"You... You're back brother.

Mu Yixue came over and said.


Mu Yue subconsciously wanted to touch his sister's head, but suddenly thought that now their relationship was different from before.

The hand stopped in midair, but Mu Yue suddenly retracted it.

He coughed lightly and said, "Let's go Yixue, go and see how the amusement park in Sky City is being built."

Mu Yixue was stunned, then nodded and said, "Good." After

arriving at the amusement park, the two stood at the entrance of the Ferris wheel.

Although the amusement park has not yet been built, the Ferris wheel has been built.

Sky City's Ferris wheel is a very special thing.

This Ferris wheel is "Ferris" in the true sense.

The playground is located on the edge of Sky City, plus Sky City is in the sky, so in the Ferris wheel, the star arc of the blue star can be seen.

The line of sight can cover one-fifth of the surface of the Blue Star.

In the sky, a huge crimson metal creature was hovering around the perimeter of Sky City.

This is the Suzaku battleship, with wings spread up to six hundred meters long, and the inner area of the core can accommodate fifty people living normally in it at the same time.

Because Mu Yixue was in Sky City, the Suzaku battleship was orbiting Sky City at this time.

It is worth mentioning that the size of the Qinglong satellite is about five times larger than the Suzaku battleship, and it is a behemoth in the true sense.

"Pretty? This planet. Mu Yue asked.

"I don't know."

Mu Yixue shook her head, and then said: "I haven't seen other planets, and I don't know what the standard of beauty is.

"To say beautiful things, I think the ring planet in the Science and Technology City profile is very beautiful."

"That's Saturn." Mu Yue said.

"Planets of the solar system?"


Mu Yue and Mu Yixue sat in the cockpit of the Ferris wheel together.

When the cockpit moved to the very top, it stood still here.

"I want to go to my brother's planet."

"It's not nice there."

Mu Yue sighed.

The earth after a thousand years is what it will be in the game "Mecha World".

"But I want to go." Mu Yixue said seriously.

"I'll take you if I have the chance."

But he doesn't even know where he is now.

Finding the solar system in the universe is easier said than done.

"That brother, the universe is so big, what is the probability that you came here from other planets... What is the probability of meeting me? Hearing

this, Mu Yue smiled and said, "The probability of both is almost zero. The

two were silent for a while.

They chatted for a long time in the cockpit.

Mu Yue told Yi Xue everything about his earth.

Although the latter knew from other planets from the beginning, she never asked much about Earth.

This time it was also Mu Yue who took the initiative to say.

And Yi Xue didn't have any ideas.

Since she was a child, she has only Mu Yue in her eyes.

So her memories are all related to Mu Yue.

By the time the two came down from the cockpit, it was already dusk.

The dusk in Sky City, without a doubt, is the most beautiful dusk on the entire Blue Star.

Mu Yue carried Mu Yixue, who was already drowsy, and walked out of the amusement park.

Perhaps only when Mu Yue is around, Mu Yixue will relax like now, showing the expression that a normal girl should have.


Mu Yixue whispered on Mu Yue's back: "Do you like me?" "


Mu Yue said without hesitation: "From childhood to adulthood, you should know that my favorite person is you.

"It's not that like."

Mu Yixue shook her head.

But Mu Yue continued: "Either way, my answer is like, I only have love for you, nothing else. Hearing

this answer, Mu Yixue's arm wrapped around Mu Yue's body, put her head on his shoulder, and whispered two words.

"Yes, too."

Perhaps this matter never needed to be so painstaking.

What her brother's mind was, she had always known, and she knew better than anyone.

I did a lot of complicated things, went around in circles, and went around so many circles, just to hear my brother say that answer himself.

Now, hearing the answer she already knew, Mu Yixue was also satisfied and fell asleep sweetly on Mu Yue's back.

After returning to the villa in Sky City, Mu Yue put her sister on the bed in her room.

Looking at his sister's sleeping face, Mu Yue didn't know why, and there was an inexplicable sense of satisfaction in his heart.

Even if he stayed here all the time, just looking at Yi Xue's sleeping face, he would not feel bored.

Mu Yue reluctantly left here and gently closed the door of the room.

This kind of mood he had never had before.

Is this the beginning of the sinus?

Earth and Blue Star's age combined, and he seems to have experienced this a little late.

But it doesn't matter, it's just late, it's time to come, it's still coming.

In fact, he has also thought about many things in the past few days.

If you have to fall in love in the future, you will definitely have a wife.

Except for Yixue, he couldn't imagine anyone's face.

Apart from Yixue, he couldn't accept anyone.

And now, he has another reason to protect Yixue.

Coming to a strange planet alone, Mu Yue was like being lost in a labyrinth.

However, he has found the greatest treasure in the labyrinth.

Even if this maze is cleared by him in the future... He can give up anything here, but this treasure, he must take it.

If he loses this treasure, the meaning of his stay in the maze will also disappear.

After all, no one wants to raid a labyrinth that is unrewarding.

If there was no Yixue, Mu Yue would not be able to return to the earth...

That labyrinth... This blue star, what else is necessary to exist?

The Star Destroying Cannon was born at that moment.

It was already getting dark.

Several robots carried a small propeller on their heads and carried a boxy supply package from the spot.

The special training of Xu Qin, Luo Cheng, and Gao Xiaosheng is still going on.

Every three days, the robots drop a pack of supplies on a simulated battlefield to maintain their water and food, as well as medicine resources.

Of course, the location of the material package is very researched, and it is definitely not easy to get the materials, and it is bound to experience a big war.

This is a simulated battlefield, only the enemy is fake, and everything else is real.

Although it does not occupy a large area, the technology of environment projection will make them feel that they will never be able to go out.

It's like switching maps, and when you get to the edge of a simulated battlefield, the environment projection technology changes the environment and makes you think that you have gone out and arrived in another place.

But in fact, you have remained where you are.

However, what surprised Mu Yue was that the strongest person among the three now turned out to be Gao Xiaoshen.

When death is approaching, this kid does not hide his strength.

Yes, I actually know that playing pig and eating tiger has a future.

Chen Jingyan's martial arts, he did not learn at all.

On the contrary, his martial arts are excellent.

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