The seal of the third ancestor.

The Third Ancestor Demon King, as one of the sources of calamity thousands of years ago, his degree of disaster is much higher than that of other ancestors.

Although the strength of the eighth ancestor Qi Tian was very strong, his threat level was not high.

But this third ancestor once led the entire Warcraft Legion in an attempt to dominate the world.

The four demon king beasts under his command were all terrifying fifth-level pollutants.

Just a year ago, the fifth Demon King Beast was born, but it was sealed by the then Jingu Chizuru.

That was also the opportunity for Senzuru of Jingu to become the twelve god generals.

But even a thousand years later, the mention of the name Demon King brings people almost all fear.

After all, this legendary figure, even if he is a villain, can be compared with a top powerhouse like the first generation of braves, and even he is stronger than the first generation of braves.

A thousand years ago, when he had no human body, he was strong to this point, so now after a thousand years, whether he will become stronger is unknown.

But there is no doubt that the ten great ancestors were only sealed, and they had never heard of being killed.

That is, the demon king is still alive.

And they are looking for death in the Demon King's seal at this time.

Xu Qin and the others carefully groped in the forest near Bailu City, trying to find a way out.

With their current strength, even if Mu Yixue was not there, as long as they did not encounter a fifth-level pollutant body and an extremely powerful fourth-level pollutant, it was no problem to escape.

What's more, now Mu Yixue is also by their side.

"You guys said that the Divine Palace Thousand Cranes are not as powerful as the first generation of braves." Xu Qin suddenly asked.

"Of course not."

Luo Cheng said undoubtedly: "You have to know that the three of the original Gravity Queen, the First Ice God, and the First Brave are all figures who are close to the end of the magic envoy, indeed, the Divine Palace Qianzuru is the only person who has hoped to reach the strength of the original Brave in the past thousand years, but now she is definitely not as good as the first generation." "

Jingu Chizuru, one of the three sword saints of Sakura Island, is also a brave man of this generation.

She is the descendant of the first generation of braves, and after a thousand years, the line of braves has appeared to almost completely inherit the talents of the first generation of braves.

"Everyone be careful." Luo Cheng said cautiously.

This is the seal of the Demon King, and in addition to the polluting body of the Demon King's vein, there are other strong people.

According to the rules of the Brave Lineage, when a new Brave is born, the previous generation of Brave must guard the White Heron City to prevent the Demon King's seal from changing.

Although the previous generation of braves was not as strong as the Jingu Chizuru, it was obviously not a simple character.

Soon, several people came to the edge of the forest.

Along the way, they also encountered some pollutants, but it was only a level one, and the forest was not even a rim outside the Egret City, so the level of pollutants was not high.

It wasn't long before several people saw a camp of armed men, which was supposed to be the army responsible for guarding Egret Castle on Sakura Island.

Several people carefully observed, not daring to alarm each other.

After all, they came out of other people's forbidden places, and without a reasonable explanation, I am afraid that there would be unnecessary conflicts.

After a few people thought of a reason, they were just about to go out.

Behind him, an old man with closed eyes holding a sword suddenly asked, "Who?" Trespassing?

Several people were startled, only Mu Yixue looked as usual.

Xu Qin was surprised: "When was this old man behind us?" "

All the time." Mu Yixue said lightly.

This guy, noticing them from the moment the transport landed, and then followed all the way.

They were spotted by people in the camp, and a dozen men in military uniforms rushed over, raised their rifles, and aimed them at several people.

Xu Qin hurriedly said: "We are students of the Holy Land of the Academy. Hearing

this, the commander said in a deep voice: "The three major academies have been destroyed, and the students of the academies no longer have the qualifications for world access, and who knows if you are." "

Luo Cheng was just about to say that she was an imperial princess.

But when he was about to blurt out the words, he suddenly realized that he no longer had that identity.

"Take away!"

Several soldiers surrounded and tried to handcuff the four of them.

The next moment, the icy aura gradually spread, making it difficult for everyone to approach.

The person behind him felt this breath, and his eyebrows suddenly changed, and he said in a condensed voice: "Who is Your Excellency?"

This breath is even stronger than him, which shows that the person in front of him is not a nameless person.

Mu Yixue didn't say a word, raised her hand, and the cold ice grew rapidly from the soles of her feet, freezing all the trees around her in an instant.

Even the camp was frozen into ice sculptures.

Seeing this, he looked shocked and said: "Such a powerful ice element, so young, and once a student of the academy holy land, you are another double star, Mu Yixue." "

Since being exposed as a strategic-level magic envoy, Mu Yixue's popularity has once again increased by one level and entered the eyes of all the major forces in the world.

Hearing the title of Double Star, the other soldiers showed expressions of disbelief.

For Sakura Island, Jingu Chizuru is their god.

And the people in front of them are people who can be compared with their God.

They laid down their arms and did not even have the desire to confront.

And the old man, who was also a brave man of the previous generation, Jingu Yushin asked: "Sir, why did you come to my cherry blossom island forbidden land?" "

Don't build."

Mu Yixue said expressionlessly.

Xu Qin on the side looked over suspiciously, and then whispered to Luo Cheng next to him: "Tsundere girl, did Yi Xue bite her tongue just now?"

"It seems to be."

"Ah, ah, Yixue is so cute, biting her tongue and still such a serious book." Xu Qin was excited.

Mu Yixue did not show an embarrassed expression, but glanced at Xu Qin and Luo Cheng strangely.

Then, under her leadership, the four left here without looking back.

Jingu Yushin looked at the backs of several people, and his face showed a trace of hesitation.

Mu Yixue's arrival, at present, it is not known whether it is friend or foe.

After all, the relationship between the two stars is the relationship of opponents, and they don't understand Mu Yixue's personality at all.

If she wanted to leave only one double star at this time, then Jingu Chizuru would not have the energy to deal with such a number of enemies.

But in the entire Sakura Island, only the one who can deal with Mu Yixue is the Divine Palace Chizuru.

Others can't stop it even if they want to.

In the end, Jingu Yushin sighed and said helplessly: "I can only resign myself to fate." "

Their mission of the Brave Vein is to protect the Demon King Seal.

As for Sakura Island, that's not their responsibility.

The reason why Jingu Chizuru is fighting for Sakura Island is because she is protecting her hometown.

"Lord Elder, shall we inform Lord Brave?" The commander asked.

"No thanks... This is their own business, and it doesn't make sense for us to notify in advance. "

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