A two-hundred-pound fat man was tapping on the keyboard excitedly in the room.


There was a knock on the door outside the room.

His mother was busy in the kitchen.

My son didn't find a job for five or six years after graduation, he only knew how to play games, and he was almost isolated from the world.

And she is a mother after all, she can't let her son go, she can only be willing to gnaw the old man.

And his father's little salary was all taken away by his son to fill the game.

They are all old, even if they have the intention to refuse their son, they can't beat their son

, he is like crazy, if he doesn't give him money, he will borrow money.

The game helmet released by Future Technology Company, her son had to buy, almost spent the family's savings.

Hearing a knock on the door, the woman wiped her hands, then walked to the door and opened it.

I saw an expressionless girl standing at the door, her appearance was sweet, which made the woman stunned in place.

"You are?" The woman wondered.

"Inform that this machine is a battle maid sequence, the individual name [Mu San] belongs, the maid group sequence 113, is carrying out the divine punishment order."

As soon as the words fell, a thin sword appeared in 113's hand.

Seeing this, the woman took two steps back in horror and couldn't help but tremble: "You... What do you want?

113 ignored her, but walked straight to the door of a room and kicked the door of the room open.

I saw beer bottles and cans everywhere in the room, garbage everywhere, and an indescribable stench.

In 113's line of sight, under the bed in this room, there is the body of a girl.

"Inform that the individual name 113 found an unknown situation, and report the individual name Mu San."

On the other side, Mu San, who was directing the maid group in Sky City, said in a condensed voice: "According to this person's network information and online chat records, it can be judged that he is dating various girls online, using network diagrams and voice changers to trick young girls out, and then capture them back to his own home... Then..." Mu

San's eyes froze, and he continued: "There is no need to report the master, the individual name is 113, and the killing punishment is carried out, and the mother and son deserve to die." "

Individual name 113 received."

The next moment, she raised her rapier sword.

"What are you going to do?"

The woman rushed in with a kitchen knife and slashed at 113's body.

The blade and 113's body made a metal collision sound, and even 113's clothes were not cut.

Sansan was originally a mass-produced war maid, but only after peacetime was transformed into a housemaid and implanted with an emotional program.

And the Sky City Battle Maid Group is without emotional programs, and it is a pure war machine, that is, a low-end version of Sansan.

In addition to the maid group, there is also the butler group led by Mu Er.

There were not many of them, and the two regiments numbered six hundred individuals in total.

But they are mass-produced on the assembly line, as long as the materials are enough, Mu Yue can create hundreds of battle maids in one day.

A person who has not yet left campus and is full of fantasies about the future was tricked into appearing by the so-called Internet male god.

The world is so big, the evil of human nature is unimaginable.

Of course, there are also people who are kind to the extreme.

But whether it is good or sinful, the extreme person Mu Yue does not like it.

113 had no emotion, so he did not hesitate to swing his rapier and kill all the mother and son in front of him.

His mother was also damned, but she saw her son bring a girl back and chose to hide it, even if the girl never came out of the room again, she still chose to indulge.

The most outrageous thing is that there is more than one girl....

She also helped her son dispose of his body.

After doing these things, 113 took a photo of the tragic situation in front of him and posted it on the man's personal short video website.

At the same time, Sky City's Sansan Black entered the short video website and put the video in the highest hot search.

More than 113 people acted.

The 300 individuals of the maid group, distributed throughout the country, will punish all those who speak ill of Mu Yixue on the Internet.

Some people don't have a keyboard hand, someone has no tongue, someone has lost their eyes, and some people who are so excessive that they even lose their lives.

In a short time, all the malicious remarks against Mu Yixue disappeared.

It seems that there is a mysterious force that has eliminated all these keyboard warriors.

They dare to point fingers online because they will not be punished.

But this time is different.

If you dare to send it, within an hour, someone will come to chase you to the ends of the earth.

The Xia State military was furious.

The act of killing citizens has touched their bottom line.

So, the Dragon City military issued a malicious remark against Mu Yixue, wanting to seduce these mysterious people out.

Even turned on the live broadcast to publicly execute the other party.

The maid corps acted according to orders, and if someone made malicious remarks, they would move.

A maid who is in Dragon City, sequence 19 goes directly to the Dragon City barracks.

Xia Kingdom's Magic Envoy Force, Li Xia led two Magic Envoy squads to besiege Sequence 19.

Later, he was killed by eight backs, and Li Xia also paid the price of serious injuries before barely paralyzing sequence 19.

Just as everyone was preparing to find out, sequence 166 appeared and recovered the wreckage of sequence 19.

Xia Guo's powerful action yielded nothing, and he also lost two elite magic envoy squads of Dragon City, and Li Xia is still in a coma.

This public opinion against Mu Yixue was forcefully suppressed by violence.

No one dared to mention the name Mu Yixue.

And the identities of these maids are easy to guess, such a strange but powerful figure, almost certainly from Sky City.

So what is the relationship between Sky City and Mu Yixue?

Why did Sky City maintain Mu Yixue so much?

No one knows.

But Sky City dares to be so rampant in Xia Country, and the military has publicly stated that it is going to be an enemy of Sky City.

However, this is only lip service.

The Emperor of Xia Guo wanted to convene a meeting of the great powers of the League of Nations to discuss how to deal with Sky City.

After all, Sky City has a strategic-level powerhouse, and with the power of Xia Guo, it is almost impossible to threaten the other party unless a large number of nuclear weapons are used.

And the League of Nations seems to be willing to test Sky City with Xia Guo.

Dongchuan City.

Many of Mu Yue's former high school classmates are living on the streets.

It was Wang Chenning who used the privileges of the military to bring everyone into the barracks, so that he could have a place to live.

But only a dozen people could gather.

On the street of Dongchuan City, everyone walked together, and they were a little confused.

In the face of disaster, they can do nothing but scatter like rats.

"Wang Chenning, I didn't expect you to be a major."

A girl leaned over and said shyly.

"It's Li Jiajia, long time no see."

"Long time no see."

There were two girls behind Li Jiajia, and the three looked like they had a good relationship, and they all looked at Wang Chenning enviously.

In fact, they envied Mu Yue even more.

A pure ordinary person with a very withdrawn personality, but he can become a brother with such an excellent Wang Chenning and be protected by the latter.

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