiu?

"You forgot the one from Worm City?"

Everyone suddenly realized.

Worm City, Tyrant Reddy.

But after the death of the Queen of Gravity, he never left Worm City.

"And those people in prison." Mu Yue said lightly.

The murderers of Worm City are all extremely strong.

And Reddy is casual, and he goes to prison to eat meat and drink with the murderers.

The prisons in Worm City are basically freed by Reddy, anyway, under his strong strength, no one can leave.

Reddy's relationship with the murderers is difficult to describe.

But it is undeniable that as the world's largest prison, the top murderers in Worm City may be stronger than the Paladins.

"Uncle Reddy..." Luo Ying was a little moved.

You must know that Reddy was disappointed with the royal family and nobles of the imperial capital because of the sacrifice of the Queen of Gravity, so he left the imperial capital.

Now that the imperial capital is suffering, he is willing to return, which shows that the imperial capital still has people he can trust.

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