The sea near Sakura Island.

Two women in black are being hunted down.

Behind him, the divine envoy of the SE organization followed closely.

He raised his bow and shot at the two people in front of him.

The terrifying elf arrow was like a sharp blade, straight into the sky.


Zhuang Yan turned around, her hands elementalized, and turned into metal.

At the same time, the Protector Sword she was holding shone with a metallic sheen, and she roared angrily, resisting this arrow of the Divine Sense.

"Sister Zhuang Yan."

Luo Ying stretched out his hand and used gravity to control the arrow.

Under the delay of gravity, Zhuang Yan successfully resisted this arrow.

"In front is Sakura Island, which is occupied by the Demon King Beast, and even the SE organization does not dare to break in."

Luo Ying took Zhuang Yan to speed up.

They had already seen the miasma of the hemisphere that enveloped Sakura Island.

Behind him, the divine consciousness attack seemed to fire ten thousand arrows in unison, wanting to shoot the two of them out of the air.

They sneaked into the mechanical city again a few days ago and rummaged through several research bases inside.

Finally found some clues about the pioneers.

Ling Mu, one of the pioneer members, was also identified.

In addition, they also knew some secrets that Ling Mu was hiding.

How he, the pioneer of the blue star, was born.

Luo Ying used gravitational elements to stop the sharp arrows behind him, but some still broke through the field of gravity.

One of them penetrated Luo Ying's body.

Seeing this, Zhuang Yanhua's face paled and said nervously: "Sakura."

"It's okay, Sister Zhuang Yan, while my elements are not exhausted, let's quickly enter Sakura Island."

During this time, Luo Ying has been taking the flightless Zhuang Yan, fighting for several days in a row, and the elements are already on the verge of exhaustion.

Soon, they finally came to the vicinity of Sakura Island.

In the eye, it is full of miasma.

"Sakura, what should I do?"

Hearing this, Luo Ying gritted his teeth and said: "Breaking through the miasma will be poisoned, but if you don't break through, you will definitely die, let's go."


The two broke into the miasma.

The divine angel remained behind.

They have an agreement with the Blazing Angel in the Demon King Beast that they cannot break into Sakura Island.

And he stays here, and the League of Nations will soon send a powerful V-class squad to fight him.

So he left here.

After entering Sakura Island, Luo Ying finally couldn't support it and landed in a village.

"Your Highness, Sakura."

Zhuang Yan hurriedly checked Luo Ying's injuries.

The divine attack comes with elven energy, and elven energy can only be unlocked by elves, or magic stronger than this elven energy.

If it can't be untied, the elven energy is raging in the body, which is no different from the poison.

Coupled with the miasma entering the body, the condition worsened, and Luo Ying was already less fierce at this time.

And Zhuang Yan was also poisoned, but as a metal element enhancer, she could still hold on.

The people in the village gathered around, and when they saw that these two people were from outside the miasma, they were immediately very excited, and quickly invited the village doctor.

Not long after, Zhuang Yan also fainted.

But after all, it is the miasma toxin released by the pollutant body, and with the medical level of this village, it cannot be solved at all.

Soon, a small spaceship passed through the miasma and landed in the village.

The old village chief came out, saw the spaceship, and immediately took the villagers to kneel and shouted the gods.

Mu Yue walked out with Mu Yixue, Bai Chenfan, and Gao Xiaoshen.

Seeing a group of kneeling people at the door, Mu Yue coughed lightly and said solemnly: "I am a god."

Mu Yixue laughed next to her: "Brother, bad taste." Hearing

this, Mu Yue gently touched his sister's head.

The Qinglong satellite monitored Luo Ying here.

If he didn't care, these two people would die.

Coming to the location of the village doctor, Mu Yixue quickly suppressed the elven energy in Luo Ying's body.

Mu Yue also got rid of the miasma in their bodies, only waiting for the two to wake up.

The small spaceship was invisible when they came, so the Demon King Beast couldn't detect it at all.

Feng Qiandao and Jingu Chizuru are in the hospital in Winterfell, and their injuries can be healed by modern hospitals.

Mu Yue and several people stayed in the village chief's room.

I have to say that the village chief's house is very large, and there are two guest rooms alone.

And they happened to be three men and three women, three people in one.

This village, called Yagi Village, is located on the edge of Yagi City on Cherry Blossom Island.

Once one of the four demon king beasts of the Demon King Army, the Yagi Great Serpent was sealed in the back mountain of this village.

Before the SE organization invaded Sakura Island, the Three Swordsmen often came here to eliminate the offspring derived from the Yagi Great Snake.

Now that all the Three Sword Saints are gone, the village may be destroyed by contaminated bodies at any time.

However, after the miasma enveloped Sakura Island, the pollutant body was calm, and during this time, not a single pollutant body ran out of the back mountain.

Mu Yue was eating dinner at the village chief's house.

After listening to the village chief's story, Gao Xiaosheng was surprised: "A neutral city on Sakura Island, there are so many Grade 5 pollutants, and I don't know how it came about for a thousand years.

"Thanks to Lord Brave."

Next to the village chief, a girl admired and said, "In order to protect Sakura Island, generations of brave people fought to the death against polluting bodies, and this is how we have a peaceful life." "

Of course, this premise is that the fifth-level pollutant body does not shoot.

Although it is said that it is a thousand years, the only ones who have really reached the strategic level are the first generation of braves and the Divine Palace Thousand Cranes.

In the history of these two people's absence, every time a level five pollutant appeared, it was the brave who fought to the death to delay time, and the League of Nations sent twelve gods to help.

The result is a heavy sacrifice.

Next to the village chief is his granddaughter, named Aoyama Moriko.

And the head of Qingshan Village is quite good, and he has always regarded Mu Yue and several people as gods.

The spaceship that has not been seen disappears when it lands on the ground, what is this not a god?

The Great Serpent of Yagi in the back mountain has also always been a deity they worship, and they pray to the Great Serpent of Yagi, hoping that the other party will not break through the seal.

In the monitoring of the Qinglong satellite, the seal of the Yagi Great Snake is quite firm, and presumably the first generation of braves has not put less effort into it.

"A few adults, rest here for a while, and I don't know when this dark life will end, alas."

"It'll be over soon."

Mu Yue said.

Perhaps, the brave vs. demon king of a thousand years ago will soon reappear.

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