The Jingu Chizuru pulled out the divine ember, pointed at Hades, and said lightly: "You should know what I came here today to want." Hades

didn't speak.

Because he knows that what the other party wants, he can't give.

She wanted an answer.

Why did he save her, why did he stay by her side for so long, inseparable, and protected her so many times behind his back.

"Don't talk."

Jingu Chizuru took a step forward and continued, "Then, I'll hit you until I say." "

The wind element began to gather on the embers of the gods.

Although she is weak now, she has not lost her ability to fight.

Hades squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Since Lord Jingu knows my identity and came here alone, he is not afraid that I will kill you." Hearing

this, the corners of Jingu Chizuru's mouth slightly hooked.

Remembering the first time she came to Egret City, she passed out.

When she woke up, Hades was by her hospital bedside, also squinting, and said to her:

"Are you the brave, thank you for saving your life, from now on, I will follow you."

"I don't need to."

"No, you need to."

Hades opened his dark eyes and looked into the girl's eyes like this.

The dark eyes, like a black hole, make people fall into it.

"I am a brave man, destined to deal with the demon king, follow me, you will die."

"I won't die, and neither will you."


Only now, she understood.

He can become a strategic-level enchanter because of him.

He was able to survive the fight with the Demon King Beast because of him.

Being able to survive from the hands of the second-stage Asura is also because of him.

She became as powerful as she is today because of Hades' cultivation and teaching.

Hades ....

You can't kill me....

You'll never kill me....

Walking in front of Hades, the divine ember in the hand of the Jingu Chizuru was inserted into the chest of the demon king.

It did not hurt the Origin Core, this injury is not fatal, and for a character of the level of the Demon King, it can be recovered in an instant.

Jingu Chizuru also knew about this, so she stabbed out without hesitation.

Hades opened his dark eyes and said with a faint smile: "Lord Jingu, no... Brave, this millennium victory or defeat, you won.

Jingu Chizuru pulled out the divine embers, and she looked at Hades, a little eager to speak, and her eyes were a little unbearable.

But soon, her face changed, and she said indifferently: "I won, from now on, there will be no more brave."

Hades also said: "The demon king is defeated, from now on, there is no demon king, only the third ancestor, Hades." "

The imaginary high-spirited hand-to-head didn't happen.

The victory or defeat of the fate of the demon king and the brave seems to be affected by other forces.

The winner of a thousand years ago was the demon king, who won by strength.

The winner after a thousand years is the brave, who wins by human feelings.

Perhaps even if humans become the strongest magicians, they may not be able to defeat the demon king.

But where human beings are strong, it is never personal strength.

Jingu Chizuru looked into Hades' dark eyes and said, "I have lost the name of the brave... I'm just Senzuru Jingu.

"That's right, Jingu-sama."

Hades was still that smiling look, as if no matter what Jingu Chizuru did, he could not provoke him.

Seeing this, Jingu Chizuru, for the first time since she became a strategic-level magic envoy, showed an angry expression.

"Hades!! The victory or defeat of the demon king and the brave is over, but ours is not !! "

The embers are cut out quickly.

Hades raised his hand to block it.

Looking at the girl's unwilling eyes, Hades smiled and said, "Lord Jingu, he is still a child."

"Shut up!"

She cut out the embers again and said angrily: "Why save me!" You took away the power that belongs to you in my body, why don't you kill me, you can do it easily. Tell me, I'll kill you if I don't say it!

"Kill me and won't tell you."

Hades continues to anger Chizuru Jingu.

Standing on the edge of Egret City, the Blazing Angel wondered, "Strange, why did Lord Demon King provoke the brave? The

next moment, he seemed to sense something and showed a gloomy expression.

The magic of space is hidden in this vicinity, watching the scene here.

So it is....

Lord Demon King... Are you still making the League of Nations feel that the brave have nothing to do with you?


Mu Yue, who was wearing Xuan armor, appeared behind Melte and said lightly: "Found you."

Melt looked at him and said, "Sky City, is it time for you to appear?" "


Mu Yue said: "It's hard to see the pioneers, I always want to come and see." "

One of the pioneers, Ling Mu, is located in the SE base camp, which is extremely dangerous.

Jiang Haoxuan, the suspected pioneer of the Heavenly Pagoda Tower, never left the Heavenly Tower.

And the last member of the pioneer, the magic envoy of space, was the only person Mu Yue could target.

"You... Are you overconfident in yourself?

Melt sneered.

[Informs, spatial fluctuations detected.] As

soon as Xiao Yi's voice fell, Mu Yue found that he was no longer in Egret City... No, he wasn't even on Sakura Island anymore.

Melt said: "The power of space is invincible.

"Is it..."

Mu Yue said expressionlessly, "The space transfer you are proud of may not be worth mentioning in my eyes."

"Hmph, you don't know anything about the power of space."

Melter raised his hand and waved.

A boulder was transferred from the ground to the clouds by him, and then fell from the clouds, faking the appearance of a meteorite.

Looking at this boulder, Mu Yue raised his hand, and a laser shot out from the center of his palm, instantly shattering the boulder.

The fragments of the boulder fell from the sky, like raindrops, and fell beside the two.

"A little bit of strength, but I don't have time to play with you."

Melter's figure suddenly disappeared.

Seeing this, Mu Yue said: "Xiao Yi." "

[Inform that the Qinglong satellite has locked the location information of Merte.] With

positioning, cyan flames erupted from the back and soles of Xuan's armor, instantly disappearing in place.

Just like he thought before.

There is no point in establishing a large number of space teleportation points in Blue Star.

Whether it is Sansan's flying machine, or the White Tiger Mecha, Xuan Armor Armor, or Suzaku Battleship, they can reach any corner of Blue Star within a few minutes.

Before Merte, who had finished teleporting in space, had not gone far, Mu Yue's voice came from behind him.

"You can run a little faster."

Hearing this, a look of shock appeared on Melte's face for the first time.

He turned around abruptly and said incredulously: "This is impossible, this is a place three thousand kilometers away."

"Didn't you say that? I don't know anything about the power of space?

Mu Yue looked at him and said lightly: "Then continue to show it to me and let me know more." "

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