Seeing this scene, the blazing angel's gaze became surprised.

Because, at this moment, the Origin Core of the Third Ancestor had all been transferred to the body of the White Snake.

From today onwards, it is the new third ancestor.

The strength of the white snake increased, and its body, which was originally less than one level, began to split and grow rapidly, reaching fifty-nine meters in a blink of an eye, becoming the ancestor level.

And the pollutant core is also on the verge of hatching.

Seeing this, Hades smiled and said, "Although it has strength, its wisdom is not high, and it is not suitable to become a true ancestor for the time being... In my absence, the polluting body of the Demon King's vein was the head of the Thousand Cranes of the Divine Palace.

Hearing this, the Blazing Angel asked, "Lord Demon King, where are you going?"


Hades said: "That demon is very principled, I lost to her, I have to stay there, otherwise, she will be chased to the ends of the earth."


Blazing Angel wanted to say something.

Hades said again: "Don't worry, the demon's pursuit of strength, my current body, she will be very interested, will not let me die so easily."

Then, the figure of a girl flashed in Hades' heart.

"I'm not going to stay with the Enchanter... Someone will come to my rescue. Hades

turned and left here.

Looking at his figure, the Blazing Angel knelt on one knee and said loudly: "I, Blazing Angel, will definitely rebuild the Warcraft Legion and rescue His Highness the Demon King!" The

huge head of the white snake also lay on the ground, showing a worried look.

Hades waved his hand.

The Zerg hierarchy is strict, and it is impossible for the ancestor to fight and win the devil.

Even if the Blazing Angel really reappears the Warcraft Legion, it can't defeat the Demon.

Hades looked in a certain direction, there was nothing there, but he seemed to see the scene where the Jingu Chizuru was struggling against the queen-level final beast.

Then, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, revealing a meaningful smile.

Jingu-sama... Everything is left to you.

After all, you are the strongest brave person I have personally cultivated.


Mert came to the Far North.

Feeling the cold around him, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Coming here, it's impossible for that guy to chase after him, right?

"Are you giving me a navigation?"

Mu Yue's voice came.

He looked around and said softly, "I really haven't been to the Far North, thank you." Hearing

this, Melte's brows furrowed tightly, he looked at Mu Yue, and said lightly: "Sky City, I just don't want to fight you, don't think you're better than me."

"No, I don't want to fight you either, I just have something I want to ask you."

Mu Yue looked at him and asked, "What is the real pioneer?" "

This question is really straight to the point.

But Meerter didn't know.

They pioneered the organization, and I am afraid that only Ling Mu knew what the real pioneer was.

"Don't say it."

Mu Yue shook his head and muttered, "My patience is also limited."

He reached out and snapped his fingers.

The next moment, in the sky, some powerful force was approaching at high speed.

This is a glacier on the edge of the Far North, and there is no human habitation, so Mu Yue does not care about the indiscriminate bombing of large-scale weapons.

The star-orbit strike pierced through the clouds and struck towards Merte.

"Do this, only you will die!"

Merte's figure disappeared here.

Mu Yue looked at the star orbit that was approaching him, and let this thing come towards him.

The next moment.

The star orbit strike hit the glacier.

The entire glacier melted instantly, equivalent to the direct evaporation of water the size of a city.

Several marginal cities in the Far North shook and a minor earthquake occurred.

The fire dissipated, and the Xuan Armor also disappeared here.

God is above the sky.

Melter laughed proudly and said, "There are 30 million humans living here, do you dare to use your satellite weapons?"

Mu Yue looked at him and sighed.

"The magic of space, it's really troublesome to deal with."

Then, Mu Yue's eyes froze and said solemnly: "Xiao Yi, open the field of space compression." "

[Inform that the space compression realm has been opened, and the mass of space above Shendu will reach three hundred times before.

Mu Yue looked at Merte and said lightly: "I want to see how you still drill space wormholes." "

If the previous spatial mass is equivalent to a piece of paper, Meerte can easily break it with space elements.

Then the quality of space now is a book, even with a knife may not be able to pierce.

Melt sneered, "What nonsense are you talking about..." He

just wanted to use the spatial element to leave, but found that he couldn't move.

"What's going on?"

Melter was shocked.

His magic didn't work?

No, the space has changed.

He had never encountered such a situation.

Looking at the cyan armored man in front of him, Melt said angrily: "Sky City!!" Who the hell are you!? If

it weren't for the fact that the pioneer hadn't arrived at Blue Star yet, he would have suspected that Sky City was the real herald.

After the space is compressed by three hundred times, the magic of space can only be incompetent and furious.

Knowing that his understanding of space was so low, Mu Yue would have used space compression at the beginning.

Although the space is compressed three hundred times, as thick as a book, you can always break through the past by tearing one by one.

If you move fast enough, it's just a matter of a few minutes.

But Meert didn't understand that.

Losing space, he is no different from ordinary people.

In order to deal with the magic envoy of space, Mu Yue prepared a bunch of means, but before he could use it, the other party planted it on the first means.

He looked up at the other party.


A tough force broke through the field of space compression and came to Meerte.

The latter looked at the man in front of him, his face turned pale, and he said with fear: "First... Primogenitor. "

Shendu is the seat of the enchantment.

Similarly, the first and second ancestors are here.


The First Ancestor stretched out his hand and pinched Melte's head, and then crushed the opponent's skull with a slight force.

For pollutants, killing, just do it casually, and will not talk nonsense with you at all.

"A thousand years ago, the pioneers used us against that guy, delaying our devouring in the Blue Star until today, sooner or later, we will find all of you."

The only real enemies are the polluters and the Sky Tower.

As well as making demons and true heralds of immense.

Other forces, in the final analysis, are just conflicts of interest.

Only these two pairs are real mortal enemies.

The Herald wants to capture Blue Star and take away the source of magic, and the target of the enchantment is also the source of magic.

And the pollutant is going to devour all of humanity.

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