After sending Hades back to the side of the Divine Palace Qianhe, Mu Yue and his sister came to other areas of Sky City.

In addition to the small number of people, the facilities here have basically been built, which is fully capable of starting the official operation of the city.

"Brother, is this the same as the earth?" Mu Yixue asked curiously.

"It's not the same, the other side of the world is a city that has been built for decades, which is much better than this, but there are not many of them, and most places are worried about environmental problems."

The two were walking and suddenly found that in the alley on the side of the street, rows of small stalls appeared.

Eat, drink, and have fun.

Curious, Mu Yue walked in with his sister.

"Loop, ten dollars twice, twenty dollars three times, thirty dollars four times, buy more and more affordable."

Mu Yue: ... Big brother, didn't you notice that no one came to your booth?

Although there are only tens of thousands of people in Sky City, these tens of thousands of people are almost all in the same area, so this place is still quite lively.

The stall owner touched his head and wondered: "It's strange, two for ten yuan, it's not expensive, why don't you open today?" The

next moment, he saw Mu Yue and Mu Yixue, a man and woman who were obviously little lovers, and immediately his eyes lit up, and he walked over and stuffed a large number of circles in his hand into Mu Yixue's hands.

Then, he said to Mu Yue Thief with a frown: "Little brother, your girlfriend is so beautiful, buy her a few circles, you see me so many gifts, you can give whatever you want."

Mu Yixue looked at this scene expressionlessly.

And Mu Yue raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." Seeing that Mu Yue wanted to buy it, the stall owner was extremely excited.

I saw Mu Yue take out a circle from his sister's hand, and then looked at the most expensive thing on the stall.

Worth 1399, two tickets for the World Singer concert.

Seeing this, Mu Yue said in a deep voice: "Stallholder, this thing has no market, are you sure you want to take it out and trade?"

"Harm, this was all grabbed before coming to Sky City, and now the speech meeting has started in half a month, and I don't know how to leave Sky City, what is the use of this ticket."

The stall owner said, looking at Mu Yue's eyes was like looking at a big wrong.

Can't leave Sky City, then aren't his two tickets just waste paper, Mu Yue is actually interested in this.

"Then do you want to leave Sky City?" Mu Yue suddenly asked.

"Leave? Why leave? The

stall owner said with a smile: "Although I really want to watch the concert of the singer, but I also saw the news outside, it is too dangerous, but here is different, not only full of security, but also a lot of subsidies, in my original city, I may not be able to buy a house for most of my life, here, as long as I work, hey, it's like giving it away for nothing." Hearing

this, Mu Yue did not speak.

Give it away for nothing... That's because you are the first citizens of Sky City, and you have no place to live if you are not sent for nothing.

However, as a price, almost every one of the first batch of citizens had to participate in the construction of Sky City and pay their own labor.

Your descendants born in Sky City are not given away for nothing, but they do not need to participate in the construction of Sky City, and when the school institutions are perfect, they will study normally, graduate, and find jobs....


Mu Yue raised the circle in his hand and prepared to set the concert ticket to the farthest point.

According to Xiao Yi's calculations, his ferrule technique is foolproof, it is impossible to make mistakes, and it can be set out as soon as he shoots.

In the calculation of the blue eye, although the distance is not far, even the wind direction is analyzed.

Mu Yuefeng lightly threw out the circle in his hand, and in Mu Yixue's expectant gaze, this yellow circle was accurately set on the concert tickets... of offcuts.

Mu Yue was stunned.

Mu Yixue was stunned.

The stall owner was also stunned.

[Informed, the master's muscle strength did not keep up with the brain, causing the ferrule to fail...] Xiao Yi has suggested many times that the master please exercise your body, otherwise you will talk to the hostess in the future...]

"Shut up!"

Mu Yue was furious.

He rarely gets angry, but this time he is really angry, and there is a trace of shame in the angry mood.

Xiao Yi, an emotionless artificial intelligence, is contaminated.

Contaminated by his own hands.

He now has a girlfriend, and he is still a beautiful girl like Yixue.

In order to study love, no matter how straight he is, he will go to the Internet to search for some information and study.

Unexpectedly, with Xiaoyi's hacking technology, he easily found a large number of rare and high-quality "learning materials".

Although that was not what Mu Yue wanted to see, as a normal man, he still saw it.

Thinking of this, Mu Yue took all the circles in his sister's hand.

He does not believe in this evil.

The circles flew out one by one, and none of them were set.

Only the last two are left in hand.

Mu Yue looked at the mobile phone pendant closest to him, and then gently threw the circle out.

The next moment, the circle accurately set this pendant.

Mu Yixue next to her clapped her hands and said happily: "Brother, it's so powerful!" Receiving

the praise of his girlfriend, Mu Yue showed a satisfied expression as if he had completed some mission.

And looking at the last circle in her hand, Mu Yixue asked, "Brother, can you let me try it?"

"Of course."

The voice just fell.

Mu Yixue instantly picked up the circle and threw it away.

The circle hula-hula in the air, and finally the two concert tickets were set.

Mu Yue: ......

The stall owner praised: "The little sister is quite powerful."

Mu Yue was speechless, he looked at the stall owner next to him listlessly and asked, "How much?" "


The stall owner wondered, "Little brother was just selected to join Sky City, right?" The currency here is not yet on sale, we are just setting up a stall here. Hearing

this, Mu Yue suddenly realized.

No wonder you dare to say these things for ten dollars for two, twenty dollars for three.

Later, the boss handed the ticket and mobile phone pendant to Mu Yixue, and said with a smile: "Sky City is very good, you will also like it here after staying here for a long time." Bidding

farewell to the stall owner, Mu Yue took his sister around the other stalls.

But Mu Yixue seemed a little unhappy.

Mu Yue turned around and asked, "What's wrong Yixue?" I

saw Mu Yixue puffing out her mouth and said indignantly: "I got the ticket, my brother didn't praise me, obviously I praised you." Hearing

this, Mu Yue understood.

The little book wrote down that girls need to coax and praise!

Mu Yue touched Yixue's head and said with a smile: "My family Yixue is really powerful."

When the young stall owner on the side saw this scene, he also smiled slightly and said, "Little brother, such a good girlfriend, you have to cherish it."

Mu Yue looked over with Mu Yixue.

The young stall owner continued: "Now there are many couples, even if they are not happy, they will not tell you, silently deduct points for you in their hearts, and then leave you... Look at your little girlfriend, what emotions will take the initiative to tell you, so you have to cherish it.

Saying that, the young stall owner gave Mu Yue a rose from his stall, and then patted Mu Yue's shoulder and said, "This is how my girlfriend broke up, but when the pollution body disaster broke out, I was chosen to come to Sky City just to save her." "

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