"What was that thing just now, missiles? Terrorist attack?

Wang Chenning was still talking, and suddenly, he frowned.

Everyone present subconsciously covered their mouths and noses, and Li Mengyao whispered: "It's so smelly." The

whole tunnel was filled with an indescribable smell, and Liu Shiqing, a junior sister, spit out the day's rations on the spot.

Mu Yue also smelled this smell, so he silently said in his mind: "Xiao Yi, help me block my sense of smell." "

[Inform that the sense of smell is blocked. Gao

Chengming behind him could still endure this stench, after all, he was professionally trained.

"It's been so long, there hasn't been any movement at all, you guys stay here, I'll go to the front to take a look."

Gao Chengming turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone and walked towards the depths of the tunnel.

"There is no signal on my phone."

Li Mengyao's mouth deflated, a little disappointed.

The tunnel signal was not good, and the entrance and exit were blocked.

Moreover, the odor emitted by this pollutant body seems to interfere with the signal.

"Such a big tunnel is blocked, the outside should notice us soon, right?" Primary school sister Liu Shiqing was worried.

"Of course."

Wang Chenning patted his chest, looking confident.

Ten minutes had passed since the tunnel collapse, and after it was determined that it was safe, the mood of everyone present had changed from fear at the beginning to irritability.

"Why hasn't the rescue team come yet?"

"Lao Tzu will have a meeting later."

"Such a big accident, I will definitely sue them."

Listening to the vents of many adults, the five high school students seemed a little weak and helpless, and could only look at these people timidly.

"Lao Mu, do you feel that it is getting more and more smelly?" Wang Chenning said.


Mu Yue's face was expressionless, he couldn't smell anything at all.

"I'll go take a look at the front."

Mu Yue took a step and wanted to go to Gao Chengming and see with his own eyes what the polluted body looked like.

It was also the first practical exposure to a contaminated body for him.

"Hey, Lao Mu, you are a little dangerous alone, or you will stay with us..."

Before the words were finished, seeing that Mu Yue had already walked over, Wang Chenning looked at Li Mengyao's scared expression, gritted his teeth, and fell into hesitation.

In the end, he made up his mind and said

, "Mengyao, you stay here, I don't worry about Lao Mu."

With that, he chased after him.

Li Mengyao watched the two boys she knew leave, listening to the complaints of the group of adults around her, and worried: "Our three girls, isn't it not safe?"

"Well, sort of." Xia Xin nodded.

All three of them were beautiful and wearing high school uniforms, which quickly attracted most people's attention.

"Let's go too."

Li Mengyao took Liu Shiqing and Xia Xin's hands and followed.

When the third daughter came to the place where the pollutant body was dormant, and saw this huge creature with more than ten meters in length standing in front of her, the timid Liu Shiqing was directly scared and crying.

Li Mengyao was no better, the stench here was stronger, she forced herself to endure the discomfort, and finally ran to the side and vomited.

Xia Xin's bearing capacity was quite strong, and she fixed her eyes and found Mu Yue standing next to the polluted body, cutting with a knife.

She walked over and asked, "You're a high school student with a knife with you?"

"Well, because it's convenient."

"Fang... What's convenient? "


Hearing this, Xia Xin showed a surprised expression.

The pollutant slept here, even Wang Chenning was afraid, but Xia Xin and a girl were quite calm.

Mu Yue's left eye flashed without noticing the traces of blue light.

[Inform that the individual's name is Xia Xin, he has excellent magic qualifications, and he has the conditions to become a magic envoy.] Oh

, it turned out to be a magic makeover alternate.

Mu Yue glanced at Xia Xin's body, and coupled with his action of holding a scalpel, it made the latter tremble.

He...... Did he just have a moment when he wanted to dissect me too?

Xia Xin took several steps back, far away from Mu Yue.

Mu Yue worked hard to finally cut a piece on the skin of this polluted body.

The next moment, this piece of skin tissue turned into powder and died directly.

Mu Yue slapped the dust in his hand and muttered, "It seems that without a core, the body tissue of the polluting body cannot survive."

Mu Yue looked up at this behemoth and showed a longing face.

I really want to take it home and dissect it.

[Inform that the detected contaminated body Black Emperor is about to complete its evolution.]

Mu Yue's expression froze.

So fast??

He looked at Wang Chenning and Gao Chengming, and said softly: "Prepare to run." "


Wang Chenning hadn't reacted yet, but Gao Chengming had already guessed something.

At this time, the core of the pollutant emits a heart-like beating sound.

Gao Chengming shouted, "Run!!" Hearing

this, several people ran towards the entrance of the tunnel.

And no one noticed that Mu Yue remained in place, curiously watching the pollutant wake up.

They say curiosity kills cats, but he really wants to know how this thing woke up.

Next to her, junior high school sister Liu Shiqing sat on the ground, she looked at Mu Yue with help, and said in horror: "Help... Help, my legs are soft.

Underneath him, an inexplicable liquid flowed out.

Is this scared to pee?

The problem is that he is just an ordinary person, and in this day and age, if he fights alone, he may not even be able to beat a girl.

After all, a scientist really can't do anything.

The pollutant body has completely awakened, and the first thing he saw was Mu Yue.

"The instinct of living beings should give priority to attacking the old, weak, sick and disabled who are not very mobile."

Mu Yue looked at the pollutant body and said suspiciously: "Strange, why did this thing notice me first?" "

Obviously the girl next to me can't move...

If a creature violates instinct.

Or, it possesses intelligence that is not weaker than that of humans.

Or, it's not a creature at all.

Thinking of the skin that had just been cut and disappeared in an instant, Mu Yue got a bold inference.

Pollutants are most likely biological weapons.

The purpose is to kill, so the old, the weak and the sick are ignored, and priority is given to attacking healthy people.

Since it is a weapon, there are those who created it.

Before he could think too much, the pollutant body had already slapped over, wanting to crush this ant-like human being.

"Xiao Yi, prepare to activate the exoskeleton armor 'Xuanwu'."

[Inform that exoskeleton armor has been activated, nanotechnology applications ...]

"Xiao Yue !!"

"Old Mu !!"

Before the command was over, Gao Chengming and Wang Chenning suddenly folded back, the former pounced on Mu Yue, and the two rolled on the ground several times, avoiding the attack of the pollutant.

The latter carried Liu Shiqing and ran away.

Suddenly, a small fireball slowly hit the body of the contaminated body.

Xia Xin said anxiously: "Run, my injury is not painful for it."

Gao Chengming held Mu Yue, and the physical fitness of the king of soldiers was at its limit, and he caught up with Wang Chenning in three or two steps.

Xia Xin also turned around and ran.

The moment they appeared, Mu Yue had already terminated the previous instructions in his mind.

Exoskeleton armor, as well as nanotechnology, are weapons that exist only in science fiction for this world.

He didn't want to get out of the tunnel, so he was surrounded by a bunch of magic enchanters and grabbed for research.

Weapons are only used for him to protect themselves, and his hobby is to study, not to be studied.

Mu Yue was held in his arms by Gao Chengming in the posture of a princess, and he asked expressionlessly, "Weren't you a lieutenant colonel before?" Go it.

"Lao Tzu has no weapons, if he can kill a first-class pollutant with his bare hands, then Lao Tzu would already be magical!!

Hearing this, Mu Yue pouted, "Outside the strong is dry."

"You're forcing Lao Tzu to throw you on the ground."

Gao Chengming really didn't understand, when life and death were at stake, how could this kid still joke with him.

"There is light!"

"The tunnel has been opened!"

"Help is coming!"

The survivors cheered.

But it is not the military or police who are reaching out to them.

It's dozens of polluting bodies of about two meters.

Around them, there were countless corpses.

There are military, there are police, there are civilians.

Each corpse was wrapped in a black shadow and slowly turned into a new polluting body.

It's just a virus.

Wang Chenning and Gao Chengming stopped running, revealing a look of despair.

The military actually lost to these pollutants.

It is no wonder that a pollutant with such a strong infectious ability can not be defeated by ordinary soldiers.

Countless pollutants rushed in, killing people in the tunnels.

The number of pollutants has grown from dozens to more than a hundred.

Here are the nests of contaminated bodies.

With these more than a hundred offspring, the mother body is enough to evolve again and become a secondary polluter.

And the twenty-meter-tall second-level pollutant body is no longer something that ordinary magic enablers can deal with.

Those who can deal with second-level pollutants, even in the magic envoy, are relatively excellent talents.


Wang Chenning watched as a pollutant pounced on Li Mengyao.

The beautiful squad leader looked at Wang Chenning, she stretched out her hand, tears welled up in her eyes, she was originally introverted and shy at this moment and shouted with all her strength: "Save me, help, who will save me, please..."

In the afterlight, she saw a corpse.

Yes, so many people have died.

The soldiers desperately protecting them have died.

No one can beat polluters.

Everyone will die....

She is not special and will not be an exception.

In the face of death, no miracle happens.

At the last moment of her life, Li Mengyao thought of her parents and everything she had experienced since she was a child.

I thought of the future that I had fantasized about many times.

All this ended completely at the moment of death.

Li Mengyao's eyes lost their light.

Witnessing the death of his goddess, Wang Chenning was stunned in place.

In my ears, the screams of countless people in the tunnel.

Gao Chengming was more than enough to deal with these sub-individuals, but he couldn't hold the number of other parties, and he also had to protect Mu Yue, so he couldn't take care of himself.

And although Xia Xin has a good magic qualification, she has not yet entered the three major academies, she is just a half-hanger, equivalent to holding a gun, but the bullet is eraser, and it is not painful to hit people.

Liu Shiqing, who had just been rescued by Wang Chenning, was also targeted by another pollutant body, and her heart-rending cry for help gradually disappeared without a trace, increasing the number of polluting bodies present.

Behind him, the first-level mother body came step by step and attacked everyone again, bringing real despair to those present.

Mu Yue stood behind Gao Chengming and was well protected.

[Informed, extremely high concentrations of ice have been detected.]

Hearing this, Mu Yue looked at the end of the tunnel.

It was obviously summer, but inexplicable cold air suddenly surged around.

A cold ice spread from the exit of the tunnel, freezing the entire tunnel and all the sub-entities in an instant.

"Here she is."

Mu Yue's left eye turned blue, silently looking at the girl who came in through the exit and had come to the depths of the tunnel.

Gao Chengming showed a shocked look.

He knew that her magical qualifications were very strong.

But she had never fought in real combat, so Gao Chengming did not feel that she had strong strength.


This scene in front of me is like an ice age.

Is this really just a girl who is only 17 years old and has not yet entered the three major academies?

Mu Yixue......

His adopted daughter does not look like the descendants of ordinary people.

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