After leaving from Wang Ma's noodle shop, Mu Yue returned home.

Gao Chengming was lying on the sofa, the TV in the living room was still on, but he was already asleep.

Mu Yixue sat on the bed in her room, seemingly thinking about something, staring blankly at a certain place.

Mu Yue knocked on the door and asked, "Yixue, can I go in?" Hearing

this, Mu Yixue instantly sobered up, she walked to the door, just wanted to open the door, but found that she was wearing something now...

Her face turned red, and she quickly said: "Wait... Wait a minute. "

Mu Yixue only wore a pair of pajamas, although opaque and somewhat conservative, but... She had just finished taking a shower and was not wearing any clothes underneath.

At the neckline of the pajamas, you can faintly see the scenery that makes you blush and heartbeat.

Although she was only seventeen years old, she was already well developed, not big, but definitely not small, at least with a C.

After she hurriedly changed into other clothes, she opened the door for Mu Yue.

As soon as Mu Yue entered the door, he smelled the fragrance of shower gel, he looked at his sister and asked, "You just finished taking a bath?" Mu

Yixue's hair was still wet, and she didn't have time to blow, her long hair was extremely smooth, and it had a special taste on her shoulders.

Under the temporary change of dress, the two legs were quietly together, straight and slender, and the toes in the slippers moved, as if to swear that the master's psychological activity was not calm.

Mu Yue didn't care about this, he closed the door and asked, "Ice Angel, there are still some areas that can be improved."

Hearing this, Mu Yixue bit her lip, and a trace of unwillingness seemed to flash in her eyes.

Then, she sat next to her, shaking her calves, and said curiously: "I also think that she is so big that she can't beat the Queen of Gravity."

"It's normal to fight, gravity is special, and you're using Ice Angel for the first time, and while I think it's strategic-grade magic, it's clearly not up to that standard."

After that, Mu Yue thought for a while and said, "The ice angel is strong in its immortal body and huge size, if on this basis, it can be allowed to have fighting techniques, or sword skills, maybe it can make this magic more powerful." "

...... Mu Yixue looked at the floor blankly, and her mind was completely lost.

Mu Yue looked at this scene and did not continue.

Mu Yixue had never been like this before, and I don't know what happened now, she behaved more and more like an adolescent girl.

Is it because you have been too tired recently?"

"Yixue, you should rest first."

Mu Yue got up and left Mu Yixue's room.

After seeing the door closed, Mu Yixue was stunned for a moment, and then lay on the bed.

In his mind, he recalled the two touches of Luo Ying.

Both times she touched that position, whether it was intentional or unintentional, even Mu Yixue herself did not know.

But that woman is indeed much older than herself.

My brother also gave the woman temporary permission to use the silver mech.

Why don't you feel anything for me?

Soon, Mu Yixue tangled and took out her mobile phone.

On her empty browsing history, there was a weird search trace.

[How can I get bigger?]


In Xichuan City, the admission list of the three major colleges was announced on the big screen in the city center.

The first one in the line is not Xia Xin, the best in the simulation assessment, but a relatively unfamiliar name.

Bai Chenfan.

It is said that this is a magic envoy from the military of the Xia Kingdom, who is only eighteen years old, but according to the military instructors, the military's training method is not suitable for him, so he was sent to the three major academies.

Although he is about the same age as a high school graduate, after all, he is a military person, a real magic envoy, and has also been on the battlefield, which is naturally much stronger than the magic envoy candidate who graduated from high school.

The second place is Xia Xue.

The third and fourth place, Qin Meng Qin Yan, the younger sister is one point higher than the average score of her brother.

Unexpectedly, Wang Kai was also on the list, ranking last, and was admitted to the academy holy land.

With his mock assessment results, he was able to be admitted on the real assessment, which made everyone else a little unexpected.

There are a total of twenty people on the list, and there is no Mu Yixue's name.

After all, escorts are not on this list.

For the candidates of the three major academies, this summer vacation seems like the last calm before the storm.

Although the three major academies are the dream academies of countless people, becoming a magician also means experiencing more dangerous things than ordinary people.

The terrifying monsters that may not be directly faced in their lifetime, after becoming magicians, I am afraid that they will have to deal with it frequently.

Gao Chengming was woken up by the ringing of the phone, he opened his eyes, got up from the sofa, picked up the mobile phone, and connected the call.

"Leopard, what's going on

?" "Captain, there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear?" Hearing

this, Gao Chengming's anger suddenly surged in his heart.

"You bunny, again, I'm not your captain anymore, and don't sell it, say it quickly."

"Hey, hey.

Chen Bao smirked and said, "The good news is that the superior considered that your family Xiaoyue and Xiaoxue were leaving Xia Country and going to study in the academy holy land, so they were afraid that you would feel lonely alone, so they arranged a blind date for you."

"Really?" Gao

Chengming's eyes lit up, and saliva almost flowed out for a while.

He is in his forties and has not yet married a wife, so he can be described as a top old virgin.

"Wait, what is the bad news first?"

Gao Chengming calmed down and asked seriously.

"The bad news is... The premise of arranging a blind date for you is that you are going back to the military.

Hearing this, Gao Chengming narrowed his eyes and asked, "What does this mean

?" "Captain, ten years later, your two children have grown up, you should come back, right?"

"Leopard, I can't go back.

In his mind, he recalled the gorgeous woman in the human experiment base ten years ago, and the desperate level five pollutant, the primordial giant.

What trapped him was his heart disease, and in the face of such an enemy, he could only watch his subordinates and citizens being trampled to death like ants, and he felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

"But Captain, what about Xiaoxue?"

Chen Bao said solemnly, "Her talent is so good, sooner or later she will become an excellent magician, you can't keep being decadent like this, right?"

Gao Chengming's eyes changed.

Mu Yixue is the "Pandora's Box" of the strategic magic envoy of the Xia Kingdom military, and only he and a certain high-ranking military official know about this matter.

And this "Pandora's box" is not magic, but elves.

In the future, if one day, the elves in Mu Yixue's body are exposed, then she will definitely become the typhoon eye of the world dispute.

At that time, who will protect her, and who will protect her?

Gao Chengming gritted his teeth.

If he can return to the military and have a pivotal position, perhaps, he will be able to have a certain voice.

He, but the former king of soldiers, with the fragile body of human beings, with conventional weapons, with stratagem, with strategy, after paying great sacrifices, he has eliminated a third-level pollutant and is an idol in the eyes of countless ordinary soldiers in the military.

In the tunnel, he told Mu Yue that he could not defeat the pollutant body with his bare hands.

But he won in other ways, and

the kids were about to leave him for a run.

And he should also become a qualified father.

Mu Yixue walked out of the room, passed by the living room, sneakily took a carton of milk in the refrigerator, and then returned to the room.

During the whole process, she did not look at Gao Chengming.

But even so, she is Gao Chengming's important daughter.

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