
Mu Yixue opened her eyes slightly and asked with a trace of sleepiness: "Why don't you sleep yet?" "

Something went on outside."

Hearing this, Mu Yixue also sat up and leaned next to Mu Yue.

Seeing this, Mu Yue projected the picture of the Qinglong satellite through his left eye, so that his sister could also see it.

A wild horse out of control is galloping towards here.

Mu Yixue was surprised: "What is this?" Haven't seen it. "

A pollutant like a horse, there has never been anything like this on Blue Star.

"It's just a doll, it seems that the demon has other powers in addition to the strength of the individual."

Demons are free from the evolutionary standards of the Zerg and are able to gain other powers in the universe.

This only made the demon set her sights on the source of magic, but she should have obtained other powers or science and technology before coming here to compete for the source of magic.

Rim of Narujin Temple.

The Jingu Chizuru and the witch pulled out the saber on their waists at the same time, and then swung it out lightly and casually, wielding the sword qi of the thunder element and the wind element.

Behind the fierce horse, a soldier rushed up, stepped on the horse's back, and then threw out a spear, directly through the attack of the witch and the Jingu Chizuru.

Seeing this, Divine Palace Qianzuru frowned and said, "Although it has not reached the strategic level, its strength is still strong. "


The witch nodded, and then she jumped up, the knife in her hand wrapped around thunder and lightning, and then the thunder and lightning slashed out, blocking the spear that was rushing towards her.

Jingu Chizuru withdrew the ember into its scabbard, then closed his eyes.

Opening his eyes again, the divine ember was instantly pulled out.

The sword drawing technique accompanied the power of the wind element, splitting the huge soldier and the fierce horse in front of him in two.


The next moment, the enemy in front of him quickly recovers as if it was not harmed.

The battle doll created by the demon uses the flesh and blood of the second ancestor [dragon] and has the ability to recover quickly.

Similarly, they have the same core, as do pollutants.

Without destroying the core, these dolls will always be immortal.

But the enemies in front of them, they were also seeing for the first time, plus their huge bodies, so the two did not know where the core was for a while.

"It seems that you have to slice them to know the location of the core." The witch said lightly.

The opponent is not strategic, so both of them have relaxed faces.

The Divine Palace Thousand Crane stepped forward, and the divine ember in his hand swung forward, and even the move could not be seen clearly.

In less than three seconds, she had already slashed dozens of slashes, all of which fell on the fierce horse in front of her.

But almost instantly, Liema returned to his original state.

Jingu Qianzuru said solemnly: "No core?

"There shouldn't be none."

The witch raised her hand, and a heavenly thunder fell from the sky and landed on the body of a chess soldier.

The latter immediately fell on the surface of the sea.

But it quickly got up and recovered from its injuries.

At this moment, even the witch showed a solemn look.

In the guest room, Mu Yixue asked, "Brother, are they immortal bodies?" "

No, they are dolls created by demons using the core of the pollutant body and the flesh and blood of the second ancestor, not life in the true sense, they exist in the core, but the position of the core will change, and it is not as static as other pollutant bodies."

"So it is."

Mu Yixue understood that these dolls could be destroyed, but the core would move in the body, so it was very difficult to eliminate.

Even so, there was still no threat to the two strategic-level enchanters.

Now the Divine Palace and the witch have not been able to destroy each other, just because of the novelty.

With the strength of the twelve god generals, after they figure out the characteristics of these battle dolls, they can instantly decide the victory or defeat.

In order not to let these things land at Narujinji, the two rushed to the surface of the sea and stopped all the chess dolls.

It didn't take long for the two women to find out about it.

"Does the core move around the body, it's tricky."

After the witch said this, she summoned a thunderbolt and directly destroyed the huge soldier puppet in front of her.

After all, it is a new enemy, although she can destroy the opponent with a wide range of attacks as soon as she comes up, not everyone is a strategic-level magician.

If other people encounter these puppets and do not know the characteristics of the other party, then the other party's immortal body is unsolvable.

Jingu Chizuru also condensed a powerful wind element, summoning a terrifying tornado on the sea, like a meat grinder, cutting all the dolls into powder.

Returning to the back mountain of the Naruto Temple, the witch said: "Why are these dolls here?"

Jingu Chizuru shook his head.

But she had a hunch.

These puppets... It was aimed at her.


Another edge of the city of Darreis.

The Blazing Angel wiped out all the puppets in front of it, and it snorted coldly and said, "The puppets are vulnerable." "

The puppet came for the Demon King, and Jingu Chizuru has half the power of the Demon King, so a doll also appeared on her side.

But the main force sent by the demon is still on Hades' side.

After destroying one wave of puppets, the next wave of puppets appeared on the sea level, revealing densely packed figures.

This time there are more of them and the strength is stronger.

The Blazing Angel frowned, "It's really endless." "


His expression changed, he hurriedly retreated, and lost his figure in an instant.

Not long after, a beggar came here, looking at the dolls at the sea level, he sighed, helplessly said: "It's been a day, the money has not arrived, and I have to help people work for free, alas..."

He looked at the sea level, raised his hand, and squeezed the void in front of him.

The terrifying small nuclear explosion instantly swallowed all the battle puppets, and even set off a huge tsunami.

A woman quickly appeared next to him, and she raised her hand to control the waves that were battering.

At the same time, a man came over and respectfully said to the beggar: "Under the crown of the God of War, the thirteenth magic envoy squad came to assist."

"No thanks, it's already settled."

The beggar shook his head.

After the woman waiting for the water element subdued the tsunami, the beggar's eyes lit up, and she walked up and said: "The young lady looks like a rich and noble family, can you give some money?" I haven't eaten in three days. "

Battle... Under the Crown of the God of War, I... I..." The

woman's face turned red, but not shy, but excited.

After all, the world's number one strong god of war, who does not worship?

The woman took out all the money in her pocket.

The beggar looked overjoyed and said, "Not bad, I really like your female doll, I can have a good meal tonight." With

that, he left here.

The woman stood next to the captain and sighed: "What a strange person under the crown of the God of War." "


The captain said softly: "I heard General Shen mention it before, Lord God of War... He suffers from neuropathy. "

Woman: ???

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