Sakura Island, Winterfell.

The queen-level final beast has arrived in the main city of Sakura Island, destroying the high-rise buildings here.

The final beasts are war dolls whose goal is to kill and destroy, not devour.

The city was so badly damaged that almost the entire city was razed to the ground by the impact of the soldier-level final beast.

Fortunately, they walked all the way from the sea, leaving plenty of time for the city's residents to evacuate.

However, the number of victims is still an inestimable number.

A soldier-level final beast looked at the army under his feet and stepped on it.

The Sakura Island army looked at this scene desperately, and at the last moment of his life, a soldier took out his mobile phone and said with a pale face: "I'm sorry, wife..." After

eliminating this army, the soldier-level final beast opened its mouth, a high heat condensed in its mouth, and then shot out directly, piercing the shelter guarded by this army.

In the shelter, with the impact of the explosion, nearly 10,000 people were blown up everywhere like ants.

A mother died at the hands of her daughter.

The little girl numbly pushed away her mother's corpse and looked desperately at the appearance of the final beast in front of her.

The final beast opened its mouth again, and the heat gathered again, as if preparing to clean up all the survivors here.


The red slash cut through the air, instantly splitting the soldier-level final beast in two.

Looking at the figure in the kimono, the little girl froze, tears welled up, and muttered, "Lord Brave." Jingu

Chizuru stood in the ruins of the city, she looked at the ruins around her, and looked at this soldier-level final beast indifferently.

The Demon Dao Ember exudes blood-red power.

A red storm wrapped around the Jingu Chizuru.

The original Final Beast quickly recovered, and then two more Soldier-level Final Beasts rushed over.

Three soldier-level final beasts.

Immortal body.

Jingu Chizuru already had experience in dealing with the final beast, and she closed her eyes and inserted the divine ember into the scabbard.

Opening his eyes again, the divine ember was instantly pulled out, and the terrifying slash shattered the three in front of him, as well as the dozens of final beasts around him.

The queen-level final beast quickly noticed here.

Fifty-nine meters tall, the goddess-like queen looked condescendingly at the girl at her feet.

In the face of an existence comparable to the ancestor, even if the Divine Palace Thousand Cranes are in hand, they are still not sure.

But she had to beat this guy and go back to Hades and ask for that answer.

She used the wind element to slowly levitate in midair, and used all her strength as soon as she came up, wanting to solve the battle in the fastest time.

But obviously, the queen-level final beast is not easy to deal with.

The two quickly clashed in mid-air, and you came and went, regardless of victory or defeat for a while.

From beginning to end, human beings have not eliminated any level five pollutants, even if during this period of time, with Shen Tianyi's elimination of Sirius, there have been some deaths of level five pollutants, but the existence of the ancestor's level has still not been eliminated.

After dozens of rounds, the two sides parted and looked at each other.

The queen-level final beast holds a scepter.

And in the scepter, it seems to contain a terrible amount of thunder power.

Under the influence of the power of the scepter, the weather gradually became gloomy, and the sound of thunder and lightning was deafening.

The Divine Palace Thousand Cranes have divine embers, but the queen also has this thunder and lightning scepter, and its power does not seem to be weaker than that of the divine embers.

And there are more and more thunderbolts in the clouds, and they are getting closer and closer to the ground.

Seeing this, the face of the Divine Palace Qianhe changed, and secretly said: "Suffered!" "

Strategic-level attacks.

Sea of thunderstorms.

The thunder and lightning of Sky City descended like a thunder god, and the sea of thunder and lightning that could envelop an entire city seemed to want to completely engulf this area.

The Divine Palace Thousand Cranes gathered all the wind elements in their bodies, cooperated with the divine embers in their hands, and waved at the sky.

"Aoyi, Jade Shura!"

The red elemental storm made contact with the terrifying Thunder Sea, colliding violently over Winterfell.

But the power of the Jingu Chizuru still prevailed after all.

The red storm is gradually suppressed, and if the sea of thunder falls, the power of thunder and lightning will electrocute the people in every shelter in Winterfell.

In that case, the number of casualties is not more than a million.

Soon, Lei Hai broke through the elemental storm and struck the entire Winter City.

The small figure of the Divine Palace Thousand Cranes rushed towards the thunder sea without hesitation, using his greatest strength to resist with the Divine Ember Knife.

"Aoyi, three thousand worlds."

She unleashed an even more powerful slash, slashing the entire sea of thunder in the air.

Resisting the thunder sea, the mouth of the Divine Palace Qianhe had already begun to spill blood.

The effect of the black potion that Hades gave her was also almost over.

A feeling of weakness flooded every corner of the body.

But the queen-level final beast did not give her time to breathe.

She raised the scepter in her hand and smashed it towards the Senzuru of the Divine Palace.

The Divine Palace Chizuru, who had just used his maximum strength, weakly blocked the divine embers in front of him.

The Broken Dao Heavenly Graben on her waist automatically flew out and also resisted in front of her.

Both swords came out in unison, but it was still difficult to resist the queen's scepter.

Jingu Chizuru was hit directly to the ground in mid-air by this blow.

She spat out a mouthful of blood, and her body fell from the sky.

Just when it was about to hit the ground.

In the Heavenly Graben Dao, a group of wind element power broke away from the inside, condensing the figure of a woman.

The woman gently hugged Senzuru Jingu.

The latter opened his eyes weakly, looked at the face of this phantom, and said with difficulty: "The first generation..." "

Junior, this age can withstand the full force of the ancestor, you are very good."

Jingu Ling looked at the ruins of the city in front of him and shook his head: "I am just a reserved force, and I should not have mercy. Then

, she looked at the other knife in the hand of the Jingu Chizuru and showed a surprised expression.

So that's it....

She looked at the Divine Palace Chizuru and said in a condensed voice: "Junior, although I don't know what the reason is, it seems that you have also been recognized by that person. "

That man said that only the [permission] he gave us can make us the original."

The shadow of Jingu Ling starts from the soles of the feet and gradually dissipates.

The power she left in the Heavenly Graben is to help future descendants to inflict unexpected attacks on the Demon King in the final battle with the Demon King.

But the brave of this generation seems to have defeated the demon king in other ways.

And she saved the Jingu Chizuru and resisted the deadly attack just now, and the remaining strength was almost exhausted.

"Junior, neither you nor that person seem to know the original usage, as a reward for defeating the Demon King, I will help you again..." The

last power of Jingu Ling entered the bodies of Divine Ember and Jingu Chizuru respectively.


Sky Tower, thirteen underground floors.

The source of magic suddenly erupted with a strong wind element.

One of the twelve divine generals who were drowsy next to him, Dongfang Jinyao instantly sobered up and said in shock: "What's wrong?" What happened? "

In the source of magic, a ball of light of the wind element broke away and left in front of his eyes, breaking through the seal that the twelve gods of the Heavenly Tower would arrange.

This scene seems familiar.

Ten years ago....

The same scene occurs here.

The Source of Magic rioted, and a ball of light of the ice element left from here.

What exactly does this mean?

But soon, the source of magic returned to its original state and turned into a lifeless stone.

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