"This coercion ... Without a doubt, it is a strategic-level magician. The

two looked at the young man in the sky with solemn faces.

The gas element, they naturally knew, was the first seat of the former academy holy land, Feng Qiandao.

It is also the first day of the three major colleges.

But in their impression, Feng Qiandao was not a strategic-level magic envoy, even if he defeated Fang Pojun last time, but in such a short time, he actually became a strategic-level magic envoy.

With such talent, he has already caught up with the original Divine Palace Chizuru.

In addition, Feng Qiandao seemed to be in the same camp as Sky City.

"Changwu, you and I fight each other, and destroy him in the shortest time. Chi Enci said solemnly.

"I understand. "

Sky City has an extra strategic-level magician, who almost has the ability to change the tide of battle.

While Feng Qiandao came to them alone, as long as he could eliminate the other party, everything was still in the plan.

Chi Bounty is a dual-element strategic level magician, wind and ice.

And Chi Changwu is a strategic-level magic envoy of the wind element.

The three strategic-level enchanters were going to fight in the Queens District, which was unexpected by everyone.

Renhuang Chiyan watched this scene gloomy in the headquarters.

This time, as long as Xia Guo can win, he will be a hero of the ages.

But if the Xia Kingdom loses, he will also become the most ridiculous human emperor in the history of the Xia Kingdom.

This is a big gamble, and all generations of emperors dare not do such a thing, but he dares.

Only in this way will Xia Guo change.

Feng Qiandao sneered at the two people at his feet, he hooked his finger and said arrogantly: "Come on." "

Strategic-level magic envoys are still strategic-level for rare elements.

The Chi family brothers all knew that Feng Qiandao was not easy to deal with, so they used all their strength at the beginning.

The powerful wind element enveloped the two, and they rushed into the sky and began to use the power of the elements to fight against Feng Qiandao.

The latter showed an expression full of interest.

This was the second time that Feng Qiandao had fought against a strategic-level magic envoy.

The first time he dealt with Jingu Chizuru, he was still beaten to the ground when the opponent's subordinates showed mercy and deliberately let him go.

Now, facing the strategic-level magic envoy again, and it was still the wind element, Feng Qiandao had not yet started, and his heart was already filled with a sense of pleasure.

The wind element, ice element, gas element, and three strategic-level elements collided in the air of Queens, instantly changing the climate of the entire Queens.

The original summer heat has now become bitterly cold, and even accompanied by a trace of suffocation.

The collision of the three elements, the darkness of the sky, and the strategic confrontation made the citizens in the shelter feel the movement.

Even the upper and lower towns felt a chill.

Wang Chenning was surprised: "Is this the strategic level?"

You know, the distance from the Lower Town to the Upper Town is forty kilometers, and the distance from the upper town to the Queens is thirty kilometers.

Strategic-level forces capable of destroying a city are worthy of their name.

"Here we go. Mu Yue said lightly.

Not far away, the figure of Chi Xiaotian, the God of War, appeared.

Alone, he stood on the wall between the upper and lower towns.

Facing the army led by the fifth-level pollutant body, the god of war beggar-like appearance, as if the hermit was superior, had a special momentum.

He stood there as if he were a warrior who could not be opened.

Mu Yue watched this scene through the Qinglong satellite, and couldn't help but complain: "In terms of pretending, it has to be you." The

God of War threw a punch at the approaching Yuan Beast.

The terrifying nuclear explosion instantly gushed out, turning into a shock wave, directly knocking the huge body of the Yuan Beast seven or eight kilometers away.

The pollutant bodies around the Yuan Beast were instantly wiped out, including one Grade 4 pollutant and six Grade 3 pollutants.

The students of Longcheng University, who had suffered heavy casualties in Xiacheng District, saw this scene and showed a terrified expression.

Although the opponent's attack was aimed at the contaminated body, such a terrifying strength still made them tremble.

What kind of strength is it to knock the most defensive level five pollutant body flying for several kilometers with one blow?

And in the strategic level, it is also quite a strong existence.

However, at the same strategic level, even if there is a gap in strength, it is impossible for one party to kill the other in seconds.

The body of the Yuan Beast shrank in the turtle shell, and when it received this blow head-on, it was unharmed.

After landing, its head and limbs drilled out and looked at the man on the city wall.

With the connivance of Xia Guo, its current body length has reached fifty-six meters.

At fifty meters, it can take over a nuclear weapon and not die, and now fifty-six meters, I am afraid that it is more difficult to deal with than before.

Chi Xiaotian took a sip of wine, laughed loudly, and said loudly: "Refreshing!"


, everyone will know why he is called the God of War.

I saw him jump down from the city wall, and then rushed towards the Yuan Beast in a crazy posture.

Not to be outdone, in the face of a strong enemy, it did not dare to take it lightly, and also increased its speed and rushed towards the God of War.

Its limbs retracted again, and then rolled its tortoise shell, and its huge body smashed towards the God of War like a mountain.

The corner of the God of War's mouth grinned, and at the moment when he approached the Yuan Beast, his body rotated three hundred and sixty degrees, and then swept a leg and kicked on the Yuan Beast's body.

At the moment of contact, the shock wave of the nuclear explosion exploded from the contact point, shaking the body of the Yuan Beast more than fifty meters away and kicking it into the air.

Then, the God of War raised his head, stomped on the ground with a sharp kick on one leg.

The explosion sounded, and the shock wave bounced the God of War into the sky and hit Yuangui's body directly.

In the air, the God of War is even more unscrupulous, and with every contact, a terrifying nuclear explosion will erupt from the body of the Yuan Turtle.

Looking at this scene, the people on the ground were stunned.

What kind of fierce man is this, how

can you escape by being close to such a person?

Four words appeared in everyone's heart.

Long Qingxi, Zhou Jiu and others also saw hope.

The two organized the remaining students and began attacking other low-level pollutants.

The edge of the lower town.

Mu Yue asked, "Lao Wang, if it were you, would you be able to win the God of War?" Hearing

this, Wang Chenning fell into deep thought.

Once contacted, a nuclear explosion will be generated, and even if it is not contacted, the other party will throw out a few of its own cells casually, and a strong explosion will be produced.

Wang Chenning was thinking, judging from the performance of the God of War mecha, if he wanted to win the God of War, he could not be touched by the other party, and he had to avoid all the attacks of the other party.

This can be difficult for others.

But for Wang Chenning, it was easy.

He showed a confident expression, and was just about to speak, but he was suddenly slightly stunned.

Then, he showed a shocked expression and shouted: "Lying groove, what do you say, he is the god of war, the world's number one strongest?" "

Lao Mu, you let me fight the world's number one strong ????."

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