In the mecha barracks, Wang Chenning's subordinates all wore the special uniforms of their troops, and more than twenty mecha divisions were ready.

"Why hasn't the order to rescue the captain come down yet?"

A soldier said.

A young lieutenant called Zhang Duoyu directly and asked, "Old Zhang! What happened to the captain? "

I don't know."

Zhang Duoyu's voice was noisy, and he could only hear his voice vaguely.

"I'm in Dongchuan, and Nishikawa only has the captain alone to face the army of pollutants... This side is already chaotic, there are polluted bodies everywhere, many people have died, when will the reinforcements of Dragon City arrive? "

The next moment.

The phone is hung up.

In Dongchuan City, a huge pollutant appeared, which crushed the signal base station with one kick, causing Dongchuan City to completely lose contact.

The pollutants that invade the border today are organized and premeditated, and are not as chaotic as they once were.

Behind them, there must be a level five pollutant with superior intelligence, and it is very likely to be a guy of the level of the ancestor.

The lieutenant officer stuffed the mobile phone back into his pocket, gritted his teeth, and said to the others: "Brothers, the Wang team treats us like brothers, we can't just leave him alone."


Another second lieutenant officer also said: "Everyone is a mecha genius who came here from all over the place, so each of us knows how big the gap between us and the captain is... In the field of mecha, all of us combined are not as valuable as Team Wang alone..."

"Even if we all die, he can't have an accident."

"Brothers, go and drive the mecha, let's go to Dongchuan City to support the captain."

"I agree."



More than twenty people stood up and prepared to leave the place.

The next moment.

At the door, a woman, with a bandage wrapped around her head, came here somewhat weakly.

Behind her, two magic squads sealed the place, making it impossible for the remaining twenty-odd people in the mecha force to leave.

Xia Guo's magic makes Li Xia, the instructor of the troops, who was previously injured by a maid sequence robot, and just got out of the coma, she couldn't wait to return to the barracks.

She was well aware of the character of the young people in the mech troops, and she knew what they wanted to do.

"Instructor Li Xia."

The original lieutenant youth frowned, "What does it mean to stop us?"

"Do you dare to question the sir?"

Li Xia's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in a condensed voice: "I still want to ask you what do you mean?" What to do? Is there still a little bit of the principle of a soldier? Want to disobey en masse? "

Huh... I guessed right, Instructor Li Xia, is Dragon City really not ready to support Team Wang? Hearing

this, Li Xia's eyes darkened a little, and said with some lack of confidence: "It's him... "

I resist your grandmother's legs, is the human emperor blind?" Can't see the live stream? Team Wang protected two cities alone, and you are still struggling with the trivial matter of his disobedience.

"We didn't see the king team disobeying, we only saw the king team as heroes."

Several people wanted to rush out.


A man walked over step by step.

Seeing this person, the faces of this group of young people in the mecha unit changed.

Fang Pojun ......

He glanced at everyone coldly, and said lightly: "The name of the human emperor must not be violated, come to the people, arrest them, and punish them when the matter is over." "

The young lieutenant is suppressed by the power of the enchanter.

Although they are proud of mecha, they don't have mecha, they are just ordinary people, and it is impossible to win the magic envoy.

The young lieutenant gritted his teeth and said, "General! More than an hour has passed, and the Wang team only has less than two hours left, and with our speed, we can set off with all our strength, and we can reach the Xichuan border in an hour..."

Do you really want to see death and not save it? "

Hear the four words of seeing death and not saving.

Li Xia's eyebrows also moved, revealing an unbearable expression, and said hesitantly: "General, there is indeed still time... We really..." "

Those who disobey, you have to pay the price, do you have to disobey too?"

Hearing this, Li Xia lowered his head and said, "Subordinates don't dare." "

Instructor Li Xia!"

The young lieutenant, and everyone else, shouted desperately, "Please, let's go."

"Team Wang can't die! He is dead, and the Xia Kingdom mecha troops will never be able to progress. "

Without the king team, there would be no mecha troops."

"Instructor Li Xia, General Fang, please let us support the Wang team."

Li Xia looked at them, and finally felt a little unbearable.

As the saying goes, what kind of generals there are, there will be what kind of soldiers.

The fact that the mecha unit can do this is enough to show Wang Chenning's excellence.

She took two steps up, then turned around, looked directly into Fang Pojun's eyes for the first time, and plucked up the courage to say: "General Fang, Wang Chenning is not disobeying, it was my order to give him a holiday, and it was also my order to allow him to drive the mecha away. Hearing

this, Fang Pojun frowned slightly, and said with some displeasure: "Li Xia, do you know the consequences of your doing this? "

“...... Know.

"Then why do you want to do that?"

Li Xia glanced back at the group of soldiers who had been taught by himself.

Then he looked at Fang Pojun firmly and said, "They are the soldiers I brought with me, and at this time, only I can maintain them."

"Huh... The soldiers you brought? You really have a long skill, don't forget, you brought it out by me.

Fang Pojun stepped forward and gently patted Li Xia's shoulder.

The terrifying power was instantly suppressed on Li Xia's body.

After the death of the crime of gluttony, Fang Pojun is the second element enhancer of the world.

Today's Li Xia is just the most talented magic envoy of the Xia Kingdom's military.

Her strength is only close to a fourth-level threat, and she is far from being able to defeat Fang Pojun.

Facing his instructor, Li Xia did not dare to resist.

The next moment.

A wave of qi burst open.

A man appeared in front of everyone with a shiny bald head.

I saw this man bohemian and said: "Master, this is what is wrong with you, you actually made a move on such a beautiful woman."

Chen Jingyan stood in front of Li Xia, faced Fang Pojun directly, and said, "Although I, Chen Jingyan, am not a gentleman, I also admire a hero like Wang Chenning.

"Fuck off, you are not from the military, do not meddle in military affairs." Fang Pojun cursed angrily.

"Yes, I'm not a soldier, I'm just a bystander, but I, a bystander, feel that you made the wrong decision..."

"Master, if the human emperor is wrong, do we have to be wrong again and again?"

Hearing this, Fang Pojun sighed and said helplessly: "The order of the human emperor must not be violated." "

Then, today I will let the master see that I have grown in this time..." The

members of the mecha unit behind him took this opportunity and quickly left.

Seeing this, the other magic envoys just wanted to stop it, but they were glared back by Li Xia's glance.

After all, now the instructor of Xia Guo's magic envoy is Li Xia, not Fang Pojun.

So they are still more afraid of Li Xia.

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