"Hey, are you okay?"

Luo Ying said with difficulty.

She has been holding out for more than ten minutes, and at this time she has almost exhausted all her magic reserves, which is her limit.

Mu Yue was ready to help her, but after discovering the changes in the elements in Feng Qiandao's body, he smiled slightly and secretly said, "It's done." I

saw that Feng Qiandao opened his eyes, and his eyes were fundamentally different from before.

"Is this the power of the strategic level..."

He felt that his current self could beat himself ten minutes ago.

Being able to reach the strategic level so smoothly is thanks to the foundation laid in Sky City and Future Science and Technology City during this time.

The condition for becoming a strategic-level is to make the elements a part of themselves, and in the body, condense a magic core similar to the pollutant core.

This thing, like the dantian in the Sky City novel, is also a part of its own body, so it is not restricted by the forbidden demon realm and can freely use magic.

And the elemental enhancer has no threshold to break through the strategic level, but it is almost impossible to break through, although there is no door, but the length of this road, there is almost no end in sight.

The progress of completely fusing the elements with the body is extremely slow, and for thousands of years, very few people have reached the strategic level as elemental enhancers.

God of War can become an elemental enhancer because of the rare elemental relationship.

As for the previous crime of gluttony, it should be because of some cooperation with the SE organization, the body has been modified somewhat, and it has barely reached the threshold of the strategic level.

And that was already his limit, and he was finally easily eliminated by Mu Yue.


Luo Ying's face was delighted.

Although I don't know what the situation is on the other side, why the Divine Palace Qianhe fought with Mu Yixue.

But if Feng Qiandao doesn't reach the strategic level, she will be killed by the Demon King Beast.

Four small tornadoes unfolded behind Feng Qiandao, turning into strange-shaped air wings.

He slowly came to mid-air, and then looked at the fifth-level pollutant Sand Emperor.

The next moment.

This demon king beast was surrounded by air uncontrollably, completely controlled by Feng Qiandao, and also came to mid-air.

If this bug leaves the ground, it has no power to resist at all.

As a sandworm, its only means of attack is its countless teeth.

In addition, it does not even have limbs, and as a level five pollutant, it is probably the most popular pollutant in the strategic range.

But as the first battle after Feng Qiandao became a strategic level, it was fully qualified.

The strategic level is strong, while the rare element becomes the strategic level stronger.

It didn't take long for this Demon King Beast to be wiped out by Feng Qiandao.

Luo Ying looked at the man who had just fought side by side, and was a little afraid to approach each other.

After becoming a strategic level, Feng Qiandao's aura became difficult to approach.

He looked to another place, where the battlefield between the two stars.

Battle of the Two Stars.

Although he has become a strategic, he still feels that the boss lady and the Jingu Chizuru at this moment are difficult to deal with.

The demon sword ember + demon seed has made the power of the Divine Palace Thousand Cranes reach an incredible level.

The two returned to Mu Yue's left and right, and Feng Qiandao said suspiciously: "Boss, the divine ember is also a product of Sky City, can't you recycle it?" Hearing

this, Mu Yue said lightly: "Recycling the divine embers is just what I want and don't want to do, but if you recycle it at this time, the Divine Palace Thousand Crane will not be able to return at all, and she will be completely controlled by the demon species." Hearing

this, Feng Qian said clearly.

The power of the divine embers and demon seeds is about three or seven in the body of the Divine Palace Qianzuru.

There is still hope for the return of the Jingu Chizuru.

But without the embers, she is zero and ten.

Her own strength cannot resist the power of the Demon King now.

Plus, it's a battle of two stars.

Jingu Chizuru can only use a knife, and without a knife, her strength will be directly halved.

Mu Yue didn't want to look forward to the battle of the double stars for a long time, because of the weapon problem, the Divine Palace Thousand Cranes were easily defeated.

What's more, he is confident in his sister.

Even if he can't beat it, he has a way to make Yixue retreat all over.

Even under the nose of the demon king.

The fight between the two is still going on, and it is difficult to fight for a while, I don't know which is stronger or weaker.

On the black magic array, the blazing angel was surprised: "Lord Demon King, that brave man can have such strength because of your strength, which I am not surprised, but another girl can actually compete with her head-on, this Mu Yixue, what kind of divine..."

Hades said lightly, and a trace of shock flashed in his eyes.

"You mean..."

The Blazing Angel looked over again, and then his face changed drastically.

"How could it be... Is she an elemental enhancer? However, when dealing with the Yagi Great Snake, she was undoubtedly a magician. "

While becoming a strategic-level enchanter, you can also become a strategic-level elemental enhancer.

In the perception of Blue Star humans, this is almost impossible, and their pollutants feel the same way.

"Not only that."

Hades said, "You look closely. Hearing

this, the Blazing Angel fixed his eyes and found that Mu Yixue had the power of both a magic envoy and an elemental enhancer, and a power that he was familiar with.

"This is ... Groove, original... Are you kidding?

The Blazing Angel was shocked, "Primordial? How could there be primordial magic envoys in this era? "

Hades and the Blazing Angel, as beings thousands of years ago, have naturally seen the true primordial magicians.

In today's era, except for these ancestors and the polluting bodies that existed thousands of years ago, no one has ever seen the original magic messenger.

And Mu Yixue's body is not a bloodline atavism at all, she is a true original magic envoy.

"Lord Demon King, what are the conditions for becoming the original?" Blazing Angel asked.

"The first condition for becoming a primordial is to become a strategic-level magician."

"And the second condition, in this day and age, is simply impossible to achieve."


The demon king looked at Mu Yue, and already had his own guess in his heart.

Mu Yue's thoughts were not clear to the Demon King, and his attention was all on his sister.

The fight was fierce, and he also found a problem.

The magic array at the feet of the Demon King was suppressing the aftermath of their fight.

Otherwise, the power of Mu Yixue and the Divine Palace Qianhe would already be able to break the miasma that shrouded Sakura Island, and the surrounding cities would be affected by the wind element and the ice element.

The temperature plummeted and the wind was strong.

In this way, the Demon King is still protecting them, or rather, he is protecting this Egret City.

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