Mu Yue came to the milk tea shop opposite the school.

Mu Yixue didn't wait long, Mu Yue came out almost as soon as she entered.

Walking into the milk tea shop, Mu Yue ordered a cup of Yangzhi manna for his sister, watching his sister drink this cup of dessert, Mu Yue recalled the notice of Xiaoyi just now.

Li Mo is the mastermind who made Yi Xue look like this ten years ago, and the founder of the elf system weapon.

For the sake of the elf weapon, he could come here, Mu Yue was not surprised.

It's just that today's Xichuan City has too many hidden figures.

The captain of the V-class squad of the League of Nations, an experienced V-class magic envoy, the internationally famous magic envoy of gravity, the vice president of the student union of the college holy land, Li Mo, the high-ranking member of the SE organization, plus Mu Yixue, who is known as one of the double stars...

With such a luxurious lineup, once a conflict breaks out in Xichuan City, is this intended to destroy the entire city?

Among them, Luo Ying was the strongest, followed by the leader of the V-level squad, and the vice president of the academy holy land was ranked last.

"Brother, I'm done drinking.

Mu Yixue put the milk tea cup on the table, and a pair of spiritually beautiful eyes stared at Mu Yue.

The latter looked at the time and said, "I'm going to take the second exam in a while, wait for me, come out immediately."

"Good brother.

Under Mu Yixue's gaze, Mu Yue returned to the school.

In two days, the college entrance examination was completely over.

Scores are such a thing, Mu Yue doesn't care.

In his mind, but there is a super artificial intelligence, as long as he wants, all the knowledge of this world can appear in his mind in an instant.

After the college entrance examination, students were immersed in a short period of cheerfulness, dating of dating, drinking of alcohol.

And Wang Chenning pushed Mu Yue and came to a KTV.

Looking at the lighting rendering in front of him and the noisy environment, Mu Yue almost fainted for a while.

It was this kind of place that he hated the most.

"Xiao Yi, block out the voice for me. "

[Inform that the sound is blocked.]

The next moment, the world was quiet, and Mu Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

Much more comfortable.

Wang Chenning next to him kept chattering, but Mu Yue couldn't hear it at all.

[Inform that lip syncing has been automatically checked.]

Although he couldn't hear it, with Xiao Yi's assistance, Mu Yue could understand what Wang Chenning meant.

"Lao Mu, why don't you ignore me after talking for a long time? After the college entrance examination, everyone will have to go their separate ways, today's class gathering, how good it is to come and play once."

Mu Yue and Wang Chenning casually found a place to sit down.

Not long after, a sweet-looking girl picked up the microphone and sang a song of parting sadness.

After singing, she turned her head to look at Mu Yue, blushed, plucked up courage, and said eight words:

"Classmate Mu Yue... I like you!" Mu

Yue is the school grass male god of Xichuan No. 1 Middle School, coupled with a cold personality, which is a plus in the hearts of some girls, so there are not a few people who have a crush on him.

Now that everyone is about to go their separate ways, it is normal to confess at this class reunion.


[Inform that lip translations that do not make sense have been automatically blocked.] Mu

Yue didn't hear it, and under Xiao Yi's intimate care, this lip shape was not translated.

It's just that the ambiguous gazes of the people around, coupled with the expression of Wang Chenning's eyebrows beside him, made Mu Yue a little puzzled.

Fortunately, Mu Yixue is not here, otherwise no one can go out of this class reunion.

The girl lowered her head, and after a long time getting a reply from Mu Yue, she bit her lip and said sadly: "I know... Actually, I have long guessed this result.

The girl took two steps forward and said seriously: "Classmate Mu Yue, I hope that at every class reunion, we can meet." The

meaning of this blessing is that we are all to live all the time.

They were all ordinary people, especially Mu Yue, and they had no magical qualifications.

In this era, once a pollutant appears, ordinary people are like cannon fodder.

When the fifth-level pollutant appeared in the imperial capital, it caused tens of thousands of casualties.

In the face of level 3 or higher pollutants, even powerful magical envoys will be caught in a bitter battle, and they will not have the energy to protect civilians.

Only the elimination of contaminated bodies is the greatest protection for civilians.

Although the enchanters are at war with the pollutant every year, the frequency of the latter has never decreased, and it has even increased year by year.

To date, the League of Nations has not studied the origin of the pollutant.

And in a thousand years, humans have never eliminated a single level 5 pollutant.

The Level 5 Polluent Centipede Elder who appeared twenty years ago was only suppressed, and the Twelve Gods would indeed have stronger strength than the Level 5 Pollutant, but if the Level 5 Pollutant wanted to escape, even the Twelve Gods would not be able to stop it.

In the past thousand years, there have been dozens of Level 5 pollutants in Blue Star, all of which are now lurking in a corner of the world.

And these dozens of pollutants ... Mu Yue has determined the specific location of more than half through satellite monitoring.

Mu Yue looked at the girl in front of him and responded, "I know, so are you."

Suddenly, Xiao Yi's voice sounded in his mind.

[Inform that things that cannot be defined appear in Nishikawa City.]

Mu Yue's eyes narrowed slightly, and he asked in his mind: "What is an extraterrestrial species that cannot be defined, not in the Blue Star biosphere?" Without

waiting for Xiao Yi to answer, Wang Kai appeared in front of Mu Yue, holding the wine glass, and said with an apologetic face: "Mu Yue, I was wrong last time, I apologize to you, I'm sorry."

He was still worried about beating Mu Yue in the class last time, and with this class reunion, he finally had the opportunity to apologize.

It's just a pity....

The building suddenly began to shake violently.

The classmates in the KTV showed a look of horror.

"Earthquake?" "

Help, I just finished the college entrance examination, I don't want to die."

"Earthquake, run!"

the students flocked out of the KTV.

After Wang Kai started shaking in the KTV, he was the first to run out, and the speed was unexpected.

Here, only Wang Chenning and Mu Yue were still sitting on the sofa.

The former was extremely alarmed, and couldn't help but say: "Damn, what's the matter, can't this city stop for a while?"


The building was just shaking, not collapsing.

Mu Yue's left eye turned blue, and above his eyes, a satellite surveillance picture appeared.

[Inform that something that cannot be defined resembles a woman with elven energy fluctuations, gravitational elements, organs that pollute the body, human characteristics, and so on.] [

Inform that through database comparison, the thing that cannot be defined is the former imperial princess who died twenty years ago, when the fifth-level pollutant centipede elder attacked the imperial capital, Roselle Dance.]

[Inform that Roselle Dance personal information, daughter of the emperor of the empire, the grand princess of the empire, has the rare element gravity, known as the queen of gravity, when fighting with the fifth-level pollutant centipede elder, failed to survive the arrival of the twelve god generals, died in battle, lost her body after death, and is now presumed to have been stolen by scientific extremist organizations. [

It is informed, based on the magic messenger who is also a gravitational element, it is now inferred that the probability that Roselle is Luo Ying's biological mother is 91%.

In Mu Yue's blue eyes, a satellite surveillance picture appeared outside.

Countless gravitational waves traveled through the city like tornadoes, high-rise buildings were subjected to extreme pressure, and one building after another collapsed.

And the KTV where Mu Yue is located is only affected by the edge, so it is not a big deal.

Wang Chenning didn't notice the change in Mu Yue's left eye, and he looked nervous: "Old Mu, aren't we going to take refuge?" As

soon as the words fell, he found that Mu Yue's face appeared with an expression he had never seen before.

"Lao Mu, you... Are you angry?"

That's right, it's angry.

After coming to this world for ten years, Mu Yue was angry for the first time.

Something that is releasing gravitational waves outside, it is certainly something that cannot be defined.

Human corpses are forcibly infused with elven energy, contaminating the body tissues of the body, thus forming a monster similar to the pollutant, but with human characteristics and magical qualifications.

Mu Yue's expression completely sank.

This thing, the body of Luo Ying's biological mother... It was the scientist named Li Mo who used to lure out Luo Ying,

the craziest scientist in the world

Scold..... Are you kidding.

Such a person also deserves to call himself a scientist

? Don't tarnish science, okay?!

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