The trench coat woman got up helplessly and said, "Stupid Ruirui, I still have business, after arranging for you, I will return to the League of Nations."

Lin Rui was stunned and said unhappily: "Tianyi, we haven't seen each other for a long time, can't we stay longer?"

But there are still many things that have not been dealt with, and if I can take half a day off to pick you up on Academy Island, I have been fighting with the top management for a long time.

"Okay then.

Lin Rui's mouth deflated, a little unhappy.

They grew up together and are good friends who are like sisters.

They are also completely opposite in all aspects, whether it is personality, appearance, or height...

But Lin Rui has a weak personality, so from childhood to adulthood, Shen Tianyi has pampered his weak girlfriend who can't take care of himself.


College Island isn't just about students and teachers.

And a considerable part of ordinary people.

Most of these ordinary people are businessmen who come to College Island to make money.

Shopping malls, various shops, amusement parks, parks, and other facilities and places that the city should have are all available on College Island.

However, the main body of College Island is still students, and there are 150,000 students from all over the world, including about 50,000 new students.

The prosperity of the cities belonging to the three major colleges is no less than that of the capitals of the five major countries.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is an international city.

Coming to the student dormitory, Sansan took Mu Yue and Mu Yixue into the small villa.

There is face recognition at the door of the villa.

The above shows the identity information of Mu Yue and Mu Yixue in the academy holy land.

[Mu Yixue, a senior student in the Holy Land of the Academy, has no class information. ] [

Mu Yue, a first-year accompanying student in the Holy Land of the College, no class information.]

As for Sansan, face recognition did not react at all, after all, she was not human.

But this is a thousand years behind face recognition, for Sansan, touch it can be solved.

Three or three came to the college holy place a day earlier, and the dormitory had been neatly tidyed up, with three bedrooms and one living room, a living room on the first floor, three bedrooms on the second floor, and a particularly large bathtub.

"Here, it's much better than the old high place. Mu Yue muttered.

It is one of only three magical universities in the world, and the dormitories here are luxurious.

A student can live in a three-bedroom and one-bedroom detached villa, except for the three major colleges, where will there be such treatment?

Of course, even in the three major colleges, only the best students can live in this kind of dormitory.

College Island had 150,000 students, 5,000 teachers, 100,000 businessmen and staff in charge of running the city, and so on, plus an Army of about 10,000 people in the League of Nations responsible for maintaining law and order.

A total of about 270,000 people, which is the entire population of College Island, which is sparsely populated for a city.

Mu Yue stood on the balcony on the second floor.

The weather today was nice and sunny.

This is the dormitory of the College Island Villa Area, and it is said that there are 500 small villas in total.

In other words, these five hundred people are the best magical envoys in the three-year system of the academy's holy land, from freshman to junior.

With an average of one to two hundred students per session, it is no wonder that Yi Xue said that she would have a place to accompany her if she got the top 100.

Only by living in a single-family cottage can you bring someone to accompany you, such a big place, living alone is indeed a little lonely.

Suddenly, Mu Yue saw that in the window of the small villa opposite, there was a girl with short hair changing clothes.

He silently left the balcony.

What kind of man, change clothes without drawing the curtains.

However, the villain is also a neighbor, and Mu Yue feels that he needs to let Sansan go over to say hello.


Looking at Sansan's busy appearance in the room, Mu Yue said: "Sansan, you have just activated, you have not yet adapted to the human lifestyle, recently go out and walk more, and integrate into human society as soon as possible."

When Sansan heard this, he hooked his palm, like a kitten, and said lively: "Sansan received, Master... Meow ~ "

Mu Yue:" ... Where did you learn this pose?" "

It is said on the Internet that men like this set, and Sansan wants to go to the clothing store to buy cat ears, but Sansan has no money, and the owner and the little second brother don't give me money."

Mu Yue thought about it, although he didn't understand very well, he didn't accuse anything.

The growth of artificial intelligence, as long as it is not as outrageous as Xiao Er, such as dating more than a dozen members of the opposite sex at the same time or something... He won't interfere too much.

And no matter what Sansan wears, it can't affect Mu Yue, so let her go.

"Let Xiao Er give you 20,000 yuan a month for living expenses and do what you want to do."

Hearing this, Sansan smiled and said, "Thank you, master, meow~"

Mu Yixue packed up her room and came to the living room on the first floor.

She sat next to Mu Yue and looked at Sansan curiously.

As a robot that has just been activated, Sansan is the third artificial intelligence of future technology companies and is the younger sister of Xiaoyi and Muer.

But what does this "meow" mean?


Yixue secretly glanced at her brother, and then also whispered "meow".

Mu Yue looked at her, a little puzzled.

The latter's face turned red, and he quickly said: "It's nothing, I didn't make a meow sound just now." "

Mu Yue: ...

Ping A is big, do not fight yourself.

"Yixue, tomorrow is the freshman ceremony, and then there will be military training, right?"

Mu Yixue nodded.

Regarding military training, what made Mu Yue distressed was that he, the accompanying student, had to do miscellaneous work for the official cadets.

It is also commonly known as pouring water for tea.

The number of accompanying students is not much, and the freshman to the third major combined, there are only about four or five hundred people.

The accompanying students have accompanying the class, and the knowledge taught by the accompanying class is also ordinary knowledge.

But they play a logistical role in various activities.

Sports days, school festivals, final exams, including military training, etc., they accompany students to serve official cadets.

The uniform of the regular student has a pattern of flowers on the left side of the chest, while the accompanying student is a grass.

That is, flowers and weeds, easy to distinguish.

Two sets of school uniforms in winter and summer, for a total of four, have been delivered to the door of each cottage.

Sansan took the school uniforms of the two people in, threw them in the washing machine, and washed them directly.

The weather is so nice today, wash it now, and dry it at night.

Mu Yue walked out of the dormitory and prepared to go out.

The short-haired girl in the dormitory opposite changed into sports shorts and also came out of the dormitory, seemingly preparing to run and exercise.

Xiao Yi detected that this girl was a thunder elemental magician with very high magical qualifications.

There was a pile of unpacked luggage at the door of the dormitory opposite, and Mu Yue deduced that she was also a freshman.

The girl glanced at Mu Yue, didn't say anything, and began to jog in the villa area.

Soon, she stopped in front of a drink vending machine and jogged in place.

She looked at the drink in the vending machine, stunned, then stopped moving and shoved a coin in.

But the vending machine seemed to be broken and did not react at all.

She saw that the drink did not fall out, and then...

In front of Mu Yue, the girl circled in place, and directly swept her legs and kicked on the vending machine.

The vending machine was frightened, and more than a dozen bottles of drinks fell one after another.

Mu Yue looked at this scene expressionlessly.

Sure enough, geniuses are all a little bit personality.

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