Early the next morning, Mu Yixue was like a koala, half of her body was hung on Mu Yue's body.

Mu Yue looked at the ceiling with dark circles under his eyes and widened his eyes.

He didn't sleep all night.

Forced sleep does not work.

Forced calmdown also suddenly didn't work.

In Xiao Yi's words, these are Mu Yue's own consciousness, and have nothing to do with Xiao Yi itself.

This means that the so-called forced sleep and forced calmness are all Mu Yue's own duplicity.

But fortunately, the forced calm does not work, only psychologically.

Physically, Xiao Yi can still control it.

Anyway, without Xiao Yi, Mu Yue himself couldn't control it.

After finally staying up until dawn, Mu Yue gently pushed away his sister's hand, and then left the bed.

In the public hall of the homestay, Wang Chenning and Chen Jingyan just went out to prepare for the morning exercise.

Seeing Mu Yue's weak look, Wang Chenning laughed badly and couldn't help but say: "Old Mu, temper yourself, you look exhausted." The

corner of Mu Yue's mouth twitched.

It seems that Xuanyuan Jian's artificial intelligence is not advanced enough, and the next time Wang Chenning practices Xuanyuan Sword, he must cry and call his mother.

At this time, Chen Jingyan said: "Lao Wang, I see that you are in good health, do you want to talk about it?" "

He showed off his muscles.

Judging from the strength of the human body, Chen Jingyan's muscles are perfect, much better than Wang Chenning.

But Wang Chenning can drive mecha to the level of invincibility, and his physical skills are naturally not a problem.

And Chen Jingyan is the pure strongest human in Mu Yue's eyes.

The strongest human and the strongest mecha master, Mu Yue was also curious about who would be more powerful between them.

Gao Xiaosheng was wearing a little bear pajamas, his body was blue and purple, and his face was blue and swollen.

He walked out sleepily, then rubbed his eyes, and said a little listlessly: "Master's snoring can be heard across two rooms, and I haven't slept well all night." Hearing

this, Mu Yue, Wang Chenning, and Chen Jingyan turned dark.

The person who snored the most yesterday was obviously you!

None of them could imagine how a small Shota's snoring could be so earth-shattering.

The soundproofing of this B&B is just terrible.

Yesterday, Chen Jingyan was so noisy that he couldn't sleep, and he rushed into Gao Xiaoshen's room and beat him up violently.

Shockingly, Gao Xiaosheng didn't wake up.

What did he say that he didn't sleep well, what master snored, wouldn't it be when Chen Jingyan beat him, and he had a dream by the way?

At twelve o'clock at noon, when it was about to eat lunch, Mu Yixue woke up.

She returned to her room in confusion, then changed her clothes and walked over again with a dumbfounded look.

Seeing Mu Yue sitting at the table in the hall, already preparing lunch and waiting for her to come over, Mu Yixue's brain went over blankly.

Sitting next to Mu Yue, Mu Yixue said expressionlessly: "When I get up in the morning, my brother is not there." "

I'm at the door."

Mu Yue pointed to the door not far away.

His room was just across the hall.


Mu Yixue snorted softly, revealing an arrogant look.

Chen Jingyan and Wang Chenning went out for morning exercise at six o'clock in the morning and have not returned yet.

And Gao Xiaosheng was taken away by them as a referee.

This lunch, only Mu Yixue and Mu Yue ate together.

There are other people dining in the hall, while a king-size plasma TV hangs on the wall.

On the TV, the news is playing.

"The latest news, the army of pollutants on the northern border of the Xia Kingdom has re-attacked, and the fifth-level pollutant body [Yuan Beast] is still alive, but our country has the assistance under the crown of the God of War, and the joining of the Chi family, one of the five major families, I believe that under the leadership of the human emperor, our country will definitely be able to survive this crisis."

"There are a large number of rebel armies in the empire, and unlike the rebel army in the last imperial civil war, these rebel armies are well-trained, extremely combative, and even have the existence of magical messengers, and now the kingdom of the gods is investigating the leader of the rebel army."

"In the southwest sea, a level four polluted body thunder beast appeared, but it was defeated by a mysterious thunder element magic envoy, and was able to defeat the level four thunder beast, its strength is extremely strong, and the international alliance is also looking for this magic envoy."

"The Mo family, the strongest of the five major families, has announced its accession to the world, and is located in the central city of the Kingdom of the Gods."

The most powerful country, plus the most powerful family.

Today, the number of strategic-level magic envoys in the Kingdom of the Gods, even if it is not as good as the Tower of Heaven, I am afraid it is not much worse.

This means that the kingdom of the gods will become one of the top powers in the world.

Tower of Heaven, Scientific Extremism, Kingdom of the Gods.

Three major forces.

Sky City is not among them.

Now Sky City has shown only the cyan armored man and Mu Yixue, as well as the two kings.

Even the White Tiger mech has not been seen by anyone.

These strategic-level existences are far from those three major forces.

Only the Chi family and the Mo family announced their accession to the WTO, and the other families have no news yet.

Murong family, authority family, Sikong family.

The location of the Sikong family should be in the empire, the empire is in serious civil unrest, it is normal for them not to show up for the time being, and the sole seedling of the authority family is in Sky City.

As for the Murong family, Mu Yue didn't know why they didn't appear, Murong Yueji was very ambitious, and with her character, she should be very willing to join the world.

After lunch, Mu Yue left the homestay with Mu Yixue and wanted to go out to see.

In the period before Sky City came to the sky above Dragon City, they could move freely for a long time.

After all, Sky City is not an artificial island, but a transformation of Blue Star Island, and because the transformation time is not long, the movement speed is not suitable for too fast.

The upper city area is local to Longcheng, while the lower city area outside was recently separated because of refugees.

Seven cities fell to the north, and the number of refugees reached millions.

But the number of people in the seven northern cities is not more than tens of millions, and the rest have either died or are still on the way to escape.

For the sacrifice of the Blue Star natives, Mu Yue did not care very much.

When it was on Earth, Huaxia had already used all its resources to take care of its own people, and if it still cared about people in other countries, then Huaxia would also fall into crisis.

Not to mention these other planets.

Ten thousand steps back, Mu Yue, as a scientist, does not need him to think about worrying about the country and the people.

As the central city of Xia Country, there are many people everywhere.

In addition, among the refugees in other cities, there are also some rich people, all crowded in the upper city.

At this time, in the sky, a row of combat mechs streaked through.

Since Xia Guo mastered the technology of war mecha, the speed at which they can build mecha is getting faster and faster.

But there is not much time for training, so now in Dragon City, there will be mecha training almost every day.

In addition, Xia Guo also bought five warlord mecha from other countries, all of which cost a lot of money, and each one was a national treasure.

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